"Yes. But for the exact crop information, I have to ask my brother. I can't remember it." Dou Wuxing is an agronomist. "By the way, it was a gift brought by foreign envoys. Peppers were also introduced at that time. ”

"In other words, there were no date palms in the Shahe River Basin three hundred years ago?" He Lingchuan thought thoughtfully.

"Yes. It seems to have taken more than fifty years from the successful introduction to large-scale planting."

"Come here, let me ask you something again." He Lingchuan also picked up a date and ate it, "The national surname of Mou State seems to have originated from the Shahe River Basin?"

"Yes, the founding ancestor of Mou State was named Xin. He was born in our Shahe River Basin and was called the Shahe Xin family!"

Dou Wenguan added: "To this day, there is still a branch of the Xin family left in Shahe. They are both descendants of immortals and members of the royal family of Mou State, and they are extremely prosperous. I have been to his family's mansion. The mansion occupies a vast area and stretches endlessly, like a palace. Spectacular. But on all local matters, the county governor must first consult the Xin family before making any decisions."

He coughed lightly and said, "My brother and I left Lingxu City and returned to our hometown to seek employment. We found a job under the Xin family."

His last job was working under the Xin family.

He Lingchuan nodded: "Mou has been around for 150 years, right? How much do you know about this founding ancestor?"

"Xin Haiping, the founder of the country, rose up in rebellion one hundred and fifty-four years ago. It only took him three years to defeat other opponents and establish the country of Mou." Dou Wenguan continued, "It is said that when he came out, hundreds of birds came to watch, and the Shahe River was already gloomy. For a hundred days, until the moment he was born, the clouds broke through and the sun rose, shining with golden light."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Is this true or is it just a myth?"

In this world, it is not uncommon for auspiciousness to fall from the sky.

Dou Wenguan scratched his head: "I haven't verified the authenticity of the local allusions."

He told everything he knew. Deeds that happened more than a hundred years ago have become legends. Where can I find out whether they are true or not?

"How many brothers does this founder of our country have? What are their names?"

"Uh, this..." The Lord's questions today were quite strange, and Dou Wenguan could only say, "I'll Feixun go back and ask?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan asked the next weird question, "Has the Shahe Xin family preserved the portrait of the founder of the country?"

Dou Wenguan thought deeply and finally remembered: "Oh, yes. The Xin family enshrined the portrait of the great ancestor in the ancestral hall. I remember that the great ancestor had a big face, a solemn appearance, and a graceful expression."

"Fang Daer?" He Lingchuan frowned.

"Elders who have been to Moudu told me that the portrait enshrined in the Xin family's ancestral temple is very different from that in the imperial capital of Mou. This is because the founding emperor left home when he was young and did not return to his hometown until he was seventy years old. Paying homage to the ancestor. So the portrait left in the ancestral hall shows his appearance in old age."

"I see." It sounds like that portrait isn't worth looking at either.

He Lingchuan also knew that future generations tend to beautify their ancestors. Xin Haiping's portrait has probably been distorted after several generations of drawings.

After the leader's questions were finished, Dou Wenguan was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and turned back: "By the way, I received a letter from Du Shan a few days ago. He set off from Beihai to the south, traveling both by land and water. If everything goes well, there will be seven or eight more The moon can come to Yangshan."

This is really a long way to go. He Lingchuan nodded: "I know."

Dou Wenguan then left.

He Lingchuan grabbed a wicker chair, sat down in the corridor and closed his eyes to relax.

One hundred and fifty-one years ago, the Xin family founded the state of Mou.

One hundred and fifty-one years ago, this number might have seemed indifferent to others, but He Lingchuan cared about it very much.

Because Panlong City fell one hundred and fifty-two years ago!

In the second year after Panlong City was destroyed, Mou State was established, one after the other, only one year apart. Is there anything said in between?

The Xin family is a descendant of immortals, and the establishment of Mou State is probably related to the support of Lingshan.

He Lingchuan thought of the imitation torpedo gun that appeared at the Platinum Island sale. It was once the sidearm of the Red General, but later became the sidearm of the founding emperor.

In the world of Panlong, Xin Yi, who is the special envoy of Lingshan, also has the surname Xin and comes from the Shahe River Basin.

What is the relationship between this man and Xin Haiping, the later founding emperor of the country?

The Shahe Xin family, well, is worth exploring.

Fortunately, the Shahe River Basin was not too far from Bailie. He had to write to Ding Zuodong and send someone there to collect some information.

The light rain comes again, bouncing on the roof tiles and the ground, like a peaceful lullaby.

He Lingchuan thought a lot until Dong Rui came wearing a raincoat.

After returning to Jucheng, Dong Rui still lived a solitary life. He would come here every few days to ask for materials, and then turn around and leave.

After getting so many treasures from the Yu Yu Underground Palace, he was like a kid receiving a new toy during the New Year. He was so focused on it that he didn't even bother to give it to He Lingchuan.

"Hey." He Lingchuan smiled and cursed, "Is this your attitude towards the sponsor?"

I provide him with food, drink, and experiments. All my money is like throwing it into a bottomless pit, and I can't even hear the sound of water. Now, someone named Dong still dares to treat the sponsor’s father like this?

Dong Rui then raised his head and glanced at him, rubbing his eyelids: "I'm busy, I have something to say!"

Qu Yu was also an experimental maniac. Although he destroyed all research materials before his death, who was Dong Rui? I can always learn something from the few words he left behind, and I got a lot of inspiration from looking for some clues in the boneyard of the underground palace.

If you're inspired, isn't it time to get busy?

There was no one nearby, so He Lingchuan asked him: "Do you have any idea about the things made by Qu Yu?"

"How fast?" Dong Rui sighed, "He walked farther than me, much farther."

If nothing else, Qu Yu knew the demon far better than he did. They had killed and dissected it with their own hands, and maybe even modified it with their own hands. The value of in vivo research is too great. Unlike him, who can only play with corpses and bones.

He Lingchuan said seriously: "Let me warn you first, don't touch the direction of his research!"

"Why..." Dong Rui was stunned, but immediately reacted, "Oh, I got it."

Qu Yu's research attracted the demons, which shows how valuable it is; he, Dong Rui, is just a wanted criminal who has not been listed on the list. If he repeats Qu Yu's mistakes and is discovered by the demons, wouldn't it be a disaster for the Yangshan Islands?

He Lingchuan knows best what kind of temperament this guy has, and he must kill him: "If you dare to touch him, I will never have funds again, and I will take back Alfalfa Island."

"Don't worry, I won't study in that direction anymore." Dong Rui waved his hand angrily, "I always keep my word, can't you still trust me?"

"You have to remember, if something goes wrong, I can't protect you!"

Dong Rui said angrily: "I don't have to worry about it, why do you need to tell me?"

He Lingchuan pondered for a moment and then said: "In your opinion, what method will the devil use to return to the world?"

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