After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1260: Strengthen your troops

Underneath, Lu Qiuwei couldn't help but ask:

"My lord, the Shining Gold Plains is so vast that even Mou State is helpless. How can Yang Shan use it...?"

He made a pocket gesture.

How many times the area of ​​Flash Gold Plain is that of Yangshan? Not even Ding Zuodong can be counted. Want to conquer the Golden Plains and fulfill a dream that neither of the two great powers can achieve? If someone else had said this, they would have laughed at him for talking nonsense.

He Lingchuan looked at the sky outside the window and saw thick clouds rolling in. He suddenly felt something in his heart: "Looking up to Shan in the golden plain should be like a hidden dragon in the abyss, ready to go."

Wang Fubao said excitedly: "Then when can we follow the clouds to the sky?"

He Lingchuan smiled slightly: "Wait for the thunder."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of lightning outside, followed by several booms and thunder.

Awakening of Insects today.

Everyone's faces were turned green and white by the thunder.

Looking through the window, the sky and the earth are the curtain, and it is turbid.

Only thunder, lightning and electric snakes cut through the sky, roaring fiercely and proudly.

Everyone was shocked to the point of speechlessness. They could only silently feel the power of heaven and earth and listen to the thunder.

He Lingchuan channeled his true power, and his words were accompanied by thunder, and passed into everyone's ears word by word: "When you admire the good and push the clouds up to the sky, you will have the power of thunder."

In the distance, the last two lightning bolts struck each other, like a giant tree growing between heaven and earth. It lasted for two breaths before disappearing.

The thunder in the sky gathered its fury and turned into torrential spring rain.

He Lingchuan then continued the arrangement and pointed at Qiu Hu and Wan Qifeng: "You two will take the lead in establishing the Yangshan Army. It must be different from the escort team and only recruit elite soldiers. Before the end of the year, you will give me two thousand five hundred Elite soldiers; within two years, at least six thousand."

The two of them responded in unison, with solemn expressions on their faces.

This is a huge challenge. Don't look at the Yangshan Guards, which now has nearly 6,000 people, but the lord only said "elite soldiers", that is, the cutting-edge troops, which means to select the best from the best, excluding other miscellaneous soldiers.

It would be good to be able to pick out 500 vanguard soldiers out of these 6,000 people - including the Bailong people.

However, if the army has no choice of front, it is the only way to defeat.

They also understood He Lingchuan's intention. It was time to separate the escort from the army. The Yangshan Guard was enough to guard the archipelago, but the Yangshan Army must grow into He Lingchuan's knights to fight in all directions!

Time is tight and the task is heavy. No wonder the Lord has to arrange it in advance.

Qiu Hu said in a deep voice: "Rongshan sent a message, hoping to send forty more disciples to Yangshan, all of whom have been practicing for more than ten years. In addition, I have also contacted my former comrades, and they also want to defect to the lord."

Yang Shan gradually became famous in this area, and his old friend saw that Qiu Hu was doing well, so he was willing to join him.

This is called calling friends.

In this regard, He Lingchuan had only two words:

"all come."

Then, he said to brothers Li Mingyang and Li Mingrong from Songyang Mansion: "You will lead people to work in the past few days and build me another sixty sets of armor."

These two are the leaders of Songyang Mansion's Yangshan branch and direct disciples of Li Fubo. They have led their men to make many achievements in the past two years, making the branch prosperous, and have also squeezed into Yangshan's inner circle.

"Yes." The two agreed first and then asked, "What kind of armor do you want?"

"Lightweight pure black armor with a mask, which is very different from Yang Shan's military uniform; it has a ferocious appearance and must be able to leave a deep impression on people at first sight." He Lingchuan thought again, "By the way, it must be easy to put on and take off."

The two looked at each other: "We just made a new set of armor-making samples. Would you like to give us your opinion?"

The color and style can be changed.

Then He Lingchuan assigned tasks to others.

Until the rain stopped, the meeting ended, and everyone took their orders and left.

The next day, He Lingchuan first replaced all the punishment dragon pillars in the earth evil cracks, and then went to care for the Yin Hu King and Fu Shanyue.

Fushan kept his word and practiced with peace of mind without getting into trouble. So these two are now in peace and have a pretty harmonious relationship.

Within a few months, Fushan Yue also fulfilled his duties and sent two letters to Lingxu City to report the information about the Yangshan Islands to Imperial Master Shuangye.

This was originally a very embarrassing thing. I was eating my brother, drinking from my brother, cultivating against my brother's evil spirit, and also digging up information about my brother and passing it on to my superiors. I felt a little bit guilty about being as thick-skinned as Fu Shanyue, so I kept a copy of the letter. Then he showed it to He Lingchuan.

He Lingchuan pushed it away without looking at it: "No, just report it truthfully."

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Fu Shanyue felt ashamed as he ate the fragrant and sweet lobster.

"Report it truthfully, otherwise you will be replaced." He Lingchuan said sternly, "Do you think that Imperial Master Shuangye will only send you to collect information on Yang Shan?"

"Uh!" Fushan Yue suddenly realized what he said, "You're right. He must have sent someone else over to collect it secretly!"

Fu Shanyue and He Lingchuan had a close relationship when they were in Bejia. How could Shuang Ye trust him wholeheartedly?

"He can at least receive several pieces of information about Yang Shan. If you write false information to him, as long as he cross-compares it, you are likely to be exposed." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder, "Do you want to talk to Shuang Ye? It’s difficult to play tricks on old monsters.”

Fu Shanyue knew very well, so he was very distressed: "Shuang Ye is most interested in Yang Shan's income, military strength, and strategy. He will always ask about it when he writes to me."

He couldn't help but answer.

"You can't ask about the so-called strategic plan, and Shuangye knows it too; as for the other things, you can just say it." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "The Yangshan Islands are developing in an upright and bright way. Is there any secret that cannot be told to others?"

"Shuangye wrote last time and asked about your whereabouts."

"how do you say?"

"To be honest, Mou Guo has assigned you several tasks to complete in the Golden Gold Plains. I don't know the contents of the tasks."


At this time, Taozi rode Jiaoyu over to find Fushan Yue.

The little girl smiled and became more cheerful, but she didn't hold hands with others as often as before.

When Jiao Yu saw He Lingchuan, he also came up to rub his head while purring. He butted his head with the tiger, hugged it hard twice, and gave up his position.

On the way to Pansi Island, the soul-capturing mirror said:

"The more interesting you are to Fushan, the more you don't embarrass him. I wonder if he will embarrass you in the future."

"Fushan Yue is an important part of the game between me and Shuangye. If Shuangye replaces him, it will be even worse for me."

"The game?" Jing Jing wondered, "When did it start again? How could I not know?"

"It started when he sent Fu Shan over." He Lingchuan was still sitting on the bow of the boat, enjoying the sea breeze. The wind in the Golden Plains is not so wet or so warm. "This move is not only a demonstration to me, but also a pressure on me."

After the Yu Zecheng incident last time, Imperial Master Shuangye had to cover for He Lingchuan, and even canceled Zhu Erniang's wanted order. But He Lingchuan would never be so naive as to think that his troubles were over and he could sit back and relax from now on.

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