After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 132 Protracted War in the Dark

Of course, Lu Yao knew that the purpose of He Lingchuan and others was to slow down the pursuing soldiers, and he didn't really think that a small section of ice road could stop the fierce bandits.

When everyone had crossed the icy road, Lu Yao waved his hand: "Chase!"

At this time, a gangster timidly raised his hand: "General, the horse, the horse is not coming up!"

How can they catch up with four legs if they have two legs?

Lu Yao glared: "Then what are you waiting for? Come on!"

The bandits had no choice but to go back the same way they came and go get their horses again.

Now the question comes:

People can climb up through ice holes, but horses cannot.

The ice is not slippery, and there are only a few small holes for strength. The horse is not a human being, nor has it been specially trained, and its steps are far less nimble.

The four long and thin legs scratched back and forth on the ice. Sometimes they could step on holes, and sometimes they couldn't. It all depended on luck.

The gangsters were also anxious, and they whipped them a few more times. Two horses couldn't stand the pain anymore and started clawing at their hooves.

As a result, they missed the mark and slipped.

With a sudden movement, the gangsters behind him were also taken off the cliff.

The man screamed and the horse neighed, stopping at the bottom of the cliff.

The scalps of all the gangsters were numb, so they had no choice but to go see Lu Yao.

If the horse can't move, why should we chase after it? Lu Yao was so angry that he looked up to the sky and roared, and then yelled: "What are you doing in a daze? Dig the ice! Dig a way for me!"

Dig out a path that the horses can walk on!

Fortunately, there are shovels and hoes in the village. For shaving ice, these special agricultural tools are much easier to use than knives and axes.

By the time the three layers of impossibly thick ice on the road had been chipped away and the horses could kick up and down the road, nearly an hour had passed since He Lingchuan and others escaped!

It actually took about the same amount of time as breaking the triple car formation! Lu Yao was trembling with anger and thought more than once in his heart:

So, had He Wuchou planned this a long time ago?

It was so easy for him to fall to death so easily!

The gangsters panted and threw down their farm tools. Regardless of their sore hands and feet, they got on their horses at Lu Yao's urging and started chasing along the road.

At this moment, the sun is almost in the sky.

Some people have thunder in their stomachs. They haven’t had any water or rice to beat their teeth since last night’s dinner, and they are hungry.

I really regret not ordering a few big cakes from the village.

But looking at General Lu's livid face, no one dared to say a word.

Just after running through a small forest, Lu Yao suddenly shouted: "Who is there?"

Before the sound was finished, the ax arrived first.

The flying ax passed by, and amidst the sound of branches snapping, someone fell from the tree and broke a leg.

Lu Yao went over to take a look and exclaimed: "Aren't you a spy under Lao Pei?"

The man cried out pitifully: "General Lu, please spare my life."

"Where is Lao Pei?"

This man dare not speak.

Lu Yao chopped off his head with a knife and asked people to search his body, but found nothing useful.

But at this moment, there was a roar in the woods, and something flew over and hit the deceased.

The gangsters took a closer look and saw that it was a wooden bird with a trap.

Lu Yao was very familiar with this wooden bird. He opened its belly, took out a piece of paper and looked at it twice, and then sneered: "The person named Pei wants him to continue to monitor my movements, hey!"


"Wow!" Something stirred in the water, making splashing sounds everywhere.

Then, He Lingchuan actually heard someone coughing.

The series of coughs sounded like choking on water, very rapid, wheezing, and cracking.

He Lingchuan had been injured a lot in the past two months, and he had also seen others injured. Just by hearing his voice, he could tell that this person had at least a lung injury.

Then, he smelled blood.

And there was a strange sound underneath, like someone breathing:

Haha, haha...

He Lingchuan didn't dare to take a breath and waited to see what would happen.

The coughing stopped suddenly.

A full forty or fifty breaths.

He Lingchuan thought that the man had left, the water started to stir again, and something hit the rocks, making a crackling sound, which sounded very powerful.

Soon, the coughing sound came again.

This time, the man coughed more violently, as if he had just emerged from the water.

And he managed to say two words with great difficulty:

"Evil beast!"

This voice sounded a little familiar, and He Lingchuan felt like he had heard it recently.

Just recently.

Was it these two days, or a few hours ago?

A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and He Lingchuan exclaimed softly: "Wu Shaoyi?"

His voice was not loud and should have been muffled by the sound of water. Unexpectedly, the man below heard everything and suddenly shouted: "Who, who is there? Please help me quickly!"

When He Lingchuan called out this person's name, he knew something in his heart. When he heard him calling for help again, he also guessed that he posed no threat to him, so he tore off a piece of cloth, ignited it with a fire stick, and threw it down.

The sparks floated all the way down, fell to the water, flickered twice, and then went out.

But with this little light, He Lingchuan could still see clearly what was underneath -

He didn't find Wu Shaoyi himself, but he saw a suit of black scales!

There were three rows of sharp hooks closely arranged on the scales, which were stained black by water splashes.

The sparks seemed to fall close to the thing's head, frightening it, so it shook its head, causing the lake to splash again. He Lingchuan seemed to see a pair of green eyes.

"Hiss—" He gasped, and it turned out to be that huge beast—

Crocodile King.

Previously, Wu Shaoyi was attacked by a giant crocodile by the lake. Both of them disappeared. Others thought that the crocodile king had gone somewhere to enjoy a delicious meal.

Who knew it brought Wu Shaoyi here.

"General Wu?" He Lingchuan asked tentatively, "Where are you?"

When he turned up the volume, there was an echo. It seemed that the cave was a large cavity.

"In, in the mouth of the crocodile god!" Wu Shaoyi immediately replied, "I will press my spear against its lower jaw, you, you come down and help..."

There was nothing more to say before he finished speaking.

He Lingchuan guessed that the giant crocodile took him into the water again.

This guy at the bottom is the rebel leader. Do you want to help or not?

If he doesn't help, can he escape by himself?

Ask him next time.

Soon, “next time” will come.

Wu Shaoyi once again followed the crocodile's mouth to the surface of the water. He Lingchuan took advantage of its flopping time and asked: "Where is the exit? How can I get out?"

"You can't get out, there are still..." Wu Shaoyi accidentally choked on the lake water, "Other crocodiles!"

He then said: "Help me, I have a way! You believe me!"

He Lingchuan didn't believe it: "Do you know who I am?"

"Anyone can do it, even Lu Yao, that bitch!" Wu Shaoyi shouted, "This is a crocodile nest, there is no other way out. If you don't help me, we will all die here!"

He Lingchuan thought for a while, then threw two more igniting strips down, and a large section of his sleeves were missing.

The giant crocodile just entered the water sideways, and with the help of this light, he finally saw Wu Shaoyi.

Sure enough, this man was lying half in the crocodile's mouth, with the spear in his hand firmly pressing against the crocodile demon's upper and lower jaws. He had to hold on to the gun with all his strength to prevent it from being thrown out during the violent shaking.

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