After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1243 Immortal Skeleton

This box can easily absorb imps, which is very convenient. There was a small tree in the box. He looked back and thought about how to use it.

After dealing with the Xuanlu Ghost King and the Soul Box, they continued to explore the cave.

In the corners outside, there are still some broken pieces of wood, stone pieces, porcelain, and impurities peeled off from unknown objects.

He Lingchuan glanced around, stroked his chin and said, "They're all scattered in the corner, huh?"

Does the owner of this house have the habit of piling rags in every corner?

Lingguang pointed to one of the piles and said, "Those should be the fragments of the array."

Was there a formation originally deployed here?

The corners of the wall were all dark, "There are still traces of burning here."

It's so old that most of the clues have been taken away by time.

Fu Liushan first let a few little acorn figures go deep into the cave, and then he carefully walked in after seeing that they were all safe.

After a few breaths, his cry came from inside: "Hey, hey, hey, come on! Come and see!"

Master Fu Tian, ​​who was well-informed, rarely made such a fuss.

The two walked quickly into the room and found that it was a bedroom with simpler furnishings. There was a bed carved out of the stone wall, and there was a pile of wood residue in the corner, which was probably originally a chest or something.

There may have been bedding on the stone bed, but it has long been lost to the ravages of time.

However, there was a skeleton sitting on the stone bed, and Fu Liushan was leaning over to observe.

"This is a human being."

The three people and the two apes could tell at a glance that these were human bones.

It sat against the wall with its mouth slightly open, one leg bent, and its left hand resting on its knee.

People sit in such a leisurely posture, either enjoying the shade under a tree or listening to music in a theater. How could they be sitting in a sealed dark room in the underground palace?

He Lingchuan raised the fluorescent spore and came closer. He saw that the clothes on it were neither silk nor silk, and he didn't know what era they were in. Although they were gray and gray, they were still intact and showed no signs of decay.

Although it is a remains, its bones are not white and miserable. Dong Rui didn't mind it being dirty, so he took a piece of handkerchief and wiped off the dust on its arm bones. He saw that the skeleton was smooth and dense, with a luster like jade.

This is a place of evil spirits. The body rots in three days, and the bones are rotten away in less than half a year. This skeleton can still maintain this color in the underground palace filled with evil spirits. What kind of cultivation did its owner have during his lifetime?

"Immortal!" The soul-capturing mirror in He Lingchuan's arms insisted, "This is an immortal with great cultivation! I am a relic from the early Middle Ages, and I will never be mistaken."

It was cast in the medieval period when immortals began to decline, but decline and disappearance are two different things.

The soul-capturing mirror has seen an immortal with his own eyes.

"This immortal is seriously injured." He Lingchuan brushed away the cloth and saw that three ribs of the body were broken, as if they were crushed by heavy objects; the right clavicle was cracked, the right palm was fractured, and the right arm bones were black. Like burning and poisoning.

"There were no signs of bone regrowth and he died shortly after the injury."

Dong Rui glanced at the door: "It seems that he escaped here after being injured."

"Let's see what the immortal's last words were." The remains were sitting in a strange posture, so He Lingchuan looked in the direction of its palms.

Its left hand points to the stone wall opposite.

"There are words."

There are a few lines of words on the wall, with dragons and phoenixes dancing, written in the language of ancient immortals. He Lingchuan carefully distinguished it and found that it was not carved with a sword and then poked with his finger. It was suitable.

He glanced back at the immortal corpse on the stone bed. Before he died, this person could casually write seals on the hard stone wall with his fingers, so the opponent who forced him to death in the secret room must not be easy.

Thinking of the corpse of the demon outside, He Lingchuan knew that there might be some trouble between the man in front of him and the demon.

He Lingchuan raised the fluorescent spores to illuminate the stone wall, and Dong Rui subconsciously thought out:

"Hahaha, Miao Zhantian..."

Hahaha, Miao Zhantian, you are late. I have burned all the research results and you will get nothing! The devil's defeat has been decided, but he still plans to steal my achievements and quietly return to the world in the future?

Are you thinking about P eating!

My life is gone, my soul is gone, and my life's hard work is destroyed. I don't care about it when I come and go. It's a pity that I can't see you, a stinky bitch, withered.

Qu Yu, laugh out loud.

The content on the stone wall is just a few lines.

After reading it, several people let out a long breath.

Although the room was quiet, they felt that the man's bold laughter before his death seemed to be echoing here.

Fu Liushan said: "It turns out that the original owner of this cave is named Qu Yu."

Between the lines, is there any trace of immortality?

He Lingchuan remembered the first dream he had after getting the black dragon scales.

In the dream, before the Immortal Shoan threw the divine sword, the disciples mentioned this name:

Qu Yu.

The Immortal on the Shore once warned him that he would be fine if he "stands under the sun".

However, Qu Yu eventually died in this dark underground palace.

What a prophecy.

When these two clues are put together, the facts pieced together are horrifying:

"Before the Demon was defeated in the past, Miao Zhantian led other Demons to sneak attack on the Immortal Qu Yu, trying to steal the research results from him. Qu Yu was defeated and fled here to burn the information and self-destruct his soul, causing Miao Zhantian to Return without success."

Fu Liushan was curious: "Who is Miao Zhantian?"

He Lingchuan said casually: "One of the righteous gods of the devil, with boundless magic power."

On Xushan Mountain, Miao Zhantian also searched his soul and tested his lies with a touchstone. Fortunately, he had some leaves from the Astonishing Tree on his body, so he managed to get away with it.

But Miao Zhantian's terror still impressed him deeply.

This righteous god had never come to the world, so he could not resist at that time.

But looking at the book left on the wall, Miao Zhantian personally came to Qu Yu's cave to arrest people.

He Lingchuan had seen the scene in his dream where the demon was defeated and fled outside the territory. It was really a chaotic scene. Even now that the time has come, Miao Zhantian still has to come, which shows that he attaches great importance to Qu Yu's research results.

Qu Yu, on the other hand, had to sacrifice his cultivation, his life, and his soul, and had to destroy his life's hard work, because he was afraid that the research results would fall into the hands of the devil, and he was afraid that they would "quietly return to the world in the future"!

These last few words really made He Lingchuan's hair stand on end!

If both parties spend so much effort, doesn't it mean that Qu Yu's research results are indeed possible for the demon to return to the world?

What on earth is this guy cooking up in the underground palace?

Dong Rui coughed: "Isn't the person named Qu talking nonsense? Thousands of years have passed, and the demon has not really come to the world."

"They think about it day and night." He Lingchuan looked solemn, remembering what Zhong Shengguang said:

I really hope that the Red General will strengthen himself as soon as possible so that he can withstand its full coming!

More than a hundred years ago, Mi Tian found a way to come to the world, although he had to use a large square pot.

Since it can be found, who says other gods can't find another way?

If you want to come to the human world, the key is to bypass Tianluo Star and the barrier between the two realms.

Does Qu Yu's research have any results in this area?

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