After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1253 Dreams and Hopes

"Even if you go to inquire, you are still fetching water from a bamboo basket, and you could easily lose your life."

He Lingchuan had handled cases in Bejia and knew what Lingxu City was. Not to mention the dignitaries of small countries, even if Prince Fu Shanyue of Chiyan was trying to gain the limelight by accusing himself of grievances, even if several vassal demon kingdoms jointly signed a letter to put pressure, and even if there were gods pushing behind the scenes, the case of the elixir of life would almost never be investigated.

It was almost the center of the power struggle in Bega. He Lingchuan was not surprised at all that the prince of Yao Kingdom drowned in that whirlpool.

But when the heir died in Lingxu City, how would King Yao feel at that time?

It's not very comfortable to think about.

"Also, the chief supervisor of the Yao Kingdom was sent by Bega. This is the first time that Bega has demonstrated his power."

Is he talking about Qingyang? He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat: "You haven't assigned anyone in the past more than a hundred years?"

Situ He was very sure: "It has never happened before! This position is specially created for this time."

In other words, Bejia's control over Yao Kingdom must be further strengthened.

It has not happened in the past hundreds of years, but now it appears. What does it mean?

In addition to the need to resettle Qingyang, is it because the Yao Kingdom's centrifugal force against Bejia has increased?

Any country has a natural desire for independence.

"anything else?"

"It can be seen that the power of the Yao Kingdom is not worth mentioning in front of the true country of heaven's favor." Situ He's eyes were firm, "If we continue to strive for self-improvement, if we can make Bejia see our value -"

"——Perhaps we can win Bega's support!"

He Lingchuan pondered: "Beijia's support?"

It sounds a bit surprising at first, but the Situ family's idea is actually reasonable.

"Although Bega is domineering and proud, its justice is far better than other countries, and it also has a strong influence on the Golden Plains. It seems now that Bega is becoming more and more dissatisfied with the Yao Kingdom. This is our opportunity "Situ He licked his lips, "As long as we have Beijia's support, it will be easier to deal with Yao Kingdom."

He Lingchuan nodded.

He had to admit that, except for the first sentence, Situ He's analysis was correct.

"If you win Bega's favor -" he mused, "that makes sense. If the Yao Kingdom is not easy to use, why can't Bega change an agent in the Golden Gold Plains?"

Why can't this agent be from the Situ family?

This possibility is always there.

"This step is difficult, but this direction is worth the effort." Situ He said about his family's long-term plan, "The Yao Kingdom is also old. Once the fate comes together, we can eradicate this cancer causing chaos, maybe the Golden Gold Plains can End the turmoil and usher in peace.”

There was really longing on his face.

He Lingchuan thought thoughtfully: "It seems that the Yao Kingdom is the source of the turmoil in the Golden Plains?"

Situ He said resolutely: "Exactly. At least from the Midwest."

"Okay, okay." He Lingchuan smiled, "I heard that the Situ family has great ambitions, so my chamber of commerce can rest assured to plan."

"Brother He's support, Situ Jiaming is very grateful." Situ He expressed his gratitude again.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Situ He took his leave, and He Lingchuan sent him to the door of the business building.

It wasn't until his back disappeared at the corner of the street that the Soul Captor screamed: "He thinks that the turmoil in the Golden Plains is all caused by the Yao Kingdom. Don't you correct him?"

"For Situ and his son, this is the right answer."

"He doesn't know. Is the god the culprit?"

"What if you know, so what if you don't know? The so-called God's conspiracy is, after all, too far away from people, and there is no evidence." He Lingchuan walked back, "But Bejia's power and prosperity are obvious to all."

"People only believe what they see with their own eyes." He smiled, "Why did Bega tolerate students from all over the world and attract them to study abroad? Because what they saw and experienced with their own eyes is more convincing than any evidence."

"Students like Situ He are from famous families in various places. They have been exposed to it for many years in Lingxu City, so they naturally have a good impression of Bejia." He Lingchuan teased, "You want to correct their ideas with just a few words? How arrogant is this idea. "

It is difficult for people to have a vision and pattern that transcends the times.

Even if you give them a detailed analysis, they may not be able to accept it.

At this time, He Lingchuan would be glad that he did not belong to this world or this era.

Jing Jing was still unhappy: "We were the ones who helped them a lot, but they still care about Bega in their hearts."

"It's just human nature." He Lingchuan had already looked away. "The future plans of Situ and his son, including defeating Bixia and dealing with the Yao Kingdom, are all correct. As for them regarding Bejia as their hope for the future -"

"Hope is the driving force for progress. If you can't provide more useful help, you shouldn't crush their hopes first."

He sighed softly, "If I want to have a good relationship with Situ and his son, I must have a sense of propriety and be less judgmental about others."

To provide people with a little kindness and help, then ask them to change their beliefs?

He is not a god.

Oh, gods? He Lingchuan had a few more thoughts.

Two hours later, when He Lingchuan was packing his things, Jiang Lishui suddenly came in again:

"Island Master, there is someone outside asking to see you. He says he is your old friend in Lingxu. His name is Fan Shuang."

Fan Shuang? He Lingchuan thought about it for a while before digging out this name from the depths of his memory.

Indeed, he had a drink with this person in Lingxu City, but the other person was not a student of Taixue, but studied in an academy in Lingxu City, only a few roads away from Taixue.

"Let him in."

After a while, Jiang Lishui led the visitor in.

This man was fair, with a round face, and slightly fatter than He Lingchuan remembered.

He Lingchuan put down his pen and said with a smile: "It's really you, Brother Fan, what kind of wind brought you here?"

Fan Shuang handed over his hand as soon as he came: "Long time no see. We haven't seen each other for more than two years. Brother He has become the owner of He Island. Only one thing remains the same as before: wherever you go, there will be scenery!"

The two exchanged pleasantries and laughed happily.

He Lingchuan had too many drinking buddies in Lingxu City. Everyone was halfway through drinking, and often called friends to join in the fun. There were countless "friends" who only met once.

He only remembered Fan Shuang's name and knew that he was from a small country to the east of Ya Kingdom. He didn't remember much about it.

"Where is Brother Fan employed now?"

Fan Shuang smiled and said: "In Yao Kingdom, a small book is not worth mentioning."

Oh, it turns out he is from Yao country. He Lingchuan nodded, already thinking about it: "Brother Fan came a day late and couldn't have a drink with Yu Hai and others. It's a pity."

Fan Shuang asked curiously: "Yu Hai was here yesterday? It's really unfortunate that I missed him."

Both of them looked regretful, but they knew that this was no longer Lingxu City, and they probably wouldn't be able to drink together.

"Sit down." He Lingchuan turned to call for tea, "Try my tea, I grow it myself on the island."

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