After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1256 I’ll cover your drinking money for the rest of your life...

Also, don’t rich people cherish their lives? Why does someone named He want to subdue Luo Shengjia, go to the Howling Forest to eliminate the ghost king, want to interfere in the war between the Situ family and the Pixia people, and go wherever there is danger?

"Yes, you can't just throw money around in gambling houses, otherwise others will always worry about you." He Lingchuan smiled, remembering that the multifunctional acorn man in Fu Liushan's hand was sometimes not used to explore the road.

He took out a golden crane hairpin and said, "Tongshan Casino came to my bank to deposit it, so I saw this."

This is the gold jewelry he brought from the Ghost King's treasure in the Howling Forest, and gave it to Fu Liushan as one of the bonuses.

It turns out that Fu Liushan hasn't gone anywhere these days and has always stayed at Tongshan Gambling House!

Food, housing, sleep, and money to gamble.

Or lose money.

He Lingchuan looked at the back wall of the casino. Winners at the gaming table usually did not escape from here.

If he read correctly, Fu Liushan seemed to have used the ability to escape through walls.

Fu Liushan scratched his head, and He Lingchuan found that his eyes were a little red.

Struggling at the gambling table for days and nights, even an iron man has to endure a red eye.

He Lingchuan sighed: "How much did you lose with the new bonus?"

"a little."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, not believing it.

Fu Liushan rolled his eyes: "I mean, there is still a little bit left."

That's a lot of money. Even if Fu Liushan spends his days drinking and drinking, it can still last until he is exhausted by drinking and sex.

As a result, Master Fu cherished his body too much and directly chose the fastest way to disperse wealth.

But before he lost all his underwear, he finally came to his senses and felt that he couldn't go on like this anymore, and at least he had to keep some wife money, so——

So I decided to put oil on the soles of my feet and default on my debt.

"Hey, they are cheating out of money!" Fu Liushan said confidently, "They are cheating out of money! How can I let them cheat out of money!"

He Lingchuan walked side by side with him and walked out with him: "It's not interesting for Master Fu to say goodbye without saying goodbye."

With Fu Liushan's outfit and condition, he was afraid that he would leave the city at night and not say goodbye to anyone.

Lord Hedao has a lot of things to do, and I don’t want to bother him anymore. Fu Liushan coughed lightly, "It's always sad to say goodbye, so it's better to go by yourself." "

Situ He had been rescued long ago, and the Ghost King had been killed. What reason did he have to stay?

Parting is the theme he is most familiar with.

He is a traveler in the world and spends more than half of his life on the road.

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Luo Shengjia has been eliminated and the Ghost King is gone. What are Master Fu's plans in the future?"

The ancestral mission of the Fu family is to seal Luo Shengjia to prevent it from coming out to harm others; now that Luo Shengjia has been surrendered by He Lingchuan, the most important goal in Fu Liushan's life has suddenly disappeared.

Fu Liushan scratched his neck: "Plan? It's still the same as before, hunt down demons and ghosts, and earn some money to exchange for wine."

He said "the same" with a look of boredom on his face, but He Lingchuan still saw that he was at a loss as to what to do.

People spend their whole lives doing the same thing. Even though it's boring and they complain, at least they have something to do.

Remove this matter and he will be at a loss.

So He Lingchuan asked him again: "What else?"

Fu Liushan thought deeply for a long time before he said seriously: "Marry a wife."

He wants to have a family.

"Good idea." He Lingchuan started the topic, "The second night we came back from the Howling Forest, Master Fu was talking about ancient times in the tavern. He was really good at it."

The locals call storytelling in books and stories “telling ancient stories.”

Fu Liushan exclaimed, "Are you there too? Why didn't I see you?" He drank too much that night, and when he got up in the morning, he couldn't remember what he said.

"When I came over, you happened to talk about catching ghosts in Jishi Village. The tavern was full of people, all listening to your talk. The shopkeeper said that his business was rarely so good." He Lingchuan used to drink in Wuxian Town. I found that Fu Liushan was a good talker, and he could pick up anecdotes about unofficial history at his fingertips. He was even more eloquent after drinking a little wine.

As long as he has wine and an audience, he can talk for three hours at a stretch, and he can do so vividly.

"His business is poor because there is too much water in the wine." Fu Liushan laughed, "In the past, when there were no ghosts to arrest, I would go to the tavern to talk about ancient times in exchange for some wine money."

He has a lot of skills that can make money.

"As long as the Golden Flash Plains remains as it is now, you will never be able to catch all those mountain monsters in your lifetimes." He Lingchuan asked him, "If there are endless drinks to drink and endless stories to tell, are you willing to find them?" A place to settle down?”

"'s good to be in love." Who likes to live in the open and have no fixed place? Fu Liushan teased, "Is He Dao mainly responsible for paying for my drinks for the rest of my life?"

A few days ago, he was rich and wealthy. Now, alas, only the bottom is left.

Money, money, why do you always like to leave him?

"Exactly. I can also help you write off the money you owe Tongshan Gambling House." He Lingchuan teased him, "If you deposit the remaining money into my bank, I will also exempt you from custody. fee."

"?" It was Fu Liushan's turn to look confused, "Do you still have to pay a custody fee when saving money?"

This was the first time he heard of it.

"You don't know? This is a business rule." The bank is different from the well-known banks in the other world. It does not pay interest to depositors, but charges custodial fees.

There are so many items that take up a lot of space, and the bank has to bear the risk of fire, water, theft, and robbery when keeping them.

So savers have to pay for the risk and convenience.

Fu Liushan touched his belly: "How can I know? I never have any spare money to deposit into the bank."

What is left now is just a few days of drinking and playing, and then it is gone.

"The Yangshan Chamber of Commerce has opened restaurants in Jucheng and Pengguodu, and is recruiting storytellers to tell ancient stories at the venues." He Lingchuan said, "People are easy to find, and they can teach and teach in time; the difficulty is to find storytellers. The editor is writing this now. Master Fu travels all over the world, killing monsters and catching ghosts, punishing rapes and eradicating evil. He has a lot of good stories. Why not tell them and share them with the world? "

"Huh?" Fu Liushan was stunned, pointed at his nose and asked, "You want me to stay and tell you a story?"

"Not only storytellers, but also writing storybooks. Well, the main thing is to write storybooks." He Lingchuan corrected him, "If you don't like sitting at your desk and writing, just go to the restaurant and give a lecture, and I will ask someone to take notes from the side. I will organize it later. Then send it to other storytellers. When the time comes, they will tell you the stories you wrote.”

He Lingchuan further seduced: "If nothing else, the seven generations of your Fu family who have sealed Luo Shengjia are all heroes of the Shining Gold Plains. Heroes should not be lonely and unknown. Don't you want their deeds to be spread to the world and be spread to everyone? Praise?”

This last sentence hit Fu Liushan's heart with a bang.

Guangzong Yaozu, who can refuse the opportunity to put gold on the face of our ancestors?

"Do they really think that the Fu family are all heroes?" Fu Liushan was not sure. The teaching he heard since childhood was that the Fu family must atone for their sins.

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