After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1273 He Lingchuan’s battlefield

He Lingchuan's expression changed.

More than 160 years later, Bejia also used this trick against the Yao Kingdom.

Supervising or taking charge of state affairs is called supervising the state. Bega sent out supervisors to strengthen the control of the vassal countries.

For Xiluo, even the supervisors were sent from foreign countries. This was a loss of sovereignty and a humiliation for the monarch and his subjects.

"Xiluo court is extremely indignant, but the new king's rise to power depends entirely on Bejia's support, and he does not have the power to say no."

He Lingchuan heard this and said: "I heard that when the new king was still the second prince, he did not have a deep foundation in the country, and no one even thought highly of him, so Bejia supported him to ascend to the throne."

The new king has very little foundation in Shiluo, so he can only rely on Bega's strength and must obey Bega's words.

Bega must be very familiar with this skill, right?

"The prisoner's surname was Wang. His ostentation was even greater than that of the king. He entered and exited the Xilao palace as if he were in a deserted place. He often yelled at the ministers and beheaded three people on behalf of the new king." Zhong Shengguang's eyes were serious, "Now he is in the west The palace in the capital of Luo State is full of people, and it is a wonderful sight. The officials know that he is the one who orders Fasui, and they all line up to visit him. "

When He Lingchuan heard this, he didn't know what to say.

"My old friend was summoned by the new king once, but as soon as he walked to the door, he heard Wang Jianguo's loud scolding coming from inside." Zhong Shengguang shook his head, "He can neither advance nor retreat. It is so embarrassing. Wang Jianguo He was so angry that he cursed for half a cup of tea, but the new king only dared to scold him a few times before he came out with his sleeves rolled up.

"In the past..." Zhong Shengguang's throat was also a little blocked, and he was silent for a while before saying, "In the past, when the old monarch was in power, no matter how weak Silla was, he would never be like this."

In the past, Ciro was still a sovereign country, no matter how difficult the national economy and people's livelihood were.

As a Xiluo native, Zhong Shengguang felt deeply sad.

Of course, He Lingchuan did not have these complicated and unspeakable emotions, but was just a little emotional.

Zhong Shengguang stared at the sand table for a long time before calming down: "Our internal agent got a piece of information from King Shiluo's chamberlain."

Internal response?

He Lingchuan thought it through: Yes, the new king of Xiluo is weak, and the state affairs are controlled by the supervisory state. It is strange that there is no chaos in the palace.

With Zhong Shengguang’s manpower, it is not difficult to fish in troubled waters there.

He clenched his fists and said word by word: "Listen carefully: Bega intends to let Shi Luo send troops to attack the Maohe Plain."

He Lingchuan was stunned for two or three breaths, his eyes fell on the sand table, and he secretly let out a long breath.

Xi Luo wants to send troops to attack Maohe Plain and attack Yuheng City?

That's Panlong City's territory!

Nominally speaking, Panlong City is still Silla's territory. If Xiro Kingdom really sends troops, it will be equivalent to attacking its own border!

This is so...

No wonder Zhong Shengguang was angry.

This makes no sense, either emotionally or intellectually.

He Lingchuan could only sigh: "He is so vicious, he really deserves to be Bejia."

Zhong Shengguang said with a straight face: "Beijia has even sent a note to Jinying, asking the Siro army to attack Yuheng City through Jinying."

He Lingchuan pressed his temple: "We've even planned the route."

If Xi Luo really raises his troops to attack, how should Zhong Shengguang fight this battle?

"The ministers in Shiluo strongly opposed it, but Wang Jianguo went to see the monarch."

In front of Bega, how much autonomy does Silla have?

He Lingchuan frowned: "Why does Bejia act like this?"

"Bega showed us good intentions, but we delayed it for several months. It seems that he is not satisfied." Zhong Shengguang said slowly, "Or perhaps, this was his plan from the beginning and he did not intend to trust us credulously."

How can anyone accurately predict what the Demon Emperor is thinking and what the gods are thinking?

"This information is reliable, and we must prepare accordingly." Zhong Shengguang pointed to the Maohe Plain on the sand table, "Among the generals, you are the most familiar with the Maohe Plain; and... you are not from Shiluo. You will lead the troops. It’s the best time to go.”

He Lingchuan has been cultivating the Maohe Plain for nearly two years and knows Yuheng City, Longchuan and everything there very well.

He is not from Siro, so there is no psychological barrier to fighting the Siro army.

Even among his troops, the proportion of Xiluo people was far smaller than that of the Panlong City Army.

Zhong Shengguang counted and counted, but He Lingchuan still had to do this job.

"Yes." He Lingchuan looked at Xian Youguo on the sand table and sighed. Back then, the Red General personally led the Gale Army to attack the capital of Xiqiao Kingdom and Yuheng City. The momentum was overwhelming and hearty. He still remembers it to this day.

The blood of a good man must of course be spilled on the battlefield.

Panlong City is preparing to attack Xianyou. No matter the scale of the formation or the intensity of the battle, it will be far greater than that of Yuheng City. It makes my heart surge just thinking about it.

Alas, he also wanted to participate in this national war, but there were no military orders.

Zhong Shengguang understood his unwillingness: "Do you think Bejia will take action against Yuheng City?"

This problem is very difficult. He Lingchuan thought for a moment and then said: "If they force Silla to send troops to Yuheng City, I will probably stay behind and wait and see. This needs to be divided into two parts."

"how to say?"

"If the battlefield situation is unfavorable to Ciro - and this is inevitable - Bega can send troops in the name of assisting the Allies. When a big country like Bega uses force, it usually has to be famous." He Lingchuan said, " "Can" rather than "certainly", "As for whether it will actually send troops, it first depends on our response to Bega's proposal. Secondly, it may also depend on the situation on the northwest front if our attack on Xianyou Country is blocked. It’s lower than expected, and Bega may leave the game personally after receiving the news.”

He paused: "It has taken action on Maohe Plain, which is to put pressure on Panlong City."

"Very good analysis." Zhong Shengguang did not hide the admiration in his eyes. This is the general who grew up in the Panlong Wasteland! "Now you understand why I transferred you, right? Once Bega is dismissed, you will have to shoulder the pressure on the eastern front of the Maohe Plain! Although Panlong City is full of powerful generals, there are only one or two who can take on this responsibility."

He casually put a tall hat on He Lingchuan's head. Although the latter understood, he still felt guilty.

Zhong Shengguang has always been good at using people. Over the years, he rarely makes mistakes.

He Lingchuan whispered: "Panlong City is likely to have to fight on two fronts."

On the northwest line, attack Xianyou in a flash and defend Baling.

On the eastern front, resist the attack of the West Luo Kingdom and be wary of Bega's fate.

Multi-front operations have always been tabooed by military strategists because the financial, material, and military resources of one country and one place cannot be supported. The longer the time goes on, the easier it is to collapse.

"More than that." Zhong Shengguang was more awake than him. "There are at least four or five small countries in the south who are close to Bejia. Once the battle on Panlong Wasteland starts, I don't know if there will be any movement from them. Therefore, Panlong City still needs to Keep an eye on it and don’t take it lightly.”

Yes, surrounded by enemies on three sides, this battle is really difficult to fight.

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