After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1287 A sudden disaster

"Hmm... um... oh"

This exchange between a man and a bat is difficult for others to understand.

Dong Rui turned around and said to He Lingchuan: "It flew over the stone armor and saw the smoke. After a while, the defenders there will have food."

"Are you going to eat from the big pot now?" Wan Qifeng shook his head, "I didn't think twice about it."

"In Shizhoutou City, everyone from the civilians to the army are suffering. It is understandable that Yang Meng feels sorry for his soldiers." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "From being kind but not in charge of soldiers to loving soldiers like sons, it is difficult to determine the scale in between."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Dong Rui was puzzled, "Why are you so careless?"

He knew that there had long been no rice for cooking in Shizhoutou City, and even the rats and ants had been devoured. If you have food now, what’s wrong with cooking it and eating it?

"Yang Meng was too impatient." He Lingchuan explained, "If their enemy was not Liu Chengshou, and the city was on fire while the troops were eating, the enemy might think that the food in the city was sufficient and the siege was hopeless, so they might withdraw their troops; but Liu Chengshou knew Shi Zhoutou well. He will only think that Yang Meng and others have eaten up their food reserves and are preparing to fight. Therefore, they will be more vigilant outside the city tonight. "

Dong Rui understood. The enemy is already prepared, can it still be called a sneak attack? "The guy surnamed Yang is still too young! Well, why are you sending him food?"

"Sending food or not will not change the outcome tonight. Let Shi Zhoutou's army be well fed so that they will be strong enough to fight at night." He Lingchuan smiled at him and said, "You are the one who controls the situation of the battle."

Dong Rui stood up and raised his head when he spoke.

"How long until it takes effect?"

"Soon." Dong Rui looked up at the horizon. The moon had already risen. "After dark."

Liu Chengshou gave the order in the evening and all personnel were on standby.

This order has been given for three or four days in a row, so that some soldiers' first reaction when hearing it was not to stand at attention, but to yawn - they had not slept well at all in the past few days.

A soldier had just tightened his belt when he suddenly felt a severe abdominal pain, and his body became like a shrimp.

No, it’s coming, it’s coming hard!

He ran out without noticing that his companion was talking to him.

One, two, three, four, five...

After running about ten steps and still far from the toilet, he couldn't hold on any longer. He looked around and saw a tent nearby, so he unbuttoned his belt while running.

Mom, why were you tied so tightly just now? It’s hard to untie it now.

Before I finished my sentence, my anus relaxed and my crotch felt warm...

His eyes darkened:

It's over.

A general just walked out of the tent and saw him squatting here. He couldn't help but get angry: "Looking for death?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two patrolmen passing by suddenly bent down and hugged their stomachs. Oops, one of them vomited directly on the ground and splashed on the general's boots.

Their symptoms are not unique.

Soon after, Liu Chengshou received an urgent report:

"My lord, this is not good! More than a hundred people in the camp suddenly had vomiting and diarrhea!"

As soon as Liu Chengshou heard this, he immediately asked military doctors to inspect the diet, and banned all food and drink for the troops.

His measures were not wrong, but within just one hour, the number of people with vomiting and diarrhea in the military camp still increased dramatically, as if this disease could also be transmitted through the respiratory tract.

As mentioned before, the location of Liu Jun's toilet was inappropriate. Nowadays, four to five hundred people have diarrhea together. How can they still queue up to go to the toilet?

Those who can rush outside the camp and squat down are considered to be very public-minded; most people have just finished vomiting, and they don't even have time to unbutton their pants before they vomit.

The wind direction changed again tonight, and before long, the entire camp was filled with a sour stench. Even good people, such as Liu Chengshou, couldn't help but feel nauseous when they smelled it.

He quickly took out the odor-blocking incense beads and pinned them to his waist, thus blocking out the terrifying biological and chemical attacks.

The entire camp was full of people, and the orderliness Liu Chengshou had carefully created was gone.

"Take the medicine, let them take the medicine quickly!" Liu Chengshou was furious, "It must be the person named Yang who poisoned him! Can the sentry and the camp guard still do it? If they can't do it, replace them immediately! Send someone to keep an eye on Shi Zhou's head trend!"

The order was issued. It remains to be seen whether anyone would carry it out. At least two of the messengers around him were missing.

After more than ten breaths, several medical officers rushed over: "Sir, the water is poisonous! Although the water in the camp is brought from flowing streams and has been cooked, the source of the poison should be connected with the water body. Endlessly..."

He explained why he didn't test the water for poison before using it. It is common sense that running water is non-toxic.

But the terrain here, well...

"What did I just say?" Liu Chengshou didn't want to listen to their words. He grabbed the leading medical officer by the collar and shouted, "Make the antidote quickly!"

Yang Meng stood at the top of the city, facing the night wind, and looking at Liu Jun's camp not far away.

The garrison in Shizhoutou City has long been ready to go.

The message from the Dragon Head Mask said that the wind will blow tonight and changes will occur outside the city. The several hundred kilograms of grain he gave was very sincere, so Yang Meng also assumed that this hint was true, and sent out more spies after nightfall.

What changes will happen at Liu Jun’s camp tonight?

The archer at the top of the city suddenly reported: "Sir, there are people in the enemy camp. I counted two guards on duty outside the camp who also left their posts and ran into the bushes... Oh, another one ran in, and now there are three. ”

The figure runs into the bushes?

There's trouble?

Yang Meng suddenly raised his concentration.

"Where are the men we sent out?"

It's a pity that they don't have the help of a bird demon, otherwise it would be easier to see the enemy's situation clearly.

While he was in a panic, the garrison's sentinel finally sneaked back and reported a quarter of an hour later:

"Malaria broke out in the enemy camp. Everyone from the generals to the soldiers had vomiting and diarrhea. They didn't even have time to run out of the camp, so they defecated on the spot." Before he even got close to the enemy camp, he saw several white flowers in the surrounding trees... …

It must be matched with a look of relief.

Yang Meng was overjoyed: "How many people are sick?"

"The chaos in the camp is difficult to calculate, but it must have been in the hundreds."

What are you waiting for? Yang Meng laughed loudly: "Brothers, follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!"

Liu Chengshou's army also had no vitality, and its resistance to various diseases and poisons was very poor.

In the evening, it was rare to eat seventy percent full. The garrison had both strength and morale. As soon as the city gate opened, they shouted and charged towards the hilltop opposite!

The distance between the two sides is enough for the garrison to increase their speed, run to warm up, and shoot another round of rockets.

Liu Chengshou issued an urgent order to resist.

However, hundreds of people under his command just came out in the posture of thousands of troops, and they could not straighten their waists. The original team was short of a few members, so it was not easy to improvise two teams to fight, and there were always people holding their bellies. Falling behind halfway.

How can there be any morale left in a fight like this? How can there be any bravery?

When the two sides met, Liu Jun barely resisted for half a quarter of an hour, and then collapsed because the leading general himself was in poor health.

Even if Liu Chengshou could command Hua'er, it would be difficult to reverse the decline.

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