After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1272 The weak will be eaten

"You reacted quickly. However, what I want to win -" Zhong Shengguang praised him, but the baton slowly moved from the Baling territory to the west, "- is here!"

He Lingchuan looked at it and was a little surprised: "Xianyou?"

Although half of Xianyou's territory has been conquered by the Red General, cough, the other half is the hardest nut to crack, especially since the Baling Kingdom is standing in the way.

The northeast passage to Baling was blocked, so why did Zhong Shengguang want to attack Xianyu instead?

"The Tongren passage is blocked by the volcano, and Bejia cannot send reinforcements to Baling in a short period of time, which is conducive to our attack on Baling." Zhong Shengguang said with a smile, "Baling also knows this very well, and the peace letter was delivered to me last night ”

Did Baling seek peace? "Lord Zhong, are you ready to accept their request for peace?"

"Why not?"

"I'm afraid this is a delaying strategy. When Beijia's support arrives, Baling turns his back again."

"It's not impossible." Zhong Shengguang took a few steps, "But in the past year and a half, Baling has repeatedly shown goodwill to Panlong City; five months ago, we opened the market with Baling at the border; three months ago , both sides have reduced entry and exit tariffs.”

He Lingchuan suddenly realized: "No wonder there have been more specialties from Baling in the city and in the market recently."

He was busy leading troops in Seymour Ridge, and Panlong City had changed too much recently. He didn't know the details of these trade matters. Otherwise, it would be easy to deduce the conclusion, that is, the relationship between Panlong City and Baling Kingdom. Is easing.

Fight and relax at the same time.

This is interesting.

The aid from Emperor Lingshan's frequent attacks greatly increased Panlong City's strength and allowed it to rapidly expand outwards. Xianyu was an example, he was beaten until he screamed.

But He Lingchuan was reminded by Zhong Shengguang now, and when he thought about it more carefully, Panlong City did take less action against Baling. He only took a few cities and then stopped. The bilateral relations bucked the trend and started to do business.

But in the context of the war, these businesses were less visible.

It turns out that Baling and Panlongcheng had been secretly communicating with each other for a long time?

"Why is Ba Ling so arrogant in the past and respectful in the back?"

Ten years ago, Ba Ling was the vanguard of the invasion of the Panlong Wasteland, and his appearance in invading the cities in the wasteland was even greedier than that of Xianyu. It was only three or four years ago that Panlong City snatched back these territories one by one.

Zhong Shengguang lost his hand and said: "The reason is very simple. In the past, he was strong and I was weak, but now offense and defense are mutually exclusive."

He Lingchuan understood.

Before and after Zhong Shengguang rewarded the gods, Panlong City wanted no land, no people, no money, and no money. Balingguo wanted to pinch the weak persimmon, so it bullied it to death.

Now that Panlong City has strong soldiers and horses, and iron hooves trampling across the wasteland, Baling Kingdom speaks softly and wants to restore good neighborly relations.

Zhong Shengguang couldn't help but sigh: "When you are strong, people around you will greet you with smiles. The same is true for the country."

He Lingchuan also said: "Now Bejia's protection of Baling is not so thorough."

"Monarch Baling is a smart man, his figure is much softer than Xianyu." Zhong Shengguang shook his head, "We have taken over half of Xianyu's land, and he still barks at us."

One is flattering, the other is yelling. Who will Zhong Shengguang slap? The answer is clear.

"Monarch Baling wrote to me, reaffirming his good-neighborly friendship, and saying that the western and southwestern borders are preparing for spring harvest to provide livelihood for the people. He begged to avoid war." Zhong Shengguang asked, "What do you think this means?"

"A war-free card has been put up in the west and southwest?" He Lingchuan looked at the sand table, pondered for a few moments, and suddenly felt ridiculous, "Could it be that Baling is hinting to us that it will stand idly by?"

Xianyu is on the west side of Baling, but now Baling says that he will have a spring harvest on the western front and will not fight.

The implication is clear: it doesn't want to take action in the coming months.

"Could it be a trap?" He Lingchuan raised a reasonable question, "Even if it's not, if we attack Xianyu, can Baling suppress Beijia's pressure and not send reinforcements?"

Zhong Shengguang asked him: "Leaving aside Bejia's pressure, which one of Baling and Xianyou do you want to attack first?"

"Of course it's Xianyu." He Lingchuan did not hesitate. "Regardless of territory, population, logistics, and combat power, Xianyu is weaker than Baling."

"In years of famine, the weak will be eaten. This is an old saying in the Panlong Wasteland." Zhong Shengguang lit the sand table, "You admire the strong and bully the weak. This is also the old tradition of Ba Ling. If Panlong City must send troops, Ba Ling Ling hopes that the target is not him, and he will probably sacrifice Xianyou."

Baling knew very well that neither he nor Xianyou could defeat Panlong City together, and Bejia couldn't count on him at the moment, so the best way to protect himself was to push a companion out to feed the wolves.

After Panlong City captured Xianyu, it took a long time to digest.

He Lingchuan thought about the real history. Xianyou died long ago, but Baling survived until his time.

There is a reason behind it.

"But troops are unpredictable. Once our offensive is not strong enough or we encounter trouble along the way, the Baling Kingdom may wait for an opportunity and send troops." He Lingchuan also reminded Zhong Shengguang, "As you said, the Baling Kingdom is a smart man. Once he thinks there is an opportunity, he may no longer sit back and watch.”

"Yes, so our attack on Xianyu must be thunderous." The stick moved on the sand table, "We must use lightning speed to capture the capital of Xianyu, just like we captured the Xixi Kingdom."

The main focus is the word "fast".

All tactics in the world are fast and unbreakable.

He Lingchuan straightened his back and said seriously: "Please give the order, please."

Sure enough, the smoke is about to rise!

In this wilderness, peace is never short-lived.

If Zhong Shengguang wants to attack Xianyou quickly, he must first make top-secret and thorough arrangements. He Lingchuan took a deep breath:

Finally, I can lead the army and enter the main battlefield!

Zhong Shengguang saw what he was thinking at a glance and waved his hand: "Don't be impatient, your battlefield is not in Xianyu."

ha? He Lingchuan was stunned.

If not in Xianyu, where else could I be!

It was rare for him to show his emotions on his face. Zhong Shengguang couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, your Seymour soldiers have other uses!"

He Lingchuan composed himself: "Excuse me."

"I have other information here about Silla."

Panlong City’s mother country, Xilao.

Speaking of this, Zhong Shengguang's smile gradually faded.

"Years ago, after the West Luo Kingdom broke its trust with Panlong City for the first time, I did two things. One was to send people to sneak into West Luo, and the other was to get in touch with old friends in the West Luo court."

The West Luo Kingdom once ordered Panlongcheng to send elite troops back to the country to aid in the war, and promised that the people of Panlongcheng could return to the country. Zhong Shengguang did it, but Xiluo Kingdom broke the contract. After this incident, Zhong Shengguang learned from it painfully and no longer believes it gullibly.

He wants to have a first-hand grasp of domestic developments.

"You and I both know that our motherland is weak, but today's Siro is even worse than when the old monarch was in power!" Zhong Shengguang always gets angry when talking about these things. "After Siro surrendered to Bega, Bega not only went west Luo stationed troops and also sent a supervisor."

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