After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1255 The emblem of the royal family

The weather in the Yangshan Islands is hot and humid, with no snow all year round. Summer usually lasts from mid-May to the end of August. No matter who works outdoors, they will be covered in sweat. The bamboo cloth from the Yao Kingdom is breathable, light, soft and wear-resistant, making it much easier to use than linen clothes.

Bringing this thing back to the Islands and Bailie will definitely be a hit.

"That's great." This small piece of fabric was just one of the specialty samples that Fan Shuang brought. He didn't expect He Lingchuan to be interested. So he went on to say that the quality of these bamboo cloths is guaranteed because they all come from the royal family's estates.

He Lingchuan was surprised: "What from the royal family?"

Fan Shuang pointed to the emblem on the edge of the cloth and said, "This is the emblem of our royal family. Anyone else who writes it privately will be beheaded."

He Lingchuan deliberately teased: "Your monarch is involved in so many things, he even does the fabric business."

"No, no, it's not your business." Fan Shuang waved his hands, "It's one of the properties in the hands of the Fifth Prince."

"I see."

He Lingchuan also saw his efforts and was ready to let him bring back another achievement:

"Yao Country is the most prosperous place in the Golden Flash Plains, and it is also a good place for gold mining. I am considering bringing Yang Shan's business to Yao Country."

"Oh?" Fan Shuang was overjoyed, "Welcome!"

Which country doesn’t like attracting investment?

Besides, if the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce is stationed in Yao Country, Yao Country's understanding of Yang Shan and He Xiao will also improve.

A local snake like Yao Kingdom will carefully evaluate every new force that enters the Golden Gold Plains.

Once He Xiao has interests in the Yao Kingdom, he may not necessarily side with Situ He and other forces.

The two chatted for another half an hour, and He Lingchuan even agreed on the next meeting with the other party. Only then did Fan Shuang stand up and say goodbye, returning satisfied.

He walked on the front foot, and the soul-capturing mirror asked He Lingchuan: "What's so unusual about that emblem?"

It had been following He Lingchuan for so long that it could detect any signs of trouble.

He Lingchuan stroked his chin: "I've met before, do you remember when?"

When he mentioned this, the mirror became silent and he tried to remember.

"Ah, this..."

"You don't remember either?" He Lingchuan felt that he looked familiar, but until Fan Shuang left, he didn't remember where he had seen him before. "How could I remember the emblem of the Yao King family in the past?"

Yao country is a landlocked country. "Perhaps a merchant from Yao Kingdom happened to pass by Yangshan?"

"That must be a royal merchant. Not everyone can use this emblem..." When the mirror said this, he suddenly ouched, "I remember! Yes, yes, you have seen it in the Yangshan Islands before! Shipwreck Bay, in the salvaged shipwreck!”

As soon as it shouted, He Lingchuan remembered it. Yes, not long after he subdued Min Tianxi and his gang of pirates, he was salvaging sunken ships and searching for treasures in the gloomy archipelago bay.

The secret room of one of the sunken ships was filled with treasures, and there was also a set of shiny armor with this emblem on it.

"It seems that the ship belongs to the Yao King family." Looking back, he thought about how to make good use of this information.

Jing Jing asked again: "Hey, do you really want to open the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce to Yao Country?"

"Why not?" He Lingchuan walked to the window and stood with his hands behind his back, "Who would have trouble with money? Yao country is the richest, so of course it has the richest products and the most complete logistics, and it is safer to do business."

Compared to other places in the Golden Plains.

"Besides, if you don't put your eyes on it and don't deal with the inside of Yao Kingdom, how can you truly understand it?"

The soul-capturing mirror hummed: "I think Yao Kingdom thinks so too, that's why it wants to do business with you."

"Since I say that I am a businessman, I cannot directly refuse Yaoguo's request." The superficial attitude must be maintained, and the Yongshan Chamber of Commerce must set up a memorial sign that it only does business and does not fight.

He Lingchuan said slowly, "Don't forget, we also want to find out about Qingyang's information."

Qingyang is now serving as the chief superintendent of the Yao Kingdom.

Therefore, he and Yaoguo really benefited each other.

The mirror was a little worried: "Look, you are getting deeper and deeper in the Golden Plains. Be careful of being swallowed by the quagmire."

He Lingchuan laughed: "Bejia didn't even swallow me up, how can the Golden Plains do it?"

The soul-capturing mirror reminded him: "Be careful of capsizing in the gutter."

At the end of the Chou period, the moon is dark, the wind is high, and everything is quiet.

Behind the Tongshan Gambling House in Jucheng is a small alley, one side of which is filled with debris.

The gatekeeper of the casino often comes to inspect. Occasionally, a few gamblers who want to default on their money will jump out of here, and then it will be their turn to play.

It was very deserted tonight. The gatekeeper had already yawned fifteen or sixteen times, and was thinking of finding a good place to relax his muscles after dawn, when there was one more person in the back alley.

It was really "more" out of thin air. They didn't see any jumping out of the window and thought they were dazzled.

But this did not prevent the two from shouting: "Stop and go back!"

The windows on the back side of the casino are nailed shut, but someone can always find a way to pry them open.

When they rushed over, they glanced at the window. Hey, it was still sealed and had not been pried.

How did this person get out?

When the gambler saw them, his shoulders slumped and he cursed "bad luck". He didn't run away or jump over the wall. He just grabbed two yellow talismans from his arms and prepared to stick them on their foreheads when the opportunity came.

Soul fixing talisman.

This talisman is not only useful for ghosts, it can also make the souls of living people stupefied.

"Bar" twice.

Not to mention how the gambler did it, the yellow paper finally stuck to the seals of the two gatekeepers.

So they remained motionless.

The gambler was about to squeeze through them when a voice suddenly sounded in the quiet alley:

"Where are you going?"

The man was so frightened that he turned around suddenly——

It was Fu Liushan.

He saw a person standing on the wall, smiling condescendingly at him.

"Congratulations to the island master." He coughed lightly, "I haven't seen you for many days."

"I've been looking for you for days, but I can't find you all over the city. Turns out you're all here."

Less than three days after returning to Jucheng from the Howling Forest, Fu Liushan disappeared from the world. He Lingchuan wanted to discuss something with him, but no one could be found in the city.

He Lingchuan jumped off the wall and waved his hand in front of the two gatekeepers a few times. As a result, they didn't even turn their eyes and seemed to be completely stunned. "It turns out that Master Fu's talisman can also deal with ordinary people."

Fu Liushan straightened his clothes and said humbly: "This gambling house doesn't belong to you, does it?"

"No, but they deposit money in my bank."

Fu Liushan was stunned: "Do you still have a bank?"

Yes, when you go on adventures and fights with this kid, you always forget that he is still a successful businessman and rich man.

Ordinary people who devote themselves to cultivation feel that there is not enough time, but He Lingchuan has to cultivate while taking care of a huge industry. How did he manage to bloom on both sides?

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