After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1281 This is just the beginning

Although this was recorded more than a hundred years ago, not every god is as lucky as Narutian, who can be promoted from a minor god to a righteous god in just over a hundred years.

"According to your human calendar, in the past three years, seven people from the Lingxu people died, eleven of us died, twenty-two of the other forces died, and thirty-four or five of the wild gods died, or thirty-seven or eight. "There is no accurate statistics." Pu Yin Shen said quietly, "It has been a long time since there has been such a large-scale death of gods."

Nearly eighty gods have died in the past few years? He Lingchuan was keenly aware that this was inconsistent with the number of times the emperor's liquid had descended.

Pu Yinshen paused, waiting for him to ask questions.

By listening to the other party's questions, you can also find out the masked person's understanding of the heavenly world.

As a result, the other party slowly said: "It seems that the dead wild gods are not strong enough to support a few decent emperor's liquids."

Yes, as He Lingchuan's understanding of the gods deepened, he already knew that some minor gods and new gods were insufficient in strength, and even if they fell, they would not be able to make an imperial ooze.

Sometimes, the imperial liquid that descends from the sky is the cumulative result of several divine deaths.

"That is to say, this is just the beginning." Winter is coming, and the strongest may not necessarily win in the end, but the weak will always be eliminated first.

Pu Yin Shen said slowly: "They covet things that do not belong to them."

It is also an organized god, and of course it looks down on other wild gods.

"What about you?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Eleven gods of yours have also died." He Lingchuan reminded it, "You and the gods of Lingxu are equally anxious."

Pu Yin Shen laughed twice and stopped talking.

He Lingchuan could tell that its laughter had a deeper meaning.

That's it again. When the little gods of Platinum Island talked about the recent turmoil in the heaven, they all kept silent. He Lingchuan suspected that they either really didn't know or it was a big deal.

However, if the gods are unwilling to tell this secret, how will the world know about it?

That’s it, change it. "Second question, I want to know what's going on with Nai Luotian."

The topic suddenly changed, which surprised Puyin Shen: "Nai Luotian?"

"Isn't it one of the Kshatriya gods? It's also the main god. You should know better."

Yes, Narakuten belongs to the Kshatriya gods. This is one of the most useful pieces of information that He Lingchuan got from the little god of Platinum Island.

There are many gods in the Kshatriya pantheon, but there are very few true gods. The addition of Nai Luotian changed the situation greatly.

He Lingchuan further said: "I already know that Nai Luotian was injured a while ago, his power has been greatly reduced, and he is still living in seclusion."

"You know a lot, for a human being." Puyin Shen was a little surprised, "Is there any connection between you and Nai Luotian?"

The relationship between humans and gods is nothing more than a few things. But neither of them involves equality.

He Lingchuan tilted his head: "An old friend is very concerned about it and wants to know how it is doing recently."

"Nailuotian rarely appears in public, but I heard that its believers in the west are powerful and have gained a lot of nightmare energy for it." God Puyin rubbed his chin, "There have been continuous wars there, and there is no sign of subsidence yet. ”

Although its voice was cold, He Lingchuan still heard envy. It would be great for a small god like Puyin to build several temples, develop incense, and have believers do things for him; but believers of Nailuotian can cause a bloody storm in the world, and then use the Dragon Torture Pillar to offer large amounts of nightmares to it. gas.

The energy that the righteous gods can unleash in the human world is truly enviable.

But, west? "Kite Kingdom?"

He Chunhua is a believer of Nai Luotian. The more intense the war between him and Dong Haoming, the more serious the number of casualties in the Yuan Kingdom, and the more Nightmare Qi Nai Luotian naturally acquires.

From the current point of view, Nai Luotian's investment in He Chunhua was very cost-effective.

"No, more than that." Puyin Shen stretched out his hand to him.

He Lingchuan threw it a torture dragon pillar, and then it continued: "The believers of Naluotian are not only causing trouble in the Kite Kingdom. Among the gods of Ksali, he is the one who has benefited the most recently. I heard that the ones in the north Several tribes in Baling and the west have followers who are developing their power."

"It's not very gregarious, right? Otherwise you can get a share of the pie." He Lingchuan smiled, "Even the righteous gods are so lonely, no wonder you Kshatriya gods are not as united as the opposite."

Pu Yin Shen said coldly: "They just have too many stereotypes. And, who told you that the gods of Lingxu are united? Their internal strife is the best in the divine world, but they still bluff externally!"

He Lingchuan asked again: "Speaking of the Lingxu gods, they seem to be particularly dissatisfied with Bega recently?"

This was something he took for granted, but it was never wrong no matter when he asked it.

In recent years, there have been frequent outbreaks of imperial fluids, and the spiritual energy of the human world has recovered. To use a term that He Lingchuan learned in another world, it is "pumping water out faster than releasing water." That is to say, the agents of the gods in the world did not work hard enough, so the Lingxu gods could not Probably satisfied with Bega.

He has also been to Bejia and witnessed the game between the Heavenly Palace and Lingxu City, and the gods and demon emperors.

Besides, how many superiors can be satisfied with the work of their subordinates?

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Puyin Shen burst into laughter: "Not satisfied? Lingxu has never been satisfied with Bejia. But, you are right, the war between Bejia and Mou State was too tepid, which led to Lingxu gaining The amount of nightmare energy is even less than that of a small kite!"

In other words, Bejia is such a big empire, but he can't do as well as He Chunhua? Where does this come from?

"I heard a saying that it was Bega's negligence that led to the rapid rise of the god Naraku. This is the righteous god. In the past three thousand years, no righteous god has been promoted so fast!" It added, "So the spirit The virtual gods are very angry and hope to prevent such incidents from happening again.”

He Lingchuan understood.

To rise from a minor god to a true god requires an immense amount of energy. There is only so much nightmare energy generated in the human world. The more talented Naraku is, the other gods will naturally get less of it.

The emergence of Zhengshen has changed the pattern of the divine world to a certain extent. The Lingxu gods probably don't like this change very much.

"I also received news -" God Puyin's voice lowered: "Holy Lord Lingxu is very unhappy and requires Bejia and Yao Kingdom to increase the recovery of nightmare energy!"

"So, will Bega step up his efforts to cause trouble next?"

Puyin Shen chuckled: "What do you think?"

He Lingchuan sighed slightly.

"By the way, I heard that more than a hundred years ago, the mainstream of the Yao Kingdom originally believed in the Ksali Heaven, but later converted to the Miaozhan Heaven. Is this true?"

The small national forces on the Golden Plains often have complex internal beliefs. For example, the former Kingdom of Wei did not have a large territory, but there were at least hundreds of temples within the territory, most of which were dedicated to different gods.

Pu Yin Shen said with a straight face: "It is inconvenient to answer this question."

"I understand." If this was not true, God Puyin would have refuted it.

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