After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1303 New Book

Everyone laughed.

"That's right! There is a wine spring in Bejia, right in Lingxu City! The spring water is sweet, clear and fragrant. You can stand by the spring for a while and you will be drunk."

He Lingchuan laughed. This is true, there is a natural wine spring in Lingxu City, which is called "Mou Spring". The spring water is indeed sweet and mellow, with a little bit of wine smell, but it is not clear, but a bit turbid.

The ancients told this story according to the script, but often made jokes and used it freely.

In his words, Lingxu City and Bejia were painted with colors like oil paintings, strong, absurd, and gorgeous.

The drinkers listened leisurely and fascinated.

Dong Rui ate a boiled peanut and asked He Lingchuan, "Do you have any objection to him talking such nonsense?"

"As for storytellers, the more absurd and bizarre they are, the more people will listen to them; if they only talk about ordinary things in the mountains and fields, how can the locals give money?" He Lingchuan didn't mind, "The more people come to listen, the more people will be familiar with it. This is our story." Purpose."

Education is all about entertainment. If the audience cannot enjoy it, the effect of your "teaching" will be poor.

After eating and drinking, He Lingchuan paid the bill, rewarded the storyteller with the large sum of money he had found, and then returned to the store.

Now Fu Liushan lives here.

When He Lingchuan found him, he was sitting in front of the desk, holding a pen in one hand and a wine bottle in the other.

Write and take a sip.

Take a sip and think again.

Dong Rui threw a bag of boiled peanuts in front of him, and He Lingchuan handed him a piece of paper:

"Wipe your mouth."

There is a circle of ink around this man's mouth, which is so dark.

Biting the end of a pen is really not a good habit.

While peeling peanuts, Fu Liushan reported to Master He that he had written four or five new books recently. Dong Rui was secretly amused when he heard this. Don't people named Fu like to go to restaurants to eat wine and talk about books? How come he is more interested in reading books?

"I have seen so many strange and strange things in my life that I can't finish them all. I can't finish them at all."

He Lingchuan took the draft and looked at it carefully, and found that the contents of his several notebooks were all famous war scenes in the history of the Golden Plains.

"These guys are not busy. I have a new story here that I need you to write quickly."

"Oh?" Fu Liushan's eyes lit up, "Where are you going to stir up trouble?"

"It's not me." He Lingchuan denied without sincerity, "We just happened to know."

Dong Rui chomped on a peanut and agreed, "Yes, what a coincidence."

Fu Liushan rolled his eyes secretly, took another piece of white paper, and filled the pen with ink:

"All ears."

Afterwards, He Lingchuan recounted the battle between Shihoutou and Liuping, and Dong Rui supplemented from the side.

Fu Liushan wrote quickly, sometimes interrupting them and asking tricky questions.

Come on, just seeing that these two people can answer all the questions, you know that this matter has something to do with them!

The leader of the black-armored knights, isn't that Luo Shengjia? !

On the Willow Tops in the Moon, He Lingchuan had just finished dictating, and Fu Liushan had written down seven or eight pieces of paper.

"After polishing, hand it over to Dou Wenguan, who will distribute the notebooks to the storyteller hall for practice." In addition to going to several pubs to talk about Gu Lao wine, Fu Liushan is now only responsible for editing and writing stories, and occasionally communicates with storytellers; other matters such as Dou Wenguan was responsible for copying the notebooks, distributing them to storyteller halls for training, recruiting storytellers, ensuring logistics and supply, etc.

"How can it be so fast?" Fu Liushan expressed dissatisfaction with his layman, "Shihoutou and Liuping are not far away. I have to go there myself, listen to what the people say, and add more details."

He Lingchuan expressed Party A's appreciation: "Master Fu got into the state very quickly."

"Who told you to be the boss who paid the money?" Fu Liushan said angrily, "But the leader of the black-armored knights in your story needs a resounding nickname that can make the civilians cheer and make his opponents tremble in fear. He also has to say it loudly. Mouth is conducive to spreading praise.”

"This?" He Lingchuan said casually, "Think about it."

"..." People can't be kind, and they will cause trouble for themselves. "By the way, you, no, the protagonist of the story was killed in a river of blood. Could it be influenced by Luo Shengjia?"

As Luo Shengjia's former seal guardian, what he was most worried about was this:

He Lingchuan is indeed tough-minded and strong-willed, but he is still a human being after all.

Will Luo Shengjia subtly affect his character?

You must know that Fu Xiong, the old patriarch of the Yingren tribe, was not unreasonable from the beginning, but it took five years for his sanity to be completely corrupted by Luo Shengjia.

Dong Rui was stunned after hearing this, and glanced at He Lingchuan subconsciously.

But this man was confident: "I think the protagonist knows what he is doing."

Fu Liushan shrugged, which was what Fu Xiong said at the beginning.

"The residents of the Golden Flash Plains advocate violence and revenge more than other places. You know this better than me." He Lingchuan said to Fu Liushan, "So the heroes they need should be powerful, mysterious, cold, and cruel. , use thunderous means and act compassionately.”

This needs to be emphatically reflected in the storybook and the storyteller’s story.

Fu Liushan nodded and thought about this sentence again and again:

"Use thunderous means to act compassionately?"

Except for Axun, the difference between He Lingchuan and Luo Shengjia's previous masters may be the word "compassion", right?

"Yes." He Lingchuan stood up and patted him on the shoulder, "Remember, revenge must be hearty and hearty, and the people will like it."

At this time, Gui Yuan jumped in from the window and grinned at He Lingchuan.

They go out at night to tear up living people, but they don't bring it with them. It's a bit boring.

He Lingchuan said bluntly: "You can't."

The appearance of the ghost ape is so iconic that it can easily reveal the background of the Black Armored Army.

The ghost monkey drooped his shoulders, feeble.

Dong Rui grabbed the peanuts from Fu Liushan's table and handed it to it, and then said to He Lingchuan: "By the way, that horn needs to be repaired by someone from Songyang Mansion. It sounds like a tuberculosis ghost crying, and it has no momentum at all." !”

Fu Liushan looked at the two people leaving, and then thought about what He Lingchuan had just said, he still felt a little weird.

Congratulations to the island master for his bravery and strategy. Fu Liushan always felt that he seemed to be planning some major events and that he was carrying out them in an orderly manner.

But looking at their words and actions, these two people are always out of shape.

He shook his head. Duplicity is called inconsistency.

As soon as He Lingchuan left, Wan Qifeng came to greet him.

Dong Rui ran away. His shoulders were sore and he wanted to find someone to give him a massage.

Wan Qifeng followed He Lingchuan back to the study.

He Lingchuan casually put down a barrier and then asked: "Have you sorted it out?"

"Okay." Wan Qifeng took out a stack of information and asked He Lingchuan to read it, "This is a list that we and the Chamber of Commerce collected from various places. If you don't know it, you don't know that there are many evil officials, evil gentry, and ruthless road tyrants on the Golden Plains. Yes, there are so many just collected.”

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