After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1286 The last meal before the war

Yang Meng gave the ring to the soldier: "Hurry up and get the cook! By the way, test the poison before cooking the rice!"

When the soldiers rushed down the tower, Yang Meng went to read the letter again.

This dragon head pattern looked familiar. Where had he seen it recently?

Dragon head, dragon head...

Yang Meng frowned and thought, then suddenly clapped his hands: "Temple!"

Yes, he saw two masked men in front of the Puyin Temple a few days ago, one of whom was wearing a dragon head mask!

He also mistook the other person as Zhao Guangzhi's killer and almost had a fight with him. Later, the god Puyin suddenly appeared, stopped the battle, and welcomed the dragon head mask into the temple.

Hmm, was that person really the one who sent the food?


Could it be that Puyin God came to help?

The confidant came to report again:

"The food is non-toxic and safe."

In any case, the other party showed goodwill by first donating a few hundred kilograms of life-saving food.

The only thing Shitou didn't lack was firewood.

Soon after, the whole army started to eat. Yang Meng did not dare to let the army eat and drink with open stomachs. After all, there was no guarantee that there would be a next meal. But each soldier can get at least half a bowl of multi-grain rice, a few dried pickles, and two strips of bacon.

No one spoke around, everyone was devouring the food, only hating that their mouths were not big enough.

The rice is fragrant, so fragrant! Some people chop their rice too quickly and choke, but they have to cover their mouths when coughing to prevent the rice grains from being sprayed away.

Yang Meng also finished his few bites of rice and picked up the letter of unknown origin.

What does the last sentence in the letter mean? Could it be?

"Keep an eye on the camp opposite." Yang Meng ordered, "If there is any trouble, report it immediately."

Before it got dark, Liu Chengshou started having dinner.

During the march, everything was kept simple, and his dinner was also very simple, which consisted of crispy roasted whole rabbit, a bowl of red dates and millet porridge, two fragrant sesame wheat cakes, and a plate of fried bean sprouts.

The rabbit was caught by a soldier below. When it was presented to the chief officer, its legs were still kicking.

The bean sprouts were overcooked and were too raw. Liu Chengshou frowned, and was about to send the dish back for the cook to make again, when his confidant came in.

"Sir, we have stocked up on food in the camp. We can still sustain it for five days at most."

Liu Chengshou took a bite of the wheat cake and thought to himself, damn it, if Yang Meng hadn't burned the grain and grass once, the army could have persisted longer.

Five days, can the stone head still hold up for five days?

If you are willing to learn from Zhao Guangzhi, you can survive not only five days, but even fifteen days. But Yang seems to be unable to do that kind of thing.

In this world, hey, if you are soft-hearted, you will suffer big losses.

If I hadn't had the foresight to take away the entire city's food and grass, how could I have been able to securely sit in the camp now?

As for the white-eyed wolves in the stone heads, hey, they deserve to starve to death!

His heart moved: "Where is Zhao Guangzhi? Is there anything unusual?"

He still doesn't understand why Zhao Guangzhi's army abandoned Shi Zhoutou and retreated. But if we don’t attack now, it doesn’t mean we won’t attack in the future. What Liu Chengshou feared the most was not Yang Meng in Shitou City, but the notorious Zhao Jun who was dozens of miles away!

"No. He seems to have retreated to Liuping. There has been no movement of troops in the past ten days."

Liuping was the last city that Zhao Guangzhi captured. It is said that the local city guards dared to resist despite not giving up, so they were slaughtered until their blood flowed into rivers. It took Zhao Guangzhi more than 20 days to capture Liuping, and after five days of preparation, he attacked Shitou. He made it clear that he did not take Shitou's defense seriously, thinking that he could easily take it down.

His retreat was as sudden as his attack. Liu Chengshou always felt that something was wrong.

But the person fighting Zhao Guangzhi was not him, but Yang Meng, so he didn't have an intuitive feeling.

Liu Chengshou's biggest worry was that after he got the stone head back, Zhao Guangzhi would attack again. After all, Liuping is not far from the head of Shizhou. For the cavalry, it is only a leg-lifting distance away.

Zhao Guangzhi retreated to Liuping, which shows that he is still thinking about Shi Zhoutou.

But the stone head is the foundation of Liu Chengshou. If he doesn't get it back, how will he arrange so many people under his command?

If he doesn't take it back, it will be even harder to take it back later when Yang Meng has established a firm foothold and won people's hearts.

Dilemma. Dilemma.

But before he could finish these thoughts, his confidant reported again:

"Sir, the aroma of cooking is coming from the west city of Shizhoutou."

"Oh, they can still open the pot?" Forget it, let's not stir-fry the bean sprouts again. Just for this plate of unbroken sprouts, the untouchables in Shi Zhoutou are willing to kowtow fifty times in exchange for it. Liu Chengshou is a contented person.

"It's the aroma of rice noodles. It's very strong, and it floats out when the wind blows. We sent the bird demon to fly high in the sky to observe, and saw soldiers gathering together in the city to eat. It's not leaves or bran, but serious meals!" said a confidant, "Just now We watched closely and there were people eating sweet potatoes at the city gate."

"Eat rice and sweet potatoes?" Liu Chengshou slapped his thigh, overjoyed, "Okay, these grandsons can't hold on any longer!"

"Ah? Why do you say this, sir?" I was eating and drinking in the city, but the chief said I couldn't survive?

"Shihoutou is already running out of food and supplies." More than twenty days have passed since Zhao Guangzhi attacked the city, and Shihoutou has not received effective supplies. How to provide food and drink for tens of thousands of people? Liu Chengshou had long thought it was strange that the man named Yang could last so long, "They wanted to kill me. They should have been prepared for a long and steady stream of water, but now they cooked and ate all the remaining food. It meant that they couldn't hold on and wanted to take risks." One fight and all the results are achieved in one battle!”

The confidant was shocked: "You mean, they plan to launch a massive attack?"

"Yes, the fastest is tonight or tomorrow morning!" Liu Chengshou picked up the millet porridge and drank it all in one gulp. "After this battle, I'll see what Yang can do to fight him again! Maybe I won't even need to do it myself. His men will cut off their heads and sacrifice them to the city! Go down and prepare the entire army for battle tonight!”

He Lingchuan and others were also eating.

There is action at night, so this meal is very important.

But the abandoned post station was too close to the battlefield, and there were often bird monsters passing by in the sky, so they couldn't open fire. Everyone ate dry food with clean cold water, and He Lingchuan and Dong Rui were no exception.

The Thousand Layer Pancakes brought from Jucheng were spiced with onions and diced meat, so they didn’t cut corners. However, after cooling, they became soft and no longer crispy.

Everyone was silent and ate deliciously. Then they ate a few sour plums, nibbled on one or two pieces of hard meat, drank some water, and their bellies were full.

Dong Rui burped and murmured: "I miss Alfalfa Island."

There are many blessings on Alfalfa Island, not only the food is good, but also the attendants are attentive to serve you.

Traveling to the Golden Plains, at least eight out of ten days were spent sleeping and dining in the wilderness.

He Lingchuan glanced at him. Wasn't he the one who insisted on following him out? "Let A Feng drive you back quickly?"

Wan Qifeng just drank a sip of water: "Stand by at any time!"

"Forget it, we're here now." Let's have fun.

After a few flapping sounds, the bat came through the window and landed on Dong Rui's shoulder.

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