After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1304 Admonishment

A place of chaos can magnify the evil of human nature.

When He Lingchuan looked at the information, Wan Qifeng said with a smile: "The kids are still very excited about going out like this. They are all gearing up and have asked for the third time: When can we go out again?"

These were originally specially selected warriors by He Lingchuan and Wan Qifeng. They were originally water bandits who admired Shan and the elites of the Bailong tribe. After two years of intense training, their combat prowess was outstanding, but their discipline and obedience were far behind.

They put on masks and black armor and followed He Lingchuan to Shihoutou and Liuping to capture Liu Shuheng alive and execute Zhao Guangzhi. They all enjoyed themselves.

The training in Yangshan was boring and arduous. They didn't expect that killing people in the Golden Plains would be so enjoyable!

Not only is it fun to kill people, but it is even more fun when the local people regard them as ghosts and gods and worship them!

These two battles have just ended, and their injuries have not yet healed. They are already looking forward to their next brilliant appearance.

"Are you excited?" He Lingchuan raised his head after hearing this, "Who are you talking about?"

Wan Qifeng was shocked, and the smile on his face suddenly froze. But when the island owner asked, he had to answer.

In the end, he could only whisper: "It's my cousin Wan Qiliang and two of his men."

"I issued a ban long ago, and everyone in front and behind must remain silent." He Lingchuan stared at him and said, "People talk too much and get confused. What do you think we should do?"

When he leads the black-armored army to go out on business, he must not leave any loopholes and be exposed!

"Yes." Wan Qifeng bowed his head and said, "Twenty marks with the stick, and I will always look back to the good. I am not strict in controlling my subordinates, so I also asked for twenty marks."

"Put those twenty blows on your account first, then go back and pay tribute to the good." He Lingchuan said while reading the information, "Wan Qiliang is a good prospect, and he needs to be tempered in Flash Gold to get rid of his impetuousness. You Why are you driving him back?"

Hot-blooded, impulsive and aggressive people will inevitably get into trouble. This was a thorn in the side of the army in peacetime, but now, it is a very precious trait of a pioneer warrior.

Wan Qifeng was overjoyed and heard that his lord intended to cultivate him: "Yes! I won't drive him back, but he must be taught a lesson. From now on, all names of people and places will be given code names to avoid being heard by outsiders."

He Lingchuan clicked on the pieces of paper in front of him: "When collecting information, were there any suspicions?"

"No!" Wan Qifeng was very sure, "We strictly follow your instructions. And most of the names here were provided by Master Fu."

Although Fu Liushan used to drive away ghosts and catch monsters for a living, he had seen more evil people than ghosts and monsters. This time he only contributed a little bit of widely known knowledge.

"Our criteria for selecting targets are 'heinous and unforgivable, causing harm to the place.'" He Lingchuan casually took two of them and put them aside. "These two don't count against the common anger of humans and gods, so don't use them."

"Although these two have bad deeds, they should not be included in the list if their crimes do not lead to death." He Lingchuan took away two more and said sternly, "When the Black Armored Army takes action, they will definitely kill them. Those who are not guilty of all kinds of crimes cannot be included in the list. They must be sure in advance. There must be multiple investigations, and the killing must not be in vain!”

Wan Qifeng immediately responded yes.

He picked out three more pieces of paper. Wan Qifeng lowered his head and looked at it: "Not even these three? They are all full of evil deeds."

The standard of "causing trouble to the local area" has definitely been met.

"I will take you on a few more operations, and I won't necessarily take action in the later stages. In the initial operations, we need to accumulate experience. It is better to have fewer targets rather than more, and it is better to be single rather than large. In the operation to take down Liu Shuheng and Zhao Guangzhi, we were all injured and almost lost our troops. Be more careful in the future.”

He also reviewed the action afterwards.

His own black armored army has just started to take action and still lacks experience. Although Zhao Guangzhi deserves to die, he has a complete army under his command and is very powerful in combat. In fact, he is not suitable as the target of the first operation.

The fact that many black-armored cavalrymen were injured is proof of this.

There were no deaths or attrition. It can only be said that He Lingchuan was very lucky.

If I act rashly in the future, I don’t know if I will have good luck again. Therefore, they have to start with easy things and then difficult ones, and slowly gain experience.

He Lingchuan also pointed to the list and explained: "These three targets all have people under their command, especially this group of bandits, who are most likely colluding with the local government."

He was born in Blackwater City, and the Hongya Trading Road was an example of collusion between officials and bandits. He Lingchuan understood all the details in the information at a glance.

"Just let them live for a few more months, and then you can deal with them after you are able to deal with various emergencies skillfully."

He selected three additional targets:

"Just these three. Starting tomorrow night, we will act in sequence."

Then, he asked Wan Qifeng to gather all the black-armored warriors and lecture them personally.

This scene is very common in the Yangshan Islands, and everyone is used to it. He Lingchuan first praised everyone for their good performance in the first show, especially Wang Fubao who killed the most enemies and Wan Qifeng who rescued his companions the most times.

Wan Qiliang raised his neck when he heard this.

He obviously killed two more than Wang Fubao, even though the other party didn't admit it.


Wan Qifeng was standing next to him. When he opened his mouth, Wan Qifeng hit him on the arm with an elbow.

Although Wan Qifeng said nothing, Wan Qiliang still understood his eyes:

Shut up!

After some praise and encouragement, everyone's emotions were aroused, and He Lingchuan began to really lecture:

"Listen to me: the reason why we were calm in our attacks that night and the reason why we won was because we caught Liu Zhao by surprise. The two of them had never seen us or our style of play, so they messed up their position; The Black Armored Army will not take action just once or twice. As long as we continue to take action later, surrounding forces including Yao Kingdom, Luodian and others will definitely pay attention to it. They will analyze our action patterns, evaluate our combat power and number, and try our best to do so. Find out where we come from and try to catch us.”

"It can be said that from the time we officially intervened in the injustice of Flash Gold, and from the time they noticed us, this game will really become more difficult." He Lingchuan looked around the crowd, "In the future, the speed of action will be ten times that of now, and everything will come and go. Like the wind, you see the beginning but not the end; it must be kept strictly confidential, and no private discussion of the operation is allowed. No leaks can be made to put the troops or comrades in danger!"

His eyes were like lightning, staring so hard that Wan Qiliang's back went cold, his palms became sweaty, and he lowered his head subconsciously.

He Lingchuan then continued: "Your special training has just begun. From now on, you must be prepared before you can act. To the extent you are prepared, you will kill people of the same level. When will you understand discipline and not be lax, and when will you know how to act... For the sake of your team and your comrades, only then can you be worthy of challenging more powerful villains, and only then can you hope to engage in high-intensity battles like real warriors!”

Everyone shouted yes.


Wan Qiliang was left alone by Wan Qifeng, who said with a straight face: "Now you know why you are not included in the credit list?"

Wan Qiliang said oh, still not convinced by Wang Fubao, but he stopped arguing.

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