After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 129 Setting Up Obstacles

He wasn't stupid either. While fighting Wu Shaoyi, he realized that it was probably He Chunhua, that bitch, who had done something behind his back that inspired Wu Shaoyi and Pei Xinyong to join forces to deal with him.

Wu Shaoyi had old grudges with him and could not withstand provocation, so this estrangement plan took little effort.

Lu Yao pointed to the mountainside of the West Road: "Chase! Once you catch up, you will be killed without mercy, except for the dog officer!"

He laughed evilly: "The dog officer wants to leave it to me."


Suddenly there was light between heaven and earth.

Sweating, He Lingchuan rubbed his eyes and suddenly noticed Dongfang Xiwei.

Today's first ray of morning light hit the mountain wall and also shone on him.

He Lingchuan gasped and couldn't believe that his group of thirty or so people had survived another hour relying on more than a dozen broken cars!

No, there are not thirty people anymore, there are only nine left. Even those who are seriously injured cannot walk.

The long knife in his hand was still bleeding, both from the gangsters and from his own soldiers.

Seeing the brothers fall one after another, a soldier took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness and quietly retreated to the rear, got on his horse, and tried to escape.

When Zhao Qinghe saw this, he yelled angrily and pulled him off the horse.

He Lingchuan came from behind, didn't listen to his excuse, and chopped off the man's head with one knife!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

If deserters are not killed, there will be no brave men.

Sure enough, when the human skull rolled to the ground, the atmosphere on the field was different. The officers and soldiers looked at He Lingchuan with awe. There was no sadness or joy in his heart, so he picked up his sword and went to kill the enemy again.

After Lu Yao gathered Wu Shaoyi's old troops, he naturally pulled them over to pursue the officers and soldiers, but was stopped halfway up the mountain by He Lingchuan and others.

This is a terrain carefully calculated by He Lingchuan. As long as the vehicle formation is there, no matter how large the bandit army is, only the twenty or thirty people in front can exert force, and all the people behind will be blocked.

It is precisely because of this that the thieves' attack has reached an unprecedented intensity.

The cars couldn't be moved, so the gangsters tried to split them open.

After all, there is no shortage of strong men in the team.

Unexpectedly, the He family's food and clothing are all about luxury, low-key and connotation. The carriage is made of very solid materials. The base is made of old redwood from the knife mountain. It is first soaked in potion and then sharpened. There are more than a dozen processes before and after, and it is chopped with an ordinary sword. There was only a small chip, and it would get stuck easily if you tried to pull it back out.

The panels are even protected from wildfires.

After all, they were supposed to carry the He family's rich belongings for a thousand or two thousand miles, so how could they not be strong?

Even if the horses pulling the cart become tired and lame, nothing will happen to them.

The gangsters were about to shed tears when they chopped down such a carriage. What's more, He Lingchuan and others were not vegetarians. How could they be allowed to chop at will and enjoy it?

Therefore, the gangsters had to use an ax in one hand and a shield in the other. They usually used the shield to block the hail of bullets and arrows fired from the gaps in the carriage, so that they could chop a few axes when they had time.

There are also smart people here. When they saw that the resistance of the officers and soldiers was too fierce, they simply waved the ax for show, just sharpening it, and did not dare to actually chop, so the efficiency was really low.

Lu Yao was furious. After teaching a few of his men a lesson, he simply grabbed the giant ax and used it himself.

He is very powerful and can chop cars much faster than his men, but when swinging an ax, it is easy to expose an empty door.

In fact, he had body-protecting aura, and he was not afraid of Wu Shaoyi at all, but when he encountered the officers and soldiers stabbing him randomly with their spears, he was very afraid.

There is no other reason, these officers and soldiers carry Yuan Power with them!

Yuanli specializes in defeating the opponent's true power, unless the opponent also has Yuanli to compete with it.

Lu Yao was angry in his heart. If the Holy Master is still there, they can also use Yuan Power. How can this toy-like obstacle and these weak chicken-like officers and soldiers be his enemies?

As the anger level increases, so does the attack power.

When the first car formation was about to be chopped down, He Lingchuan quickly ordered: "Withdraw the second formation!"

Yes, he imitated the battle in the dream and built the second and third heavy vehicle formations while Lu Yao had just conquered the remnants of the Wu bandits.

They were able to crawl over with ease, but when the gangsters smashed the first heavy vehicle formation and Lu Yao took the lead in pushing away the broken vehicle and rushing past, Qiqi was dumbfounded:

Why is there another weight?

So again and again.

He Lingchuan commanded well, and the officers and soldiers regarded him as their backbone. He went into battle in person, not forgetting to cheer everyone up, and the car formation did greatly reduce the pressure on his own side... Only then can he barely hold on until now.

Of course, the soldier's head he chopped off with his own hands also stopped the others from thinking of escaping.

Only by applying kindness and power can we win people's hearts.

But when the east dawned, this third-level car formation could no longer hold on.

Due to insufficient resources on hand, the officers and soldiers used villagers' oxen and carriages to build the third vehicle formation. Different grades have different qualities. The villagers' cars are not as durable as the He family's cars, and are much thinner and brittle.

Some carriage carriages were even covered with only a thin layer of wood, and the cutting of corners was so blatant that the bandits shot through them with one shot, almost making a bloody hole in Maotao's arm.

He was so frightened that he shrank his hands and said to He Lingchuan: "Young Master, I can't stand it anymore!"

Zeng Feixiong had clearly told him and Zhao Qinghe to take charge of the battle, but for some reason, the command had already passed to He Lingchuan.

Driven by Lu Yao, the short and agile gangsters climbed over like wild monkeys and fought hand to hand with everyone.

There were corpses scattered on the ground, including those of gangsters and officers and soldiers.

Beating like this, it was He Lingchuan's familiar rhythm again.

Across the carriage, Lu Yao's scarlet eyes stared at him: "You'd better run quickly! When I catch up, I will chop off the heads of your father and son and use them as wine flasks!"

He Lingchuan touched his head, looked at the red sun on the top of the mountain in the east, and sighed: "Mount your horse and retreat!"

Unlike in the dream, this time he didn't intend to cling to the last moment.

Dreams are dreams, reality is reality.

In dreams, one can be passionate and passionate, but in reality, one cannot be resurrected after death.

Finally waited for this sentence to retreat! All the officers and soldiers breathed a long sigh of relief, almost with tears in their eyes, and hurriedly got on their horses. The magician in the team ran up five feet along the way, squatted down, pressed his hands on the ground, and began to mutter something.

Under Zhao Qinghe's coordination, everyone's energy was transferred to him.

The light on the magician's body suddenly became intense.

Immediately afterwards, ice began to form on the ground he was holding down, all the way down.

Yes, even if He Lingchuan wanted to retreat, he would have to create some more trouble for his opponent.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" He Lingchuan kept urging, "This is the lakeside, the water vapor is very strong, we should go faster!"

Seeing that the car formation was about to break up, the sweat on his back became even more intense.

"My real power is limited, that's all..." The magician gritted his teeth. His skills are practiced to kill people, not to pave the way!

True power is limited? He Lingchuan woke up when he woke up. He immediately took something out of his arms and stuffed it into his mouth: "Can this thing be used?"

It was a dark green Xuan Jing.

At the critical moment, he was still the one who wanted to ensure that Young Master He had the goods.

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