After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1289 The first attack

Although Qucheng is my cousin's territory, it is not easy for me to borrow troops. I have to give up some benefits. Is it the three-year tax or the toll on the western ferry?

Untouchables like Shi Zhoutou really cost him money!

At this moment, two huge rocks suddenly flew out of the dense forest ahead, each eight feet square, and smashed towards Liu Chengshou with a roaring sound!

Extremely accurate.

They fell in a parabola, and the surrounding generals shouted "get out of the way". Their confidants grabbed the reins of Liu Chengshou's mount and pulled out.

With two bangs, the boulder fell to the ground and rolled a few times, causing dust to fly.

"Enemies attacking from the front!"

Immediately afterwards, a horn sounded from the dense forest.

It was long, powerful, and vigorous, like the roar of some ancient beast, and even the gravel on the ground kept bouncing.

At least Liu Chengshou had never heard of it.

Just this sound made everyone's blood boil, their heads were dizzy, and they felt uncomfortable for a long time.

There were seven or eight horses that were suffering from diarrhea and were physically weak. They were shaken by the sound of the horn, and their hooves softened and they collapsed directly to the ground. The two cavalrymen were so unlucky that they were pinned under their horses and unable to move.

Then dozens of knights walked out of the forest, all wearing black armor and long blades, as if they blended into the dark forest and night sky.

Every knight wears a ferocious mask.

"Who are you!" Liu Chengshou was surprised and confused, "Why are you blocking my way!"

The leading knight wore a dragon-headed mask, and his deep voice echoed in everyone's ears: "Liu Shuheng, you are full of evil, and your time has come!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the cavalry behind him remained motionless and solidified into a few human walls. Even the horses under them did not snort or move their heads.

There were only a few dozen riders, but they showed a solemn air of more than a thousand people.

"Who invited you? Zhao Guangzhi or Yang Meng?" Liu Chengshou persuaded him, "If you let me go, I am willing to pay Shizhou City and Chuncheng ten years of tax revenue!"

The dragon-headed knight chuckled: "Ten years of taxes?"

Does this person have no idea about ten years of taxes? Liu Chengshou immediately changed his mind: "One hundred thousand taels of silver! It won't take ten years. I'll pay the down payment first, and I'll pay it all in half a month!"

Half a day ago, if someone had told him that a few dozen riders could stop him until he was cornered and had to spend a hundred thousand taels of silver to buy his life, he would have laughed out loud. Now, alas, the situation is stronger than the man.

Save your life first, and your money will be taken care of slowly.

The other party was so relieved: "It's really hard for you to exploit one hundred thousand taels from such two small towns."

Liu Chengshou quickly said: "Don't be embarrassed, don't be embarrassed, I have plenty of solutions!"

"But you forgot, the stone head is no longer yours." The dragon-headed knight said, "Soon, even this life will no longer be yours."

The opponent was unable to advance, so Liu Chengshou had no choice but to shout: "Charge over!"

After all, there are more than 200 people around him, and the opponents are only a few dozen. Even if he can't defeat him, he can still get through, right?

Rush out of this clearing, and there is a way to survive.

The dragon-headed knight only raised his left hand and pointed forward:


The black-armored cavalry took out a bow and arrow from his back, and fired dozens of arrows in a swish. His movements were uniform, as if he had practiced it countless times in advance.

Then they knocked the horse's belly, returned their bows and wielded their weapons, and rushed out like a whirlwind.

Liu Chengshou's hope was dashed the moment the two armies collided.

As soon as his soldiers raised their shields, the opponent charged with their horses. The strength, angle, and skill were all unmatched by ordinary cavalry. Liu Chengshou watched as the soldier directly in front was shot away by the black-armored knight. He flew over his head and made a perfect parabola before landing with a bang.

Along with blood splattering, screams could be heard endlessly.

Liu Chengshou's 200 defeated troops were not even a match for his opponents at the first meeting, and they were scattered in two and a half blows.

Several soldiers covered him as he rushed towards the dense forest in the northwest.

A black shadow seemed to move in the forest, and two more boulders were thrown. This time the distance was too close, and one of the generals beside Liu Chengshou was knocked off his horse.

Fortunately, his equestrian skills were not weak, so he pulled the reins and ran away to the side.

The sound of horse hooves was heard from behind. Liu Chengshou looked back and saw that the leader of the black-armored knights was actually chasing after him!

"kill him!"

He shouted twice in a row, and the soldiers around him turned around at most, but no one turned around to intercept him.

Are you kidding? Those black-armored soldiers are tough enough, but their leader looks even more ferocious. Why should they be killed?

No one wants to die.

In the end, you have to do everything yourself. Liu Chengshou was so angry that he threw three khaki beads as big as pigeon eggs with his backhand at the pursuers.

One of them hit the ground and turned into a tall stone wall with a bang. It was four feet wide and two feet high. The surface was uneven. Anyone who hit it rashly would get a bloody head.

The other two hit the leader of the black-armored knight accurately, turning into two huge stone puppets in mid-air. Their fists as big as millstones were about to beat the man and the horse together.

The stone wall was right in front of the black-armored knight leader, and two stone puppets, one on the left and one on the right, blocked his path.

The leader of the black-armored knights knocked the horse's belly, and the horse suddenly picked up speed and rushed forward, brushing past the stone puppets before they could swing their arms down.

He himself took out a pair of dark red meteor chain hammers and threw them straight ahead.

This thing was covered in spikes. The model in his palm looked normal, but as soon as it left his hand, it expanded rapidly. Its size changed from an old coconut to a millstone, and it hit the stone wall hard.

There was a bang, dust flew up, and the stone wall shattered.

This meteor chain still had its remaining power, and it still flew out in high spirits, smashing away the two soldiers behind Liu Chengshou!

Liu Chengshou happened to look back and saw the meteor chain coming towards him. He screamed in fright and quickly lowered his head.

I felt a strong gust of wind on my neck, then the horses screamed, and my body became unbalanced——

The meteor chain hit the horse's neck, causing the whole horse to fall out.

Liu Chengshou, who was on the horse, was not spared and was thrown three feet away by the inertia.

But he didn't turn into a gourd, because a spear came first and "snatched" his right arm, nailing him firmly to the tree trunk behind him!


Liu Chengshou's screams went up to the sky, frightening the birds circling in the sky so that they did not dare to return to their nests.

The last two stone puppets lost their master's command and fell to the ground, turning back into two small earth balls.

Seeing the black-armored leader galloping towards him, Liu Chengshou burst into tears in pain:

"Let me go, you and I have no grudges..."

Another horseman came from the rear and reported to the leader: "The men named Liu were very ruthless. Those who fled and those who surrendered were all scattered. This -"

He glanced at Liu Chengshou: "What are you going to do?"

Of course he is Wan Qifeng.

Liu Chengshou's screams were too loud and disturbed the conversation between the two. He Lingchuan, who was wearing a dragon-head mask, said: "It's noisy."

Wan Qifeng understood, took out the dagger, walked up to Liu Chengshou, and stabbed him directly in the neck.

Blood flowed out immediately.

However, Liu Chengshou did not die, Wan Qifeng only damaged his vocal cords. Then no matter how miserable he screams, he will only make a few "ho-ho" sounds.

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