This thing is essentially the solidified spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which can replenish the magician's true power. The Xuan Jing that He Lingchuan took out was of good quality. As soon as the magician raised his Qi, the spiritual energy in the Xuan Jing turned into real power and poured into the Dantian continuously.

He felt like a pool being refilled and nodded quickly.

At this moment, the back panel of a carriage was smashed. Lu Yao hit it hard and the panel flew away, clearing his vision.

From his angle, he had a clear view of the situation on the slope.

Are these bitches still digging holes for him? Lu Yao roared angrily and focused his eyes on He Lingchuan who was giving the order:

Son of a bitch, why don't you play endless obstacles with him? Do you really think that Lu Yao has a good temper?

With the blessing of Xuan Jing, the road suddenly freezes much faster.

In the blink of an eye, the first layer was laid.

Well, it looks very smooth. However, He Lingchuan was still worried and asked the magician to reinforce it.

Reinforce it.

So, two more layers were laid in succession.

Under the morning light, the icy road surface glowed with white light.

After reaching this point, the magician's face turned pale and shaky. Although there are black crystals to provide energy, people's mental power is limited. It is the first time for him to perform spells with such high intensity. He is exhausted after just a few dozen breaths, and he feels that his spirit is exhausted and his mind is exhausted. I want to lie down and sleep for three days and three nights.

He Lingchuan reached out to him: "Where is the remaining Xuan Jing? Give it back to me."

The Xuan Jing that returned shrank by two full circles.

Mao Tao put the magician on horseback and wanted to escape with everyone.

No one noticed that behind the last car formation, Lu Yao suddenly stopped and waved to his subordinates: "Here comes the bow!"

Someone else immediately offered him a bow.

Lu Yao called an archer, pointed at He Lingchuan and said: "Shoot the He family boy to death! You know, the one who looks particularly arrogant!"

The archer did not dare to hesitate, took out an arrow and put it on his bow, aiming at He Lingchuan on the slope.

The shape of this bow is more open and thicker than its ordinary counterparts. The lines look a bit like a bat's wings, especially the curvature of the bow ears is even more exaggerated. The "head" of the bat is on the bow handle, which is where the bow is held and the bow is held. The position of the arrow.

As the archer took aim, he suddenly felt that He Lingchuan's figure was blurry, and he was unable to pinpoint his position accurately.

It's like you can't see what's underneath the rippling lake surface.


The bow he uses is an out-and-out magical weapon, and the elemental energy on his opponent's body will interfere with the effect of the magical weapon, preventing it from exerting its maximum effectiveness.

I suffer the disadvantage of being a reckless person in the world without the blessing of Yuan Power.

The archer tried twice, but could not accurately locate it, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Lu Yao stared at him from the side and said sternly: "Why are you still hesitating?" The kid ran further and further away.

Anyway, he couldn't escape. The archer gritted his teeth and said loudly: "I am willing to sacrifice three years of life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp hook protruded from the handle of the bow. It was unclear whether it was a claw or a tooth, and it pierced into his palm like lightning.

But the archer himself didn't notice it at all, and this move didn't affect the stability of his hand. Instead, he was refreshed and his eyesight suddenly became clear.

Everyone else also saw that a shadowy figure with ghostly eyes suddenly appeared in front of the bow handle. It was dark red, with round eyes and vertical pupils, and bloodshot eyes.

The pupils turned left and right twice and suddenly opened, like a cat's eyes at night, opening to their maximum size.

And the archer aiming through the ghost eyes instantly saw He Lingchuan's back clearly!

The effect is fully turned on, and those distracting lights and shadows are gone. In the archer's sight, there was only a simple prey.

It's now!

He aimed at He Lingchuan's lower back, and with a "whoosh" sound, the flying feathers left the string.

In just two breaths, He Lingchuan's figure became blurry again, and his Yuan Power took effect again.

The special effect of this bow is to help the owner briefly seize the gap in the fluctuation of Yuanli and deliver a fatal blow.

As soon as the arrow was shot, the archer gasped for air, as if he had run forty miles in one breath. His previous calmness was gone, and his face was white and his lips were blue.

He was originally a tall and thin man about forty years old, with a yellowish complexion. In the eyes of others, his changes are visible to the naked eye:

The wrinkles at the corners of the eyes have deepened, the eyes have become a little cloudier, the chin is sharper, and the person is thinner.

Overall, Archer seems to have aged three to five years in just a few breaths.

This is the price of using a bow. Lu Yao didn't want to bear the burden himself, so he let others use it.

The ghost eye in front of the bow is gone. Lu Yao took the bow from the archer and put it away again: "Smash all these broken cars!"

It's safe to turn a corner ahead, and you can temporarily escape the long-range attacks of the gangsters.

He Lingchuan was about to speed up when the broken knife at his waist suddenly vibrated. At the same time, the cold air spreading from his back made his heart contract violently.

The sixth sense is giving a crazy warning:

There's something creepy coming from behind, very fast!

He Lingchuan didn't have time to think or look back. He grabbed the shield with his backhand and threw it back.

It was as if a firm and steady voice reminded him in his mind:


For some reason, He Lingchuan did it without hesitation.

There was a muffled sound of "Tuk", and the light shield, which was soaked in tung oil with centuries-old vines from deep mountains, and then formed after nine times of steaming and nine drying, actually fell apart after hitting the incoming object.

You must know that this thing is both hard and tough. Not to mention it can be exploded in one fell swoop. Even if it is left there for anyone to chop with a knife or ax, it will take a long time to chop it open.

At this time, the enemy is not Yihe.

After breaking the shield, the speed of the thing only slowed down slightly, and then continued to rush forward.

Just when He Lingchuan was vaulting, he landed in a somersault and was almost knocked into the air by the inertia. Fortunately, this body's sensitivity is very good. I moved forward quickly. Although I staggered and my posture was ugly, I was able to at least stop on the big rock on the edge of the cliff.

Ahead is an abyss, so dangerous.

As for why he didn't jump to the other side, it was too dangerous. On the other side were the flying hooves of other people's horses, and there were several of them. If he jumped, he would easily be trampled and become paralyzed.

He Lingchuan was still grateful for his choice in his heart, but he didn't know that his feet were empty——

After climbing a wall, the big stone fell loose.

Standing here for many years, suffering from the sun and wind, it has long been just an illusion. How can it withstand the strength of a young man?

At that moment, it simply broke into four or five pieces, and together with the initiator of all this, fell into the abyss of all evil!

"" He Lingchuan cursed simply.

Why did you fall off the cliff again!

Can you be a little creative in the way you die?

Could it be that the difference between him and the original person is that one has fallen off the cliff and died, while the other is on the way to fall off the cliff?

But while he was swearing and falling freely, he also saw a white shadow passing over the horse's back, and a cloud of blood mist exploded on the neck of his mount!

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