After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1285 Food Gift

"Based on the number of camps, Liu Chengshou's army is about 1,200 to 300 people. The people in Shizhoutou told me that these are basically not local soldiers, but troops brought by Liu Chengshou from the north and stationed there. It only took Shi Zhoutou three years to take advantage of the people. In ordinary times, the military leaders also used their power to bully others. "

He Lingchuan nodded: "That's what the army is like. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

Judging from Liu Chengshou's previous cowardice without fighting, we knew that his army was not much better.

"Is Yang Meng a local?"

"Yes, Yang Meng was born in Shizhoutou. He was favored by a Taoist sect since he was a child and was taken to learn martial arts. He only returned to the city three years ago."

"No wonder Yang Meng spontaneously resisted." He Lingchuan said, "Officials from other places robbed their locals."

"When people in the city talk about him, they all say that he is a good man. He is a fair guard and he often provides convenience to the civilians."

Dong Rui went back to the army outside the city: "My bat went to eavesdrop on the conversation of two sentries. Yang Meng did not confront them head-on. He only sent a small group of rangers to harass and killed many sentries on the outside. So these two I was very nervous and kept praying that I would be able to return to my shift alive." As he spoke, the bat came out of Dong Rui's arms and squeaked twice, and the latter said, "By the way, there is sparse vegetation there, and a sentry also saw my bat and thought. Shoot them down and eat them. It seems that the attackers don’t have enough supplies.”

When the bat shrank, it was no longer as big as a child's fist. The sentry was even greedy for such a small piece of meat, and there was really no fat in his belly.

"Okay, let's talk about Zhao Guangzhi."

"You even want his information?" Dong Rui shook his head, "It's only been three days, and you want me to do so many things!"

"Among the three parties, I am actually most concerned about Zhao Guangzhi." He Lingchuan rubbed his hands, "You must have found out clearly, right?"

Dong Rui stared at him for a long time and then smiled:


At this time Wan Qifeng came in and said:

"We have sent people to spy on Liu Chengshou's camp."

There was no need for He Lingchuan to order this.

Although Dong Rui is meticulous, he is not a soldier and cannot grasp many details.

It's different when Yang Shanjun takes action. After nightfall, Wan Qifeng came back to report in much more detail.

Although Liu Chengshou occupied a high ground, the layout of the camp was unreasonable. He said that the location of the toilet was not entirely downwind. Sometimes when the wind direction changed, the smell would flow back and the fragrance would float ten miles away.

After several rains, the tents were all twisted. Yang Shanjun's spies also discovered that some soldiers in the Liucheng garrison were too lazy to line up and would defecate secretly outside and then go back as if nothing had happened.

Not only would this be easy for the enemy to take advantage of, but it would also easily pollute the environment. After all, the water source was nearby and there had been heavy rainfall recently.

Even Dong Rui despised them: "Their hygiene habits are so bad!"

In addition, Liu Cheng's defenders were also short of food and medicine, and were robbed again by Yang Meng's army. Obviously Liu Chengshou had little experience in fighting in the wild, and the grain was not stored separately. As soon as Yang Meng arrived, he set fire to what could not be taken away, causing Liu Jun heavy losses.

"Actually, the two sides inside and outside the city are competing to see who can carry it." He Lingchuan concluded, "If Shitou had more supplies, Liu Chengshou would probably be the one who fled in despair."

But it’s hard to have an “if” in things. Liu Chengshou knew very well that Shi Zhoutou was unsustainable, so if he gritted his teeth and persisted for a few more days, he would be able to reap the fruits of victory.

"Judging from the current situation, Yang Meng is at a disadvantage. If I were him, I would have to worry about my own safety." He Lingchuan raised his finger at Dong Rui, "How about some medicine?"

Dong Rui raised his eyebrows: "What medicine do you want?"

He Lingchuan whispered a few words to him, and Dong Rui put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter! Whoever told them to be unhygienic deserves it!"

"I'm afraid you didn't prepare enough."

"Enough." Dong Rui grinned, "This kind of medicine can be enough at any time!"

There were two more light rains during the night, and the wind direction changed.

There had been two night attacks before, and Liu Chengshou was more vigilant, so Yang Meng did not send anyone to disturb the camp that night.

When I was patrolling the west side of the city at noon, I heard a rumbling sound around me. Yang Meng turned around and found the sound of an archer's belly rumbling.

The soldier covered his stomach with one hand, causing his stomach to growl louder.

He was hungry. He had not had anything decent to eat for two days, and he could hardly draw his bow.

The three hundred kilograms of grain that Yang Meng collected three days ago had to be used sparingly. How could he dare to let the army eat it all in one go?

Yang Meng glanced at him. At this time, the soldiers rushed up and whispered in his ear: "Master Yang, the meal is ready."

"Bring it up."

The soldier was startled: "Ah? Yes."

When the men were hungry and the horses were thin, the officers usually ate in the tent to prevent the soldiers from seeing them and causing trouble. But Master Yang asked for the meal to be brought to the city gate?

After a while, the meal came.

A cage of steaming steaming basket, just the aroma of rice noodles will make people's fingers lick.

This time, there was more than one soldier rumbling in his stomach.

Yang Meng opened the steamer and saw four or five steamed buns that were half yellow but not black, and a bowl of watery porridge. You couldn't even scoop out two grains of rice with a spoonful.

But there were a few fungi and a few young leaf buds floating on the porridge.

"It's been raining for the past few days, and fungi have grown under the roots of the trees." The soldier said, "We've tried it, and it's not poisonous."

Just seeing these things made the soldiers on the city gate swallow their saliva.

Yang Meng nodded, without reaching out, pointing to the soldiers on the top of the city and saying, "Divide them all and give them to them."

"Ah, sir..."

"I usually eat better than them, so I can bear the hunger." Yang Meng waved his hand, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and share."

A few steamed buns and a bowl of porridge are not enough to fill the teeth of seventeen or eight pot-bellied men.

But the way they looked at Yang Meng became more admiring.

Who doesn’t know that Mr. Yang shares the joys and sorrows with them?

At this moment, an arrow flew from the sky and nailed it to the gate tower with a "snatch" sound. It was no more than three feet away from Yang Meng.

"Enemy attack!" Everyone wanted to surround Yang Meng, but the latter waved his hand, "No need, it's just a command arrow."

He could see clearly that there was a note tied to the arrow tail.

The soldier went over to pull out the arrow and untie the note, only to hear a "ding" sound and an iron ring fell to the ground.

The quality of the paper is actually very good, light golden, crisp, and makes a rustling sound when played twice. Yang Meng unfolded it and looked at it. There were only a few lines on it:

"Yang Shoubei is brave and loyal. I will give you five hundred kilograms of grain as a special gift to relieve your burning eyebrows. Tonight, the wind will blow and things will change outside the city."

At the end of the letter, I drew a dragon head pattern.

The words "five hundred catties of grain as a gift" came into view. Yang Meng's heart jumped a few times. He quickly picked up the iron ring and took a look with his spiritual mind.

It is indeed a storage ring.

Sure enough, there were ten bags of grain inside, and the open bags were full!

Although it was not all rice, but also cereals and sweet potatoes, Yang Meng was still overjoyed.

There is food in the belly and no panic in the heart. Although five hundred pounds is not much, it can hold up to one meal!

Not to mention there are some bacon and pickles in the storage ring. For the soldiers who had been chewing tree bark for several days, this was a tough meal!

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