After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1278 Self-attacking the city gate

Once he found the opportunity, the demon would definitely return to the human world, of which he had no doubt. If he were a demon, he would definitely do this.

Only by descending into the human world can we continue to pursue individual self-strength.

Dong Rui bared his teeth: "How did I know? Didn't you not let me study it?"

"I trust your reasoning."

As soon as these words came out, Dong Rui lost his temper: "Well, the easiest way is to occupy the immortal's skin, but this thing itself is too difficult. It's like a mouse hanging a bell on a cat."

There is a local story: Cats walk silently, but mice always get killed. So the mice unanimously decided to put a bell on the cat. The bell would ring wherever the cat went, and the mice would escape.

Then the question arises, who is going to hang the bell on the cat?

The same problem faced by the demons is the same. Not to mention that there are very few immortals in the world. Even if there are, how many can they take away?

Not to mention, there are adaptation issues.

"The body of a practitioner is too fragile and cannot fully bear the power of the demon." Dong Rui has thought about this problem for a long time and has a clear mind. "So the key to the question is, does the skin of the demon have to be human?"

As soon as these words came out, the room became quiet.

He Lingchuan thought of the landfill in Zhanyu. No matter how much the immortal destroyed the clues, he still didn't have time to burn the landfill. There were all kinds of strange remains there. He Lingchuan didn't know whether they were born with that look or if they had been modified the day after tomorrow.

Was it modified by Qu Yu?


He Lingchuan thought about Dong Rui's demon puppet again. Is there something similar but similar in purpose?


Both of them were speechless for a while.

Finally, Dong Rui broke the silence: "Ahem, are you calling me for something?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan recovered his thoughts and picked up a piece of information to show him. "The affairs here are basically finished. I want to take a trip to Yayuan Township."

"A new mission has come to Lingshan?" Dong Rui read out the words on the note, "Puyin Temple is in Bayuan Township, directly behind Shihoutou City, and it is very popular?"

"It's not Lingshan's mission. Lingshan won't pay attention to such a small place. I want to go there myself." He Lingchuan said, "I have some new ideas."

"Pu Yin Temple? Is this a temple?" Dong Rui frowned, "Pu Yin... I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

"Pu Yin is just a small god, not very famous in other places." He Lingchuan stretched, "If we want to go to Yayuan Township, we have to choose a sunny day."


Golden Plains.

Fifty miles south of Jucheng, there is a stone head.

The city gates were closed tightly, and there were torches burning all over the city.

There was a crowd of troops outside the city, and someone below shouted at the top of the city gate:

"The city guard is back! Xu Youguang, please open the door quickly!"

After shouting several times, no one on the other side responded, but the soldiers on the city gate pointed their bows and arrows straight down, looking evilly.

"Who is in charge of the city gate? Are everyone dead?" The people below were impatient, "Someone can talk!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone on the city gate floor said:

"Xu Youguang is dead and cannot open the door for Liu Cheng."

The firelight illuminated the man's face, and there was a new black-red scar from the corner of his eye to the wing of his nose.

"The Zhao army attacked and he wanted to secretly open the city gate and surrender, so I chopped off his head with my own hands."

The troops below were stunned when they heard the sound. Liu Chengshou drove his horse out of the crowd and said: "Well done Yang Shou! From now on, you will be the deputy general and lead the city defense army. Now, open the city gate quickly."

"Before the Zhao army attacked, didn't Liu Chengshou pat his butt and run away?" Yang Shoubei was unmoved, "Before he fled, he looted all the people in the city, and the bandits were ashamed of themselves; now we have beaten Zhao Jun away. , defend the city, Liu Chengshou wants to come back and become an official again? "

Liu Chengshou was displeased: "I will personally move reinforcements while you stay to defend the city! It is your duty to defend Shitou. How dare you make up empty rumors and accuse me of abandoning the people!"

Suddenly a soldier shouted at the city gate: "Two days before the Zhao army attacked, you allowed your men to loot. My two sisters' homes were looted, and they were beaten to death!"

Someone took the lead, and a group of people cursed at the city gate, and the sound spread for two miles.

"The city guard is stealing, and he doesn't even have any shame!"

"You scum, you still want to enter the city? I'll shoot you on the ground first!"

Other swear words are even more offensive.

I don't know who was excited, but the arrow happened to be on the string again, so he swung at Liu Chengshou and went out.

This arrow was quite accurate and nailed him in the chest.

Liu Chengshou was wearing a self-defense weapon, and with a flash of green light on his body, the arrow did not kill him. But he was also frightened. He turned his horse back and rushed into the army. At the same time, he pointed towards the city gate:

"Knock them down, knock them all down!"

The troops under the city also raised their arrows and shot upward.

Arrows from both sides intertwined, and the battle suddenly started.

However, the city defenders took advantage of being in a condescending position. Liu Chengshou did not expect that his city defense troops would dare to attack him. His men were too close to the city gate, and their casualties from arrows were much greater than those of the city defense troops.

Liu Chengshou's army had to retreat fifty feet.

At the same time, Yang Defei also made a gesture to the city defense army: "Stop shooting, there are not many arrows, so use them sparingly!"

After the Zhao army was defeated, they were seriously short of supplies and Liu Chengshou came back before they could get supplies.

I really didn’t expect that the most difficult level was actually “one of our own”.

Yang Shoubei sighed secretly.

"Yang Meng!" Liu Chengshou retreated fifty feet away before speaking again, "Immediately surrender to the city. I will forget the blame and the conditions I just offered will still apply!"

This idiot! Yang Shoubei laughed angrily at him. Shouldn't this condition be negotiated in private? Which general dares to open his mouth and agree in front of his own soldiers?

This guy is actually the city guard of Shitou! He agreed, but the people couldn't agree.

Yang Meng casually grabbed a pair of bows and arrows, pointed them at Liu Chengshou and fired two arrows.

This was his answer.

There are white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant in the fields in early spring.

Dong Rui has been busy doing experiments recently. He occasionally goes out to relax and go for an outing, which also makes him feel relaxed and happy.

When he got here, there was finally no one on the road, and he said to He Lingchuan: "I finally remembered that there was a god named Puyin recorded in Shao Jian's book!"

He Lingchuan gave him a light taunt: "You have a really good memory."

"I rarely pay too much attention to things outside my body." Why would he bother to remember such trivial things? Valuable brain power should be used in the right place. Dong Rui coughed lightly, "Why are you looking for God Pu Yin?"

"Let's make friends and ask for information." He Lingchuan said, "Just like we found a solution to the problem before."

Gods are not all arrogant. Those lower-level gods are willing to put down their status and have some relationships with humans, as long as they find you useful and as long as you can find resources for them.

There are too few temples on Platinum Island, and He Lingchuan needs to broaden his sources of information.

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