After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1259 Closed-door meeting

Renee was also present when the statisticians took out these gems. The bright light they reflected in the sun made her cover her heart and turn around to leave quickly.

No woman can resist this brilliance.

The third category includes various expensive materials and metals, which are worth far more than the same volume of gold. He Lingchuan directly packed them in his storage space and carried them back to the island with him.

Of the estimated five million taels, at least nearly two million taels are for materials.

For example, tungsten gold, the size of a fist costs four or five pieces. He Lingchuan didn't recognize the other metals, some were green, some were white, some were red. When a man from Songyang Mansion came over to take a look, he couldn't even move where he stood.

In fact, He Lingchuan also picked up many magic weapons, but they stayed in the evil place for too long, and most of them were abandoned. The Songyang Mansion sub-rudder regretfully took them away to see if there was any possibility of salvaging them.

Of course, it is no longer easy to estimate the value of things like divine bones and divine blood.

Xuanlu Ghost King worked hard in the Howling Forest for three hundred years, and the rich wealth he had accumulated was finally taken advantage of by He Lingchuan.

Yangshan Islands is as happy as the New Year.

The boss is back and the backbone is there.

You know, these treasures are only half of the inventory in the underground palace.

Ding Zuodong looked at the glowing Ah Duwu in front of him and let out a long sigh of relief. The Yangshan Islands have been continuously developed, and reclamation has begun again. This year, the cultivated land area will be expanded by another 20%; the residential area must be expanded further, because the number of long-term residents settling on the islands has increased.

New ports, new ships, and new terminals are also under preparation, and the existing transportation capacity cannot keep up with the passenger flow Yangshan will handle.

These all cost money.

The Yangshan Islands still have to allocate financial resources and manpower to support the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce in developing the Golden Plains, such as supporting the Seven Route Allied Forces in their crusade against Bixia, supplying money and food to the hometown association for reorganization, etc. These investments will not be seen in the short term. Money back.

All grand plans are based on spending.

Money, money, money is the lifeblood of kindness.

Therefore, as soon as the treasure of Xuanlu Ghost King came, the financial situation of Yangshan Islands not only improved immediately, but also became rich and abundant!

If you are generous, you will be generous immediately.

Ding Zuodong felt that he could smile from ear to ear when he went to bed tonight.

But before that, he first reported to He Lingchuan on the work he had done over the past few months.

After spending five hours, Ding Zuodong said that his mouth was dry.

The Dong family is always involved in every detail, and even cares about the personal affairs of his subordinates. For example, "Where are Qiu Hu and Reni? Last time I left, they were already discussing marriage."

Local customs are very open.

"Well, they have a good relationship, but it seems like they are getting married...I haven't heard about it."

He Lingchuan didn't waste time. On the second day after returning to the island, he summoned all Yangshan's senior officials to Centipede Island for a top-secret meeting.

There is only one theme:

Expand the army and prepare for war!

Qiu Hu and others were overjoyed and geared up: "We can finally fight!"

Raising an army for a thousand days, isn’t it just to use it for a moment?

Ding Zuodong smiled and said, "Didn't we fight the pirates on the east coast more than a dozen times?"

Qiu Hu looked sideways: "Is that called fighting? That's called suppression, it's called training!"

The Yangshan Islands Guard cleaned up the waters and trade routes east of the archipelago, including Platinum Island, and wiped out more than a dozen groups of pirates, greatly ensuring the safety of merchant ships.

But for the Yangshan Guards, this was just a dozen training sessions.

Everyone asked anxiously: "When will the fight start?"

"It can range from a few months to two years." He Lingchuan opened the sand table, "Both Bejia and Mou Guo have become angry recently. They are not as tepid as before. Both sides have invested more generals and troops. Last month, Mou Guo lost two After this defeat, there should be further adjustments in tactics. Several big businessmen traveling between Mou and Bejia said that the bilateral bulk commodity business has been disrupted and they have given up many categories. This is not a good sign. Sooner or later. will also be affected."

Despite the two or three years of fighting between Bejia and Mou, in fact, the trade between the two big countries has never been interrupted.

Now that Mou State has begun to restrict commercial exchanges, it shows that the intensity of the war has increased.

The largest customer base of Yangshan Islands comes from these two countries.

"To a certain extent, Bejia has closer ties with Ya and Yao through the Yangshan Islands, which means that he has reached behind the rear of Mou." He Lingchuan said seriously, "As the war progresses, I am afraid that Mou cannot sit idly by. ”

Ding Zuodong asked: "Are the big bosses worried that Mou will use force against us?"

"At least it will hope that we will be close to Mou State and Yuanbeijia." He Lingchuan said, "By then, if we cannot gain more autonomy, the space for maneuver will definitely be compressed."

"Only when you have an army can you have autonomy. The counterexample is Bailie." He pointed at Bailie on the sand table again, "Lu Laoer has been back home to guard the border for too long, and he was just transferred back by Mou Guo. As soon as he left , Yaguo triggered two fighting demonstrations on the eastern front of Bailie, and took some food back. Bailie was going to be in trouble again. "

Wan Qifeng added: "Borrowed soldiers will not last long after all."

"The turmoil in the surrounding area is the reason for Yangshan to expand its army." He Lingchuan said to Ding Zuodong, "From now on, Yangshan Islands will only retain rigid expenditures, and short-term useless demolition, construction and expansion will be suspended. The operating savings and the money I brought back Treasure, give priority to the supply of military supplies and armaments!”

Ding Zuodong immediately said "yes", and Qiu Hu and Wan Qifeng couldn't hide their joy.

"Let's talk about the Golden Flash Plains." He Lingchuan pointed to the Golden Flash Plains on the sand table. "Others say that this place is chaotic and disorderly. Mou Guo went in and was defeated. Even Bejia could only indirectly control the Flash Gold Plains through Yao Kingdom, Luodian and others. Gold, but the two major powers have repeatedly reached out there, which shows that the Gold Flashing Plain itself has huge potential, whether it is size, population, resources, or wealth!”

Everyone here has been shocked by the treasures that were escorted back by Changlong Martial Arts and piled into hills, and they all agree with this point of view, especially the last two words.

"I have personally traveled for several months. This place has a lot of potential!" He Lingchuan saw their expressions. Sure enough, nothing can inspire people's ambitions and arouse people's emotions more than wealth. "I like this place very much." !”

Even Qiu Hu clenched his fists without thinking, "Please tell me, sir."

Although it is good to admire goodness, it is too small!

Qiu Hu has lived here for more than two years, and he is familiar with every corner of the archipelago that is not covered by evil spirits.

They are warriors and need a wider world.

"The Flash Gold Plains may seem like chaos, but in fact it has its own internal rules, which exclude the strong intervention of all external forces." He Lingchuan said sternly, "Our strength and military power are not as good as the Mou State, or even as good as the Ya State, and we are not famous. But that’s a good thing.”

"Regarding the Golden Plains, the key point of the general strategy I have formulated lies in the words 'moisten things silently'!"

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