After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1279 The Temple of Yayuan Township

Although it is known as the land abandoned by the gods, there are actually a large number of temples in the Golden Plains. This place is far away from Bega and away from the Lingxu gods. Other gods have more room to play here.

"Although Puyin Shen was recorded in Shao Jian's notes, one hundred and fifty or sixty years later, I have to make sure that it is still alive." So He Lingchuan asked someone to find out first.

If the temple is full of incense, then the god himself is probably still there. Moreover, God Puyin has performed miracles one after another in recent years.

If you want more humans to serve you, this is an essential trick. Of course, it takes a lot of effort to reveal miracles. As a minor god, Puyin can only perform miracles to a limited extent.

More than a hundred years ago, Mitian would perform the miracle of Huanghuang every year on the Heavenly Sacrifice Day, which was so spectacular that the people of Panlong City helped the old and young to go to the outskirts of Panlong City. This became a commemoration day.

Puyin God does not have such powerful divine power and cannot display such wonders. He can only take clever routes, such as appearing in front of people to fulfill certain people's wishes, or using believers to do things.

Dong Rui wanted to ask: "Why did you choose this God of Puyin?"

"According to Shao Jian's notes, Puyin God is not one of the Lingxu gods, but it is not a wild god either. It belongs to another group of gods, and its supreme leader is called Ksali Tian. They are the main opponents of the Lingxu gods."

Dong Rui said: "You don't want to play the 'enemy of your enemy is your friend' thing, do you?"

"No, even the Kshatriya gods are very dangerous. Shao Jian was almost exposed back then, and I don't intend to get in touch with them in depth. So I asked you to bring your outfit." But they didn't bring the apes, and the two monkeys were too conspicuous.

After turning around the mountain road, there is a smooth road ahead, and the number of buildings on both sides of the road is slowly increasing.

Yahara Township is right in front of you.

Both of them were wearing robes and curtain hats. There were many pedestrians on the road, and their attire was not eye-catching.

Probably today is not a market day, and the countryside is not lively. There are low mud houses everywhere; the ground is dirty, and dust is raised when cattle and horses pass by. Occasionally, small ponds can be seen on the roadside, with suspicious foam floating on the surface.

The villagers they met all walked with their heads lowered and looked gloomy, and Yahara Township was filled with a dull atmosphere.

Dong Rui asked someone for directions, and the person pointed without looking back: "There, walk to the end."

"Excuse me, what happened here? Why is the atmosphere not right?"

"There will be another war ahead, every three days." The man sighed repeatedly. It was unclear whether he was angry or self-pitying, "I can't live anymore, I won't give you a way to survive!"

The two of them saw that his face was weathered, his eyes were covered with wrinkles, and two teeth were missing in his mouth. But a closer look revealed that he was only in his early thirties or early thirties.

"Where is the war going?"

The man stretched out his finger to the east and shook it for a long time. After the man had walked almost two feet, his voice floated over: "Stone head."

At the top of the stone is a city. Before He Lingchuan set off, he basically understood the geographical location here. Shihoutou City was ten miles away to the east and was the gateway to the local area.

If there was a war in Shizhoutou, the flames of war would probably spread here.

When civilians encounter deserters, they will most likely be robbed; when they encounter pursuing soldiers, they will also be robbed. However, the reality is often that after they encounter deserters, they will soon encounter pursuers again...

No wonder the villagers looked so weak.

In the Golden Plains, war is nothing unexpected, and most people can only accept their fate in the face of it.

The two continued forward and soon arrived at the Temple of Puin.

The open space in front of the temple is very large - most markets are located in front of the temple - which makes the temple building relatively compact, covering an area of ​​less than 300 square meters. The vermilion door wall and high pointed roof are different from He Lingchuan. Architectural styles I have seen before.

Most temples are built on high places, and the Puyin Temple is no exception. It is built on a hill. The two of them had to walk up sixteen stone steps before they could enter the main hall.

However, after going up, He Lingchuan and the two found that the temple door was closed and there were five men guarding it outside.

These five people looked like they were from the military, and they still had weapons on their waists.

He Lingchuan had good ears and could still hear the muttered prayers coming from inside.

Temple blessings usually involve standing next to the statue of the god, sprinkling some clean water on the kneeling pilgrims, and saying some auspicious words such as good luck and good fortune, but what He Lingchuan heard now was that we would work together, fight invincibly, and win... …

Are the distinguished guests inside praying before the battle?

Dong Rui stepped forward, and the five men immediately pulled out their scabbards to stop him:


He Lingchuan made a gesture so that the two of them would not conflict with each other.

The temple was quiet, but the barrier was not raised because He Lingchuan could hear the breathing inside.

After a while, someone sighed, showing disappointment:

"Puyin God did not appear."

The other person, who was probably Miao Zhu, whispered: "Yang Shoubei, don't be discouraged. Puyin God is paying attention to you and will continue to test you."

Yang Shoubei laughed at himself: "I hope it won't be tested for too long, otherwise the stone head will be finished."

Miao Zhu hurriedly said: "The gods know everything, Yang Shoubei should be careful what he says!"

Then the door creaked open, and Miao Zhu led someone out, just in time to meet He Lingchuan face to face.

This man was about twenty-three or four years old, tall and thin, with a short beard and piercing eyes. He could tell at a glance that he was someone with force.

He couldn't help but frown when he saw He and Dong covering their faces with curtains.

The temple blessing also shouted: "Please take off your curtain hat, don't be rude before the gods!"

Different gods have different rules, but since you come here to worship, hiding your head and showing your tail would be insincere.

Dong Rui said straightforwardly: "It doesn't matter whether you pick it or not."

There are many things going on in this temple.

Before Miao Zhu could say anything, the men pressed their hands on their weapons: "I told you to take off your hat, didn't you hear? If you want to go in, take off your hat, or we will do it for you."

Dong Rui hehey, and sure enough he took off his curtain hat.

Others still couldn't see his true face, because he was actually wearing a wolf head mask under the curtain hat!

This is a mask specially made by Songyang Mansion, which can block out the spying of spiritual thoughts. He Lingchuan asked them to order a batch, and Wan Qifeng brought them all to the Golden Plains this time.

When the two of them visit God Puyin, of course they cannot show God his true face.

As I said before, it doesn’t matter if you pick it or not.

However, when the seven people present saw them, their expressions changed drastically. The five men drew their swords in their hands. Miao Zhu hurriedly took two steps back and shouted: "Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun's grimace! Yang Shoubei..."

Yang Shoubei strode forward with a murderous look on his face: "You dare to come here to chase me? You are asking for your own death!"

Seeing that he was about to swing a pair of big axes, He Lingchuan pulled Dong Rui back and said in a deep voice: "Misunderstanding, we come to Pu Yin Shen, we don't want to cause trouble, and we don't want to kill anyone!"

Dong Rui interjected: "We are from out of town and don't know anything about Zhao Jun."

Yang Shoubei still looked at him with eager eyes: "Take off the mask before you speak."

He Lingchuan took off his curtain hat, revealing the dragon head mask. He didn't bother with Yang Shoubei, but threw something into the temple.

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