After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 134 Shui Ling?

Crocodile blood flowed down the spear, and he heard the "haha" sound again.

Now he finally knew that this was the crocodile's cry of pain.

At this moment, he had an idea:

If I stab the spear upward suddenly, will it stick into the brain of the giant crocodile?

Only by killing this behemoth can we end the threat, right?

But this thought only passed by for a moment.

If the giant crocodile is so easy to kill, hasn't Wu Shaoyi tried it?

Even if he succeeds, will the crocodile die with him? After all, he is in other people's mouths.

So He Lingchuan quickly gave up the idea and just continued to rub the handle of the gun out of the tooth cavity bit by bit.

This process makes the crocodile scream in pain.

Of course, he also kept an eye on it. He stood back on the stone first, then put the spear sideways and put it away, and at the same time, he quickly retreated.

Pulled out.

He had just retreated a few feet when the giant crocodile closed its mouth with a snap. The "click" sound of the upper and lower teeth coming together resounded throughout the cave.

Seeing it lying on the spot, motionless, He Lingchuan reminded it: "Hey, it's time to take us up."

"He will die if he moves." Crocodile God stayed in place and said, "I'm tired too, let's take a rest."

After struggling for several hours, it was exhausted. The giant crocodile race is not known for its endurance.

He Lingchuan was relieved that it had no intention of attacking. Taking advantage of this time, he ran back to Wu Shaoyi, lit two more candles, and checked his injuries.

Previously, he only fed Wu Shaoyi pills to stop bleeding, but not Shituosan. When the pain disappears, people tend to have bad intentions.

I don't understand much about Wu Shaoyi, so I might as well let him continue to suffer.

After leaving the water, Wu Shaoyi often coughed, and when he coughed, he would get blood.

The more he checked, the more frightened He Lingchuan became:

"You are too seriously injured. Your lungs and kidneys are damaged, you have seven fractures, and you have lost most of your blood." The blood hole on Wu Shaoyi's body is more than an inch in diameter. He has been bleeding slowly internally. "If you continue like this, you will not be hurt by your own Drowning in blood means dying from organ failure.”

To describe Wu Shaoyi's state in four words, there is no way to save the day.

"I know, I have used all the medicines available." Wu Shaoyi laughed miserably.

"Can you swim back to shore with me in this state?" Now He Lingchuan also understood why the crocodile demon agreed to the conditions so happily. It probably also saw that Wu Shaoyi, who injured it, was about to die, and there was no need for it to take revenge on its own.

"Just hold on, you can do it." Wu Shaoyi half-closed her eyes, "I just don't want to die in the dark."

Whether he died in a secret underwater cave or was buried in the belly of a crocodile, it was indeed dark. "You take me up there, I still have a way to save myself. I will also reward you generously."

This is the second time he mentioned it.

He Lingchuan thought for a moment and fed him another elixir. This was the elixir he had used when he fell off a cliff a few months ago and was seriously injured. It is said that He Chunhua specially asked for it from the great shaman of Zhaomandu. To force the dying person to take another breath. Before leaving Blackwater City this time, He Chunhua made a special trip to buy some goods.

Wu Shaoyi only felt that the pills had an unpleasant earthy smell, as if they were made directly from river mud, but they melted as soon as they entered the throat.

After a while, there was a rush of heat in my belly, and my limbs seemed to have some strength.

During this period, He Lingchuan held the candle and walked deeper into the cave. He had previously discovered that there seemed to be something at the bottom of the cave, and when he was treating Wu Shaoyi's wounds, he also smelled the fishy smell coming from the cave. Now when he took a closer look, he was shocked:

"This, this?"

Under the illumination of candlelight, he saw the remains of a huge giant turtle...!

This giant thing is more than four feet (13 meters) long from head to tail. The carapace is high and thick, and there are sharp edges. From a human perspective, it looks like a small mountain.

He Lingchuan knew that this creature was called a leatherback turtle, but this was the first time he had seen one so big.

There is no doubt that this is a great demon with profound knowledge.

The giant turtle's head was missing, its forelimbs were bitten off, its entire hind legs were missing, and there was a big hole in its belly, with its internal organs leaking out. The blood flowed to the stone beach and solidified into a black stain. Crabs, rats and unknown scavengers all lay on it to enjoy a feast.

He Lingchuan suddenly remembered the Shuiling Temple in Xianling Village.

This dead turtle is probably the water of Xianling Lake. Yesterday morning, the Shuiling tablet suddenly broke. It was probably because the giant turtle was bitten to death by a giant crocodile. Instead, Zhu was so tired that she was slapped by the village chief.

There are hideous scratches and deep and shallow holes all over the turtle's back. He Lingchuan looked at it, then looked back at the giant crocodile with its eyes closed and meditating on the stone beach, guessing that these should be the masterpieces left by the conical crocodile teeth.

However, he also noticed that no matter how sharp the giant crocodile's teeth were, they could not penetrate the turtle shells.

In the conflict, Dun persisted until the end.

Apparently the giant crocodile won in the end because he took the opportunity to bite the giant turtle's head and shot it in one go.

That explains two problems.

First of all, the crocodile demon is an outsider. He entered the fairy lake just two days ago, clashed with the local lake spirit, and defeated him. This is basically the same time as Lu Yao arrived at Xianling Village.

Secondly, the giant turtle seems to be difficult to deal with, so when the crocodile monster fought Wu Shaoyi today, it was likely that he had not recovered from the fierce battle yesterday morning and was not in his prime.

No wonder it agreed to a ceasefire at the first opportunity.

Everyone is at the end of their game.

Of course, He Lingchuan couldn't hide his excitement and confusion, because Shui Ling's body lying in front of him was confirmed to have died yesterday morning, so what happened to the two lottery numbers he just drew out a few hours ago!

Is it really like He Chunhua said, what tricks did the giant turtle do on the lottery to ensure that He Lingchuan would draw the next lottery every time?

Or is it that this thing has a spirit after death?

Shui Ling is dead, who can solve the two lottery signs for him?

He Lingchuan took two steps closer and suddenly found that the edge of the tortoise shell glowed with a very faint golden light under the candlelight.

He grabbed the tortoise shell and tentatively lifted it twice.

Well, not moving at all, as expected.

The crocodile monster suddenly said: "Get in."

"Huh?" He Lingchuan turned around and saw that it was resting with its eyes closed.

"There are beads on its belly. I can't reach it, and neither can my children. If I can take it out, it's yours." The crocodile demon said calmly, "Just think of it as a thank you gift for pulling out my gun." The crocodile doesn't have enough hands. Flexible, can't do the business of digging out treasures.

Is there a treasure in your belly?

He Lingchuan looked at the hill-like wreckage and the black blood on the ground. If you want to get the treasure, do you have to get into the belly of this thing?

Too bloody, too dirty, too cruel...

Must go.

He Lingchuan bowed twice to the giant turtle and secretly said to Shui Ling, you have to be generous now that you have passed away. Don't blame me for being disrespectful to you behind.

There was a ready-made hole in the turtle's belly. He took out the broken knife and expanded the hole so that he could get in.

Although it had been bitten open by the giant crocodile, the hardness of the giant turtle's skin and flesh was still far better than that of a century-old vine. If the broken knife was not extremely sharp, He Lingchuan might not be able to cut it open with other knives.

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