After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 133 A fatal stalemate

Such exertion must have consumed a lot of blood, because He Lingchuan could smell the smell of blood getting stronger. He didn't know if it was his, the giant crocodile's, or both.

He Lingchuan never understood why the giant crocodile didn't just drown Wu Shaoyi in the water. It turned out that Wu's spear kept pushing it up, and it couldn't bear it.

This giant crocodile travels all over the world and has never eaten anything. How could it be that it would encounter something that could prick its mouth here?

Judging from its state, it is also very irritable.

"You can just let go and jump out, can't you?"

"No, it wants to hit me to death! I've tried twice." Wu Shaoyi said, "This thing has intelligence!"

The most important thing is that he was too injured and couldn't run fast at all.

Although the big mouth is stuck, the crocodile demon is as big as a locomotive and will knock out anyone it hits, no matter on land or in water.

Or is the crocodile mouth the safest? He Lingchuan imagined the fanged smile underneath.

"How can I help?"

"Think of a way, think quickly!" Several people appeared out of thin air above his head. Wu Shaoyi would not let go of this God-given opportunity, "I will definitely repay you!"

How to save him? He Lingchuan was in trouble.

Stab the giant crocodile to death with a broken knife? Don't be kidding, He Lingchuan himself would have been thrown away before the giant crocodile's scalp was even scratched.

Looking for a stalactite to replace a spear? Impossible, the crocodile will not just let him do whatever he wants.

Seventeen or eight thoughts flashed through his mind, but He Lingchuan rejected them all.

Wu Shaoyi below was still urging him desperately.

He Lingchuan was so excited by him that he simply shouted: "That crocodile monster... God, can you understand human speech?"

Just now he clearly heard Wu Shaoyi calling this thing the "Crocodile God".

This crocodile is so big that it must have become a monster, but no one would call it a god for no reason.

Wu Shaoyi should know its origin.

Besides, Uncle Hao's kite demon can listen to and speak human words. Maybe this crocodile demon, who seems to be more sophisticated in his ways, can also do it?

Give it a try, it never hurts to give it a try.

So he shouted again: "Can I help you get rid of the toothpick that pierced your mouth?"

Compared with the size of the giant crocodile, Wu Shaoyi, a thick and powerful man, only has a small piece of meat that cannot fill the huge mouth of the abyss. The spear is like a toothpick, so it is no problem for the giant crocodile.

As soon as he asked this question, the water surface suddenly stopped churning, and there was only one or two slight water sounds.

It was pitch black underneath, and He Lingchuan couldn't see anything, so he could only ask Wu Shaoyi: "How did it react?"

"It nodded." Wu Shaoyi's voice sounded a little frustrated, "It can understand!"

Yes, this was the crocodile god who had been worshiped by incense. Why did he fight it from the beginning to the end, acknowledging that it couldn't understand human language?

Why should both sides suffer when the trouble can be solved through negotiation? Thinking of this, Wu Shaoyi wanted to slap herself twice.

At this critical moment of life and death, is your head rusty?

He Lingchuan breathed a long sigh of relief. Once he could communicate with such monsters, wouldn't the difficulty of rescuing people plummet?

He is really a little genius.

Next, we have to try to negotiate terms: "Crocodile God, let's make a deal? I will take out the toothpick for you, and you will let us go and help us get ashore, how about it?"

The next second, a cold voice sounded from the bottom of their hearts:


Youkai who communicate with humans mostly use the method of voice transmission, because the vocal cords are not suitable.

Is this big crocodile so happy? He Lingchuan was startled instead: "Do you mean what you say?"

"The Ankylosaurus never lies!" said the giant crocodile, "I swear on the blood of my ancestors!"

He Lingchuan had heard that monsters generally did not lie, except for a few species.

He thought for a while, took out a candle from the storage space, lit it, and threw it to Wu Shaoyi.

Wu Shaoyi caught it with great difficulty.

If the crocodile monster is flapping, such a simple action cannot be completed at all.

He Lingchuan instructed it: "Get out of the water first!"

The giant crocodile swam forward slowly, and soon its big head was out of the water.

With the help of the light of the candle, the two discovered that the cave was very large, half in the water and half above the lake.

There seemed to be something deep in the cave, but that wasn't the point right now. He Lingchuan took a quick glance and didn't worry about it.

Climbing up to the stone beach by the water, the crocodile monster pressed its giant head against the stone surface and stopped moving.

"go out."

Wu Shaoyi struggled to get up, but couldn't get up.

The previous tense confrontation with the giant crocodile had exhausted all his strength. Once he relaxed, he couldn't even lift his hands.

He tried two more times and couldn't even stand.

The giant crocodile tilted its head, shook him out of its mouth, and threw him onto the stone stall.

"Get the gun out!"

Wu Shaoyi couldn't even stand up, so how could he have the strength to draw a gun for it?

He had no choice but to ask He Lingchuan for help: "Boy, come down and help!"

He Lingchuan secretly thought that my high place was safe.

He really didn't want to go down, but Wu Shaoyi and the giant crocodile were pressing hard.

They've all had enough of each other.

There were two rows of large blood holes on Wu Shaoyi's body. Blood was flowing out every second. No one could be deceived. Recalling that he had wrestled with a giant crocodile for several hours with such serious injuries, He Lingchuan also believed that he was now exhausted.

If he had not met He Lingchuan, Wu Shaoyi would have died, and his spear would still be stuck in the mouth of the giant crocodile.

So Young Master He sighed deeply, pinched his nose and jumped down.

Plop, it entered the water.

Another set of freestyle swimming to the rocky beach.

He first moved Wu Shaoyi into the depths of the cave, fed him a small pill, and then walked back to the water.

The giant crocodile was waiting for him here with its mouth wide open and tears streaming from the corners of its eyes.

Each of its teeth was longer than the broken knife in his hand, and its huge mouth could easily accommodate three adults.

Standing next to it gives people a really unpleasant feeling.

He Lingchuan tried to poke his head into its mouth and found that Wu Shaoyi's spear was stuck in a wonderful position. The tip of the spear penetrated deeply into the upper jaw of the giant beast, but the handle of the spear was stuck deep in the crevice of its lower jaw.

Yes, this crocodile has a cavity to the root of its tooth, which is quite a deep cavity.

So the spear can get stuck and make it miserable.

No wonder it agreed to He Lingchuan's conditions without hesitation.

Isn’t it just to eat less personally? Toothache is what really kills you.

However, it still takes courage to walk into such a bloody maw and extract the monster's teeth. He Lingchuan rubbed his hands, gently raised his foot and stepped on its chin.

The crocodile monster probably saw his worries, and even comforted him: "Don't worry, I never eat dentistry." The crocodile tribe often keeps company with birds, and those little birds peck at the carrion between their teeth, which can Help them maintain oral hygiene.

"..." Looking at the row of fangs hanging directly above his forehead, He Lingchuan said that he was not comforted. This guy's bad breath was so bad that he was afraid he would faint if he stood for a while longer.

I don’t know how Wu Shaoyi endured it.

"Open your mouth wider." He Lingchuan told it honestly, "The upper jaw should be deeper, please bear with it."

He raised his spear and stabbed it upward again.

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