After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1280 God Puyin

With the skill of his hand, the object passed through the white smoke above the incense burner. It seemed to be delayed for a while before it landed on the altar table with a snap.

It's a bit like a pen barrel, with a metallic luster throughout and an oval crystal embedded in the middle.

The altar table in Puyin Temple is not big, so the pipe rolled a few times and almost fell off.


Rolling to the edge of the table, it suddenly stopped and remained motionless, ignoring its inertia.

The smoke coming out of the incense burner suddenly became straight.

Everyone felt that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped several degrees, and there was a chill on their backs.

Two plumes of smoke turned a corner and suddenly jumped into Miao Zhu's nose.

Then he straightened his eyes.

"You two." He waved to He Lingchuan and Dong Rui, "Come in."

Miao Zhu's voice changed, becoming deep and majestic.

Yang Shoubei was startled and turned around to see that the fear had disappeared from Miao Zhu's face, replaced by an indifferent expression and empty eyes.

"Pu Yin Shen!" He understood and immediately saluted, "Pu Yin Shen, the lives of all the people in this city are in danger, please..."

"They will turn the danger around." Pu Yin Shen said calmly, "Back off."

God finally answered him! Yang Shoubei was overjoyed:

"Yes! After defeating the villain, I will definitely come again to make offerings!"

Pu Yinshen said nothing, only waved his hand and told him to go away.

Yang Shoubei looked at He Lingchuan and others again, and then quickly left with the five guards.

The gods came and designated to see these two people, so how could he stop them?

Besides, he is not blind. If these two people had not offered things that even the gods could not refuse, how could the god Pu Yin appear? How could I get the blessing of Puyin God by the way?

When he first saw the mask, he really thought it was Zhao Jun sneaking in to assassinate him. But when I think about it, it doesn't look like it.

Who can’t wear this kind of mask?

Alas, he had been worshiping here and there in the temple, talking and talking, and no matter how sincerely he prayed, there was no response from the statue.

He thought the gods didn't hear him.

Now it seems that as the temple blessing said, the gods hear and see everything, they just don't express their opinions.

Even if he worshiped until his head was bleeding, the gods would not care.

Yang Meng sighed secretly in his heart. The situation is tense, even the gods are like this.

He Lingchuan was not in a hurry to enter the temple, but stared at Yang Shoubei's back for a while.

Dong Rui asked him: "What?"

He Lingchuan then looked away, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

The sky was just right at this time, and the sun shone unobstructedly on the open space in front of the temple. Then He Lingchuan clearly saw that Yang Shouwei also had a light golden thread stuck to his shoulder, and the other end pointed towards the temple behind him.

It seemed that what Miao Zhu said was not all deception. Yang Shoubei had indeed received the attention of God Puyin.

That is, it thinks the person is worth observing.

Afterwards, He Lingchuan and Dong Rui walked into the temple.

With a soft creak, the temple door and small wooden window closed on their own.

He Lingchuan looked up at the statue.

The statue of Puyin is also in human form, but it has two horns on its head, its upper body is bare, and it rides on a giant bear. The overall shape is wild and unruly. Compared with the elegant and dignified image of the Lingxu gods, it is obvious that it has taken a different path.

"Where did you come from?" Miao Zhu, who was controlled by Puyin God's divine thoughts, turned around and stared at the two of them, "Bring the Dragon Punishment Pillar here, what do you want?"

These two people came to find it with the Dragon Punishment Pillar, but they wore masks. Of course they were not its believers.

"I'm looking for you to confirm some news." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "If we can cooperate well, maybe we can frequent each other in the future."

"What do you want to ask?"

"A few questions." He Lingchuan said, "Recently, there have been frequent incidents of emperor oozing. Which gods have fallen?"

As soon as the stranger came up and asked about such a core secret, Miao Zhu's pupils shrank slightly.

The two terms "God's Death" and "Emperor's Blood" appear one after another, indicating that the other party is an insider.

"Which god are you originally a believer in?" God Puyin asked him, "Or are you from the Immortal Sect?"

"Are you asking me a question?" He Lingchuan was amused, his laughter became deeper after passing through Qiang Longjia, "Did you give me the Dragon Punishment Pillar?"

The little god asked him if he was from the Immortal Sect as soon as he opened his mouth. What does that mean?

This shows that they may have dealt with the so-called "Immortal Sect" in private.

This is the world he understands, it's not black and white.

Puyin Shen pondered.

It is not in the habit of telling everything to strangers, especially when it comes to the secrets of the divine world.

He Lingchuan took out another Dragon Punishment Pillar from his arms and waved it in front of its eyes: "It's our first time to cooperate, so we have to show some sincerity? If you don't care about this, I can find another god."

On the Golden Plains, the most indispensable thing is the little god.

This guy actually has so many dragon punishment pillars! Pu Yin Shen then said: "Okay, I'll be more generous and exchange the two questions for a Dragon Punishment Pillar."

"Are you kidding me?" He Lingchuan couldn't help laughing, "How many times has the value of this baby increased? You know it in your mind. The gods have been fighting for it, and the emperor has been bleeding for several times. Now you feel comfortable Do you want to change it after you open your mouth? Do you look down on Xing Longzhu, or do you look down on other gods? "

Previously, He Lingchuan had dealt with two or three minor gods on Platinum Island. One of them accidentally let it slip that Xing Longzhu’s net worth had increased five times compared to five years ago!

It must have wanted to slap itself, but unfortunately it couldn't take it back. He Lingchuan had already remembered it in his heart.

Five times!

Things are rare and valuable, and the price of the Xinglong Pillar has skyrocketed, indicating that the demand has increased greatly, and the gods are more urgent for the Xinglong Pillar than before.

The Dragon Punishment Pillar has not appeared for a day or two. If you get this thing, you will face the risk of being chased by the Lingxu Gods. Why are the gods still pursuing it?

So something big must be happening in heaven.

However, the core secrets that the wild gods on Platinum Island knew were limited after all, and they could not give him the answers He Lingchuan wanted.

He Lingchuan decided to try his luck in the Gold Shining Plains.

"You're not sincere. Goodbye." He Lingchuan stretched out his hand, and not only did the torture dragon pillar in his palm disappear, but he also took back the one on the altar table.

The two simply turned around and left.

The temple door was closed, but that didn't stop them at all.

"Wait a minute!" God Puyin then realized that the masked man in front of him was not easy to deceive. "Secrets also have weight. How many Dragon Punishment Pillars do you have left?"

If you can take out two in one breath, it means you still have them in your pocket.

He Lingchuan looked back at the statue and said, "You can't even win a single ounce of your sincerity."

You can't even eat what's in the bowl, why are you still thinking about what's in the pot?

The greed of these gods never disappoints him.

Pu Yinshen became much more cheerful: "You came to me because you know my background, right?"

He Lingchuan only said two words:


Shao Jian mentioned in his notes that God Puyin is one of the Kshatriya gods. Although it seems to have strong incense and a lot of believers, its temples in the Shining Gold Plains are not in the bustling city. Judging from the offerings it enjoys, its rank is not high.

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