After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 131 Fake experience kills people

The horse screamed sadly, suddenly fell down while running at high speed, and flew sideways off the cliff!

The beast that he paid so much for and the precious horse that traveled thousands of miles were just gone.

He Lingchuan seemed to have a clear understanding.

That thing was aimed at his lower back. Because no matter how the knight dodges on horseback, the waist and posterior hills will basically not move. If he hadn't suddenly become so blessed that he jumped off his horse, he would probably be the one who exploded into a ball of blood mist.

But now...his end is probably to be smashed into a ball of meat, not much better than exploding into blood mist, right?

He Lingchuan also heard the screams of Mao Tao and others on the cliff. The wind whistled in his ears, and he fell faster and faster.

This cliff is actually bare, not even a tree!

There was a slightly convex stone wall below. He Lingchuan gritted his teeth, pulled out his long knife, aimed at a crack in the stone, and plunged it in.

I used to watch movies and this trick would definitely work.

With a "dang" sound, the long knife broke in two pieces, and the handle was broken.

? ! Are they all lies?

Fortunately, he still has a knife.

At least try again.

He Lingchuan pulled out the broken knife and stabbed it into the next stone crevice.

Plunged in!

The hard stone wall was disemboweled, leaving long knife marks.

There are no sparks flying, but it has the fulfilling feeling of sawing through hard bread.

With the knife slowing down, He Lingchuan slid down another two feet and finally stopped.

At the bottom are jagged rocks protruding out of the lake. If he fell directly from the cliff, he would probably be smashed to pieces here? At least that's what he saw from the horse that just fell.

He hadn't reached the lake yet, but there was an irregular hole, or gap, in the mountain wall directly in front, and a cool breeze blew from the hole toward his face.

What now? He Lingchuan was not sure that he could climb up the rock again. Besides, Lu Yao would definitely lead people to pursue him. It might not be a good idea to climb up immediately at this time.

As soon as he hesitated, the familiar chill came again.

This time it came from directly above.

The thing that had just destroyed the shield and killed the mount was targeting him again.

He Lingchuan cursed secretly, pulled out the broken knife and jumped into the small cave in front of him.

It was even narrower inside, and his head hit the stone wall, causing a bloody wound and swelling.

But people finally got in.

As soon as he retracted his legs, the white shadow swept past the outside of the cave with a "swish" sound, causing the soles of his feet to feel very hot.

What the hell!

There seemed to be calls from Mao Tao and others above, but He Lingchuan didn't dare to look, let alone stay. Seeing that the gap in front was quite deep, he quickly climbed in using his hands and feet.

After a few steps, there was a loud crackling sound outside, as if there was a landslide.

It turned out that the stone on the mountainside had been weathered, and when He Lingchuan's horse hit it, a large piece of it suddenly collapsed.

As luck would have it, two large pieces of falling rock hit him right here, blocking the crevice he entered.

The mountain crevices are winding and difficult to navigate, and are pitch black. There are actually two forks. He Lingchuan did not hesitate and chose the direction of the wind to move forward.

At this time, his mind was still very clear, and he knew where the wind was coming from to find a way to survive.

After crawling for a while, the sacred bone necklace suddenly became hot.

What's ahead?

It was pitch black all around and nothing could be seen. But He Lingchuan still kept a cautious mind and climbed slowly.

After a while, the front suddenly became clear, and I pressed the empty button with my left hand.

Fortunately, he was vigilant and didn't fall.

The empty.

At least there was plenty of space, and he could hear the sound of water.

The wind is from

In other words, there are caves or fissures in this mountain that are connected to the lake.

He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief, maybe he could find a way to leave from here.

What to do now, jump down?

Judging from the sound, he was not far from the water, only two or three feet at most.

He Lingchuan leaned forward and was about to jump down when he heard another strange movement below.


He Lingchuan had an unexpected incident, and no other officers and soldiers responded.

When Mao Tao and others looked back, Master He had already fallen into the cliff together with his horse.

The horse's cry before it died was extremely sad, but not many people heard He Lingchuan's cry.

Zhao Qinghe was so frightened that he immediately reined in his horse and rushed to the edge of the cliff to look down.

It was empty below, and there was a huge protruding rock blocking his sight, preventing him from seeing the bottom of the cliff.

But...not optimistic.

He searched around and soon saw the horse corpse that had fallen on the rocks. The blood dyed the lake red.

Maotao also jumped on her horse and rushed to the edge of the cliff. She looked down and said, "Oh, young master!"

Zhao Qinghe quickly asked: "Where is it?"

"No, I didn't see it." Maotao stretched out her neck, "Will she be crushed by the horse?"

"..." Zhao Qinghe grabbed a bundle of rope, "I'll go down and take a look."

"I'll do it! I'm thinner and more flexible than you." Mao Tao grabbed the rope and tied it around his waist. He tied the other end to the saddle and slid down the mountain wall. His movements were really neat.

The bandits also noticed the situation here and fired arrows one after another. Zhao Qinghe called on everyone to come forward and defend: "Protect the horses!"

After a while, he went down the cliff and asked, "Have you found it?"

The first few times, Maotao answered "no", but when he slid down too deep, the sound came out blurry, so he had to pull the rope to signal.

Zhao Qinghe and others worked hard to drag him up.

As soon as Maotao climbed up, he said: "There are knife marks on the mountain wall, but I didn't see the young master!"

Everyone felt heavy.

At this moment, there was a "clang" sound, and the last heavy vehicle formation was violently split open, and the gangsters rushed over.

The first two rushed too fast and slipped.

Yu Zhong stepped on the ice, which was very solid and slippery.

However, now they are only five or six feet away from the officers and soldiers. Not to mention flying arrows, those with stronger arms can reach them by throwing axes.

How can we save people under such conditions?

A soldier said anxiously: "We have to leave, and we will come back when it is safe..."

I can't say anything else. Come back to collect the corpses?

Zhao Qinghe looked at the bottom of the cliff, then at the howling bandits, and knew that he had no other choice but to order everyone to mount their horses.

Finally able to evacuate, the officers and soldiers galloped forward, wishing that the horses would have two more legs.

Watching the officers and soldiers leave, Lu Yao looked at the icy road five to six (less than twenty meters) away in front of him, and sneered: "You are so stupid, you think you can stop us?" After that, he swung his ax and fiercely Hit the ice hard.

There was a click, and there was a hole in the ice.

He would chisel two more and he would be able to step on them.

The other bandits followed suit one after another, and for a while there was a pinging and banging sound on the ice, the sound of ice being chipped.

In fact, there are people among the bandits who possess magic, but when a small fireball hits the ice, it goes out, leaving only a shallow mark.

The ice cubes condensed by borrowing Yuan Li are hard and durable, and are difficult to deal with with ordinary spells.

Although it was an uphill road, and although the speed was a bit slow, there were fulcrums to step on, and everyone walked up one step at a time.

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