After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1302 A wisp of ghost fire

Wan Qifeng couldn't help but said: "Should the number of players be reduced? They need more experience."

"Rotating in small teams also facilitates observation. Keep those who are suitable and replace those who are not." He Lingchuan built the Black Armored Army according to the standards of the Gale Army. Each cavalryman is a key inspection target. He Lingchuan will comprehensively evaluate each person. Those who do not meet the requirements will be replaced.

Sure enough, as He Lingchuan said, because Shizhoutou and Liuping were very close, Yang Meng led 200 men and horses to Liuping at the end of Chenshi.

Zhao Guangzhi's army originally stationed here has been driven away by the Black Armor Army, leaving Liuping with a vacancy in military strength.

Yang Meng spent a little effort and successfully entered the city to take over.

First of all, his reputation is much better than that of Zhao Guangzhi. Since this city must be managed by someone, it may be better to be governed by Yang Meng than other strong men.

Secondly, the Liuping people also heard that Yang Meng was coming and were mentally prepared.

After Yang Meng entered the city, he quickly saw the big pot at the entrance of the market. When he asked about what had just happened, he was secretly shocked.

When Zhao Guangzhi was taken away by the black-armored leader, he knew that this man would not end well.

But treating others the same way they treat others? The Black Armored Army's methods are also truly cruel.

However, not only did the villagers of Liuping not mind, but they were all as happy as the Chinese New Year.

Zhao Guangzhi's one hundred and dozens of kilograms of flesh and bones have been robbed by the people, and even his head was taken away by the old woman, saying that he wanted to wrap it in lime and keep it.

In addition, everyone also found reliefs of dragon heads on the walls of Liuping.

People in Liuping didn't know what was going on, but Yang Meng confirmed what he thought.

This thing appeared in the two places where the Black Armored Army passed by.

How did they do it?

Yang Meng looked at the relief and felt that the dragon's eyes were staring at him with a calm and majestic gaze.

He shuddered subconsciously.

After Yang Meng entered the city, he began to organize the rural defense. Originally, after the Zhao army took control of Liuping, they forced local men to join the army to expand the army. Now that Zhao Guangzhi was defeated and died, some of them fled back that night and were reunited by Yang Meng, preparing to take over the next unclaimed land. .

He Lingchuan observed secretly and saw that they were working in an orderly manner, so he and Dong Rui returned to Jucheng.

On the way, Dong Rui asked him: "We caught Liu and Zhao and killed them with one knife to save trouble. Why do we have to hand them over to the villagers for execution?"

"Since we are doing things, we must achieve results. Why do good deeds have to be unknown?" The horse almost stepped on a squirrel that jumped out by the roadside. With a purr, He Lingchuan patted the horse's neck to comfort him, "Besides, I want to see what they think about it. The attitude of a villain.”

He has to implement the plan and observe the results at the same time, so that he can adjust his strategy at any time.


"What we are doing right now is like lighting a fire with wet firewood. If the moisture in the firewood is strong, we have to increase the firepower; if the water vapor is strong, we will increase the firepower." He Lingchuan said sternly, "But if we can't even seize the opportunity for revenge, This is no longer firewood, but a stone, which cannot be lit."

It was like the Liuping people saw Zhao Guangzhi for the first time tonight. Even though the latter was tied like a rice dumpling, they still didn't dare to raise their eyes to look at him.

Long periods of terrifying and high pressure may inspire fighting spirit, but they may also foster servility.

Some mud can never hold up the wall. When this happens, He Lingchuan must adjust his strategy.

Dong Rui asked again: "Then what do you see now?"

He Lingchuan smiled: "Luckily, I found what I wanted to see most in them."

"Is the blood still there?"

“And a hatred of suffering.”

As long as there is still a ray of ghostly fire in the heart, even if it is dark and unclear now, who dares to say that it will not shine brightly one day?

After being out for many days, the two of them went to the tavern first when they returned to the city and ordered a large bowl of sour bamboo shoots and vegetarian noodles to pad their bellies, and then they started drinking and listening to jokes.

Needless to say, the drinks in these two taverns in Jucheng are average, but the pasta is quite good. The young bamboo shoots are sour just right, add some spicy pepper, some shredded radish, some shiitake mushroom slices, and pour the prepared marinade over the hand-rolled noodles——

The noodles slurp up and down, adding a bit of texture.

A bowl of it can make you sweat even in the slightly cold early spring.

Then you can boil some wine and eat, pop the snails with sauce and mix with the diced lotus root.

The tavern was already full before evening, and everyone was eating and drinking while listening to the scholar tell stories.

He Lingchuan had never heard any of the three stories tonight, but each one was interesting. The last one is about a boy chopping wood and encountering a seductive ghost in a barren mountain. It was full of details from beginning to end, and the fight between goblins was so exciting that Dong Rui was so absorbed in listening to it that he even ordered two more plates of diced pork with sauce.

He also muttered: "I didn't think this story sounded so good when I told it before."

The story belongs to Fu Liushan, but the storyteller is not Fu Liushan. He was hired by the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce and went through several days of training before taking up the job.

"It's vivid and lifelike, with a lot of twists and turns." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "I've read the script, and the ancient man named Xue didn't exactly follow the script and added some extra details."

But it's well done, lively and fragrant, and one person even plays two roles.

If you want to make money by talking, you have to be really good at talking. In the middle of the conversation, drinkers often interrupted the story of the ancients, either asking questions, finding faults, or asking questions in a pick-up style. The man surnamed Xue opened his mouth and responded quickly.

If a drunkard is satisfied, he will be given some money for throat moisturizing.

The two of them spent an hour in this tavern, drank several bottles of wine, and went through two or three rounds of appetizers.

He Lingchuan was busy with responsibilities and rarely spent time like this. This shows that the man named Xue really speaks well.

There are really three hundred and sixty lines, and he will be the number one scholar in every line.

Dong Rui was also very satisfied with what he heard, but then he remembered and said, "He didn't tell any of our past stories."

"It's better to lose your mind than to lose your kidneys. Those who specialize in the lower three roads are the most attractive." He Lingchuan had to admit that Fu Liushan's words made sense. "It's okay to carry our private goods here. We don't want to talk to others occasionally." Provoke resentment.”

At this time, the ancients were drinking tea to rest their throats and eating two kumquats. At this time, the waiter came over with a tray and shouted:

"Half a lot of money is paid to the guests at the window to watch the show!"

Guests usually don't go out with hundreds of copper coins, so half a tael of silver is placed on the tray.

Although the money had to be distributed to the tavern, the ancient man was also in high spirits and thanked him repeatedly.

The guest at the window said: "Tell us about Beqa in the west! And the Burning Heavenly Palace you mentioned last time, I only heard the second half."

"You are so good at it!" As soon as the ancient man put down his cup, Shi Shiran sat back in front, "Bejia is a powerful country that is rare in the world. The land there can produce a good harvest of anything. What flows in the river is not water, but honey! Take a sip, it’s very sweet.”

Dong Rui interjected: "Why isn't it wine? We can save some wine money by going."

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