After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1274 Gift of Treasures

And Bega, the leader of this struggle, has not even sent out a single soldier.

Just by its momentum alone, it has already put strong pressure on Panlong City.

Candies were handed to them in front of them, and sticks were hung high in the back. Ordinary countries often surrender before resisting, allowing it to take whatever it wants.

However, Panlong City is no ordinary country. Candies offered to attract security can never tempt it, nor can a stick hung high in the air intimidate it.

"When shall I leave?"

"It's initially scheduled to be one month later." Zhong Shengguang has already thought about it. "Before we attack Xianyu, we have to be prepared and make enough false impressions. If the Siro army moves westward, it will have to use Jinying. We will know. ”

Bega's painstaking efforts to build momentum in front of the iron-blooded dragon were nothing but coyness. While it was acting coyly, Zhong Shengguang decided to take the lead in cutting off its claws and prepare for the next round of storm.

"Yes." He Lingchuan knew that he would intensify his training this time.

Although it is estimated to be one month away, war always comes unexpectedly, and people are never fully prepared.

"When this level is over, I'll treat you to a drink, the good wine I brewed by myself!" Zhong Shengguang patted him on the shoulder, "Since I took office in Panlong City, I have brewed a jar of green plum wine every year, and now I have accumulated a lot of it. Almost twenty cylinders.”

Unexpectedly, Zhong Shengguang was so elegant. He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Okay, then I will help Mr. Zhong eliminate his inventory."

After leaving the boss's study, the guards along the way saluted He Lingchuan, their eyes filled with admiration for the hero.

In He Lingchuan's view, these young and tall figures, bathed in the rain of flowers, were as strong and soft as Panlong City.

The future was harsh, but they had hope.

After walking out of the official office, it was almost dark, so He Lingchuan postponed the return to Seymour Ridge to the next day and sent someone to notify Xin Yi.

At this time, another subordinate came quickly to report:

"General, Sha Wei won seven games in a row and was qualified to be selected into the Tiger Wing Army. His companions also entered three, and the rest were knocked off the stage."

He Lingchuan smiled and praised: "Oh? What a boy!"

Sha Wei was talking nonsense in the ring, and countless Panlong City soldiers wanted to beat him. Being able to survive seven games is much more difficult than selecting a forward for the Tiger Wings itself.

It seems that this is also a good way to select a striker, and it can be used for another purpose in future martial arts arena competitions.

The messenger then reported that although Sha Wei fought seven games and was seriously injured, he had to wait until Xin Yi declared victory in public before he fainted.

At that time, there was thunderous applause from the audience, which was all praise for him.

Although Sha Wei was arrogant in front of him, he finally proved his strength with actions and won the recognition of Panlong soldiers and civilians.

Although he is not missing any arms or legs, he will have to stay in bed for at least some time to recuperate.

Several of his companions were also injured to varying degrees. The good news is that no one died.

"Let A Luo go over and treat their injuries. Use good medicine and don't do bad things." He Lingchuan said this, not only to take care of Lingshan's face.

Not only was He Lingchuan not disgusted with people like Sha Wei, he actually admired them. A series of fierce battles are coming, and the Tiger Wing Army is in need of strong and tenacious warriors. "When they recover from their injuries, I will send the Tiger Wing Army's armor and team badges to them."

His army never rejects capable madmen, but will severely punish those who are mad and incompetent. This is simply because they have no self-awareness.

After receiving the order from General He, Aluo went to the house with a medicine box to treat his injuries.

The elixir obtained by Sha Wei and others was either more bitter than Coptis chinensis when it entered the throat and could not be relieved for a long time, or it was so spicy that it rushed straight to the Tianling Gai, choking and making tears fall.

But it's not enough if he doesn't eat. The medical officer and the soldiers are watching, and those who don't eat will be gagged and force-fed.

Sha Wei wanted to protest, but as soon as he opened his mouth, another one was stuffed into him. This time it was not only so painful that he doubted his life, but also smelled so bad that he burped after eating. Every burp could kill him.

"As for that?" He raised his good left hand to cover his mouth, "You don't have any other medicine?"

"Good medicine tastes bitter." Aluo showed him a kind smile of a doctor, "The better the effect, the more bitter it will be. Others want to take such bitter medicine, but they can't. From today on, you must take the medicine twice a day, at least insist on it. seven days.”

Seven days... fourteen times of suffering! Everyone is not afraid of licking blood with the knife tip, but they are timid about the bitter medicine.

The wound had been treated. He patted Sha Wei on the shoulder and Shi Shiran walked out.

This shot made Sha Wei grin and ask the medical soldier next to him: "Is he unhappy with me?"

"Arlo is our general's medic." The medic smiled, "When the general was injured, Arlo chased the general and stuffed him with medicine like this. He didn't treat you differently."

Oh, the general is also afraid of this medicine. No, Sha Wei and others were stunned for a moment before they understood:

General He actually sent his personal medical officer over to treat several of them.

The medical soldier took out several pairs of hook ropes from the back and distributed them one by one: "This is a spider silk rope. The material is the silk thread woven by the burrowing spider queen. It has excellent toughness. The general said, you will need it soon." "

Everyone took it and played with it, all smiling. One of them said to Sha Wei: "We made trouble in the restaurant, but the general praised us instead!"

Sha Wei glanced at him: "Has your brain been damaged? The general is clearly rewarding us for winning the ring!"

As soon as he finished speaking, A Luo came in from outside again and handed Sha Yiyi a crane-billed sickle:

"I almost forgot, this is a weapon given to you by General Tiger Wings, and it is also a weapon he personally captured from General Bega!"

This weapon was named because its shape resembled a long-necked crane's beak, and Sha only liked it when he saw it.

A Luo then said: "The general looks at your skills and thinks that this kind of cunning and dexterous strange-shaped weapons is suitable for you. Use it well and don't live up to his expectations."

Sha Wei was overjoyed: "Please tell the general on behalf of Sha, he will not be disappointed!"

He grabbed a crane's beak and couldn't help but swung it a few times. The wind blew and he said very skillfully: "What a treasure!"

If there is an enemy in front of him, he can use the opponent's head as a coconut shell and cut a hole in it.

The fellow disciples on the side looked at him with envy: "Senior Brother Sha, you have come to the right place. The general is very fond of you."

Sha Wei stroked the edge of the crane's beak and was reluctant to put it down.

The Taoist sect itself has complicated etiquette, and rebellion and publicity are the most taboo. In the school, the elders asked Sha Wei to restrain his mind and practice sincerely. Later, he finally had to go down the mountain and join the army. His character encountered obstacles everywhere in the army and was suppressed by the superiors. If he hadn't been really talented, he would have been kicked out dozens of times.

However, this time during the life-and-death match in Panlong City, he was sure that what he heard before he fainted was cheers, not booing!

The people of Panlong City don't hate him, and the soldiers of Panlong don't hate him either.

After just a brief encounter, General Huyi not only sent him a military doctor, but also gave him powerful weapons.

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