After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1254 Everyone talks about what they need

Fan Shuang is also a good chatterer: "I heard that the Yangshan Islands are rich. What other good things are produced on your island?"

"Grain, oil, weapons, honey, fishery products, and various cash crops." He Lingchuan said lightly, "Actually, we mainly do port and cargo trading business, and products come second."

He really wasn't exaggerating. The Yangshan Islands and Blade Port were strategically located, but Blade Port was too small. After He Lingchuan got big business from Mou Guo and Bejia, many caravans and fleets liked to anchor, dock and transship in the archipelago.

Yangshan is a big place, where you can eat, drink, play, and enjoy the island scenery.

As a result, the logistics and freight business will of course be booming, and the island's business and real estate will also be booming. The land that He Lingchuan had been covering for a long time was now starting to fetch a higher price.

Fan Shuang couldn't help but exclaimed: "I didn't expect that the influential figure who investigated the case of the elixir has now become a wealthy businessman on the sea!"

This is what he said. He Lingchuan smiled: "Where can I get rich? It's just that there are many people under my command. I have to lead them all to make a living. Alas, you don't know how expensive food, rice, oil and salt are when you are not a family! It's better to be in Lingxu City back then. , one can live a free and happy life.”

Fan Shuang asked again: "What business does Brother He want to start in Shanjin?"

"Brother Fan is interested in this?" He Lingchuan asked casually, "Any good tips for me?"

Fan Shuang waved his hands repeatedly: "What's the point of giving advice? Kill me! Brother He is a straightforward person, and I will also open the skylight and speak frankly."

When the tea came, He Lingchuan took a sip first and said, "Rinse your ears and listen."

"Our country has always been paying attention to the situation in Shanjin. Recently, the Seven-Road Allied Forces attacked Bixia with great momentum. Brother He's Yangshan Islands also surfaced behind the Situ family and became famous..."

When he reached this point, He Lingchuan raised his hand to interrupt: "It is true that he is famous, but the term 'behind the Situ family' is inappropriate."

"how to say?"

"Doing business with the Situ family is serious business. Every transaction is settled clearly." He Lingchuan put down the tea cup, "I am just a businessman. Wherever there is money, there is no need to hide behind other people's backs."

The Yangshan Chamber of Commerce only does business and does not fight;

Yangshan Chamber of Commerce is kind to everyone.

This is the sign he must establish in the Golden Plains now.

Is He Xiao denying that he supports the Situ family? Fan Shuang's eyes moved slightly: "After the seven-way coalition got, oh, bought Yangshan's food and grass, they really defeated Bixia."

He Lingchuan couldn't help laughing: "How many factors determine victory or defeat? Timing, location, leaders, allies, equipment, luck... These can all affect the situation of the battle. How do you know that it must be the food and grass that does the trick? Yang Shancai sold it to the Situ family How much food and grass? The total amount is less than 30,000 to 50,000 taels. If we were in Lingxu City, this amount of money would not be enough to buy a small courtyard in the center of the lower city."

Fan Shuang opened his mouth to speak, but He Lingchuan spoke first: "Besides, it seems that the Yao Kingdom has also sent food to Bixia. Why don't you see Bixia counterattacking back?"

He said "send" rather than "sell", referring to Yao State's direct support to Bixia.

"Bixia has also purchased grain from our country." Fan Shuang could only say, "Brother He, don't worry, our country has no intention of questioning, and sent me here to contact you. It just wants to see if our country and Yangshan can do the same." Business."

"Of course!" He Lingchuan smiled, "Yao Country is rich and has abundant materials. We can exchange our needs with Yao Country, which is a win-win situation. If nothing else, can you sell me some of Yao Country's good horses?"

Yao State controlled some of the best horse farms on the plains and almost monopolized the war horse business.

"I will go back to China and tell you. I think it won't be a big problem." Fan Shuang said immediately, "I can take Brother He's list of needs back."

He Lingchuan readily agreed.

When it comes to negotiation, the first step is of course to discuss what each party needs in order to find the direction of cooperation.

Fan Shuang worked very hard during this negotiation and even brought a lot of samples.

The chaos of the Yangshan Islands into the Shining Gold Plains certainly attracted the attention of the Yao Kingdom. Fan Shuang seized the opportunity to come forward, and as "He Island Master's Lingxu old friend", he was given the task of sending an envoy to Situ's territory to contact He Xiao.

When old friends meet, there is a certain amount of affection.

Otherwise, when will he, a mere official who manages classics and documents, get the chance to get ahead?

The samples he brought included candies, spices, cheese, cloth, medicinal materials, nuts, etc. The variety was so rich that it couldn't fit in a large box.

Spices and candies from the Shining Gold Plains often appear on cargo ships received by the Yangshan Islands. They are loved by dignitaries in Bejia and Mou Kingdoms, but only Yao Kingdom has carried out large-scale special cultivation and has guaranteed quality control.

One of them is a nut candy that is mixed with mustard and pepper flavors. Whether it is He Lingchuan or the two monkeys, the first time they taste it, they frown and feel a spiciness rushing straight to their foreheads. However, after getting over it, they eat more and more and stop eating at all. Not coming down.

Because the seasoning ratio is very good, this is also the first product that He Lingchuan decided on.

"There are still many good things in Yao Country." It is not easy for a country that has been stable and prosperous for two hundred years in the Golden Flash Plains.

They discussed a few more things, and He Lingchuan picked up a piece of silk cloth. It felt soft and smooth but not silky, and there was a mark printed on the corner of the cloth.

"This is?" mark, or this emblem looks a bit familiar.

Fan Shuang thought he was asking about fabric and introduced enthusiastically: "This material is good, isn't it? It's light and soft, and it's very breathable in summer. It's not easy to sweat and stink."

After that, he asked for a cup of hot water and put the cloth on the rim of the cup.

After just a few breaths, white steam began to steam through the fabric.

"It's really breathable." He Lingchuan asked about the price. It was surprisingly cheap, only 10% of silk. As a qualified businessman, his first reaction was to ask, "Is it productive?"

"There is no problem. From raw materials to textiles, our country is already a very mature technology."

He Lingchuan was curious: "What kind of raw material is this?"

Fan Shuang put her hands on her hands and laughed: "Bamboo."

"Bamboo?" He Lingchuan understood, "Bamboo fiber cloth? Any bamboo will do?"

The Yangshan Islands are also covered with bamboos, but making clothes is difficult, expensive and uncomfortable to wear.

"It stands to reason... but our country's specialty bamboo, called white bamboo, is relatively soft. After being soaked in special potion, the outer skin becomes soft and easy to tear." Fan Shuang picked up a piece of bamboo cloth and "I have not researched how to make it specifically. However, Chinese people like this material the most for summer clothing. It is also easy to fix and can be dip-dyed at will."

"It's not worth shipping to distant places, because after all, you can't sell it at a high price." When traveling across oceans, merchants prefer products with higher unit prices and smaller volumes. He Lingchuan pondered, "But Yangshan Islands and Blade Port will like it very much."

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