After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1288 New Trouble

Yang Meng's troops were like tigers charging into the herd of cattle. While shouting "Don't kill while squatting", they headed straight towards Liu Chengshou.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. His purpose is very clear: as long as he kills this unscrupulous scum, his merits will be complete tonight.

The soldiers who were suffering from vomiting and diarrhea couldn't even lift their hands, so they naturally squatted on the ground. When the others saw that the situation was about to end, they rolled their eyes and squatted on the ground.

Everyone was originally colleagues in the city. Even if Yang Meng wouldn't kill them all, why should he resist to the end?

If you don't even have a lot of money in salary, who would really work hard for Liu Chengshou?

Liu Chengshou also knew that this round was completely lost, so he had to order a retreat.

At this time, there were only six to seven hundred people left around him.

How could Yang Meng spare him? With an order, the whole army pursued him.

But their shortcomings became apparent——

Insufficient horsepower.

The city was besieged for more than twenty days, and all the livestock and poultry in the city were basically eaten. Although the war horses were important, they were still killed one by one on the premise that all the snakes, insects, rats, and ants were eaten.

If no one can survive, how can we talk about the future?

Therefore, Yang Meng's garrison had to be mainly infantry. They rushed into the enemy camp and grabbed horses as soon as possible, but they only managed to grab more than a hundred horses.

Just as he sighed, he discovered that the deserters in front were no better:

There was thin horse manure all the way.

After following for more than a hundred feet, horses often collapsed to the ground along the way.

Dong Rui's special medicine takes effect slowly, but he doesn't choose the target.

Both men and horses in Liu Jun’s camp must drink water, so...

Escape and pursuit lasted several miles.

Both parties were embarrassed, but neither one wanted to stop.

The troops around Liu Chengshou dispersed as they fought, and the more they fought, the fewer they became. He was surrounded in the middle and could even smell the stench of defecation.

This was truly the most embarrassing retreat for everyone present since they were born!

Seeing the light of day, the garrison behind them became more and more energetic in pursuit. After all, Liu Chengshou had less than a hundred riders left after chasing him here. If we put more effort, we might be able to drag the man named Liu off his horse.

But at this moment, two guards suddenly pointed diagonally downward and shouted in an anxious voice: "Master Yang, below the city, below the city!"

They chased Liu Chengshou halfway up the mountain, going around in circles. From here they could overlook the Shitou City Gate:

There are now red lights and torches in the sky!

Just by looking at the torches, you can tell that there are many people, and that they are all crowded under the city gate.

Most of Shitou's garrison came out to kill the enemy, and Liu Chengshou's army was also driven away. How could there be another large army?

"Zhao Guangzhi."

Yang Meng changed his mind and his expression changed with horror.

The last time the ogre king Zhao Guangzhi attacked Shitou, he retreated hastily, but he never moved away and was still lingering nearby.

Liu Chengshou led his troops back to seize the city. The attack lasted for so many days and was so powerful that Zhao Guangzhi could not have known it.

He has been silent. Is he waiting for the most suitable opportunity?

Like tonight.

The garrison and Liu Chengshou fought together and chased them so far away. The defense of Shihoutou City was empty!

Thinking of this, cold sweat ran down Yang Meng's back.

If the stone head is captured by Zhao Guangzhi, the fate of all the elders in the city will be worse than if it was captured by Liu Chengshou!

He had just driven away the wolf here, and a tiger had entered the stone armor underneath?

The only solution now is to call back immediately!

There is a shortcut down the mountain from here.

But looking at the fleeing enemies in front of him, Yang Meng felt strongly unwilling to give up.

Liu Chengshou's forgetful bastard caused misery to all the people in the city, how could he escape?

But, but... Yang Meng looked at the enemy's backs looming in the mountains and forests, and then looked at the dangerous stone heads below, and finally let out a long sigh:

"Withdraw troops and return to support Shitou!"

In just a few moments, Yang Meng figured it out. Although he hated Liu Chengshou to his core, his top priority was to ensure the safety of Shi Zhoutou. After this battle, even if Liu Chengshou escaped, his vitality would be severely damaged and he would not be able to cause trouble in a short time.

At critical moments, people always have to make choices.

However, before the commander could pass on the order, he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves, and a group of cavalry suddenly rushed out of the diagonal stab!

The night was dark and windy, and the opponent almost collided with them, which frightened Yang Meng's horse so much that it neighed loudly.

The garrison was frightened, and they drew their weapons and faced each other.

Yang Meng tightened the reins and took a closer look, then raised his wrist to stop the army from advancing.

In the dim light, Yang Meng could barely see clearly that the knights on the horse were all wearing black light armor and masks!

The leading knight wore a wolf-headed mask, and the two golden eyebrows looked familiar to Yang Meng. He met two masked men at the temple a few days ago, and this was one of them.

"It's you!" Who would draw two golden eyebrows on a wolf's face?

He subconsciously wanted to find the dragon head mask, but it seemed that it was not among these people.

"Do you have any advice?"

These people gave him food and a big victory tonight, but it didn't mean that he could trust these guys with unknown origins.

The wolf-head mask stretched out his hand, pointed at Yang Meng, and then pointed at the stone head city below.

The meaning is very clear, let him go back to help the city.

Then the wolf-head mask turned the horse's head and chased in the direction where Liu Cheng's defenders fled.

The black-armored army followed closely behind, and within a few seconds, the sound of horse hooves was far away.

This group of uninvited guests actually went after Liu Chengshou? Yang Meng was stunned for a moment and ordered the entire army to return to the city quickly.

Yang Meng didn't know what the intentions of these half-killed guys were, but they were full of malice towards Liu Chengshou, which was great.

Maybe he is Liu Chengshou’s enemy? This guy has done a lot of outrageous things, and it's not surprising that he has offended several powerful forces.

At this time, Shi Zhoutou needs every bit of help.

He looked at the city gate below, anxious.

The wolf-headed mask also stopped and took a look. When he saw Yang Meng's garrison rushing home, he turned his horse and continued to move forward:

"Hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up with the excitement."

This person is, of course, Dong Rui.

Liu Chengshou galloped on his horse.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but he always feels more and more uncomfortable, and he seems to have a tendency to vomit and have diarrhea.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" They had to rush to Qucheng, which was his cousin's territory and could temporarily provide shelter for his remnant army.

He looked back frequently, and without having to report to his confidants, he could find that his pursuers were getting fewer and fewer.

"They don't have enough horses!" Liu Chengshou was overjoyed, "They can't catch up!"

Not only did their horses suffer from diarrhea, but the mounts that Yang Meng snatched from his camp could not withstand the power of the medicine. What's the use if hundreds of infantry can't catch up? Even if dozens of cavalry come, they'll just be delivering food!

"Ha, ha!" Liu Chengshou was panting while riding, but he felt relaxed, "Yang Meng and his gang actually used such despicable means to defeat him! When I return to Qucheng to borrow an army, I will definitely kill him. Get off the horse!"

These words not only comforted myself, but also comforted the diehards around me.

Liu Chengshou consciously got out of the predicament and had already begun to think about the future.

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