After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1305 City Gate Crane

"Private discussion, you three have committed a foul. It's time to return to the islands."

Wan Qiliang raised his head in shock: "Brother Afeng, I won't go back!"

"Why?" Wan Qifeng said calmly, "Others are worse in combat power than you, or are others worse in discipline than you? If you can't do well, why can't others replace you?"

Wan Qiliang's face turned red, but he could not utter a word.

Yes, he can come, why can't other Yangshan soldiers come?

Wan Qifeng admired his anxious look and felt funny in his heart.

This stupid kid. If the lord really wants to drive Wan Qiliang back, there is no need for Wan Qifeng to tell him in private. He can just kick him out in public when he was giving the lecture.

The Lord's name was called in public more than once or twice.

A lot of arguments flashed through Wan Qiliang's mind, but he couldn't seem to say any of them.

Wan Qifeng looked at him, sighed, shook his head, and turned to leave.

At this moment Wan Qiliang finally understood and no longer argued, but directly admitted his mistake: "Brother Afeng, I was wrong. Ten merits are hard to overcome. I shouldn't have private discussions! Can you go to the island owner to beg me?" I’ll never do it again!”

Wan Qifeng continued with a straight face: "My lord transferred you from the Islands to the Golden Plains, but you were quite reluctant. Why do you want to stay now?"

"Here... there is fighting here, and it is better here!" Wan Qiliang scratched the back of his head, and for no reason he thought of the boy who threw stones in the dark alley of Shitou Head.

He couldn't even remember the face, but he remembered the look.

That look made him feel that the injuries on his body were not in vain.

Wan Qifeng put it bluntly: "Someone here calls you benefactor, right?"

"Brother Afeng, please help me!" Wan Qiliang said shamelessly, "I don't want to go back!"

Is it because he doesn't want to go back? No one wants to go back.

"Oh, the expulsion may be avoided, but you won't be able to escape with a slap in the face!"

Wan Qiliang was overjoyed: "Okay, just hit the board, hit whatever you want!"

Eight days later, Feng County.

This is the county seat in Pei State, with a population of more than 170,000.

There was a businessman in green clothes and gray hat who had a long career and entered the city just before the city gate was opened.

As soon as he passed the city gate, he looked back.

Many people who had just entered the city did the same thing as him, looking up and pointing:

Above the city gate, a row of dead people with protruding eyes and tongues and swollen faces were hanging upside down!

This death sign shows that he was really hanged alive, and he was hanged slowly.

Gray Hat counted seven.

These seven unlucky guys hung on the rope for at least one night before dying one after another.

Pedestrians passing by would look up at them and spit on the ground.

Some even cursed "die well".

There is also a flag standing on the city gate, with a few big blood-red characters on it:

The law of heaven is clear, and retribution will not be satisfactory;

Use the other person's way to repay the other person's body.

There is also a pattern painted on the flag with blood:

A dragon head.

A few strokes, full of charm.

Most of the people around were illiterate and asked what was written on the flag.

There were also people watching the manger nearby. Gray Hat squeezed in and took a look. There was a relief of a dragon's head on the short gray wall.

Only a head and a small half of the neck are carved out, showing the majesty of the dragon. No matter where the onlookers stood, they felt that the dragon's eyes, which were bigger than lychees, were staring at them coldly.

Even if Gray Hat doesn't know how to carve, he still feels that the dragon's head is lifelike, as if the dragon's body will burst out of the wall in the next second and soar into the clouds and mist.

He reached out and touched the relief. It was cold and hard, just like ordinary masonry. But if you pinch it hard, it won't work. There is an invisible and gentle force that pops your fingers away.


There is actually an unusually gentle barrier attached to the relief, which cannot be discovered unless you intend to damage it.

Other than that, he didn't feel any supernatural powers around the relief.

A relief is just a relief.

"Excuse me, who carved this pattern?"

Everyone on the side shrugged and didn't know. Only the waiter from the inn came to hold the horse and answered smoothly:

"Other than God and gods, who would carve this on a broken wall?"

Gray Hat looked back and saw that the inn was very close to the city gate.

He immediately took two steps forward, pointed to the corpse hanging at the city gate and the relief on the wall and asked the clerk: "Excuse me, what is going on?"

The clerk was too lazy to pay attention to him at first, but the man stretched out his hand and handed over a few large coins, which cheered him up:

"Yesterday morning, before the city gate was opened, these were hung on it. It scared many people at that time."

Gray Hat was a little surprised: "You have been hanging like this for two days, and Feng County can't untie it?"

What does the official do for food?

The waiter rolled his eyes: "Do you know what those words on the flag, to the other side... that other side... mean?"

"Use his way and give back to him."

"Yes, that's what I said." The waiter continued, "You outsiders don't know, but when we see these hanged ghosts, we just feel relieved! If we weren't afraid of the smell, we wish they would hang them till the end of the world!"

"Who are these people?" Gray Hat asked knowingly.

"In the bandit den on Daishan Mountain nearby, everyone from the eldest to the seventh master was taken away and hung here! The other minions all died in the bandit den on Daishan Mountain. It is said that corpses are everywhere on the ground, it is terrible!"

The gray hat said, "Have you gone to see it?"

"No, I'm busy. How can I have time to see the dead people?" The man pointed at the city gate guards, "The officers and soldiers went up to see them."

He couldn't help but sneer: "This den of bandits comes down from time to time to rape and plunder. They have been causing harm to villages and towns for almost ten years. The officers and soldiers are useless! Last summer, the Daishan bandits came to besiege the city and captured ten people. Several people were hanged outside the city."

He pointed to the city gate: "Hanging like this makes people die slowly. These forgetful guys just hung for fun. I still can't forget their wild laughter. Alas, they were surrounded for three days. , and hung up for three days, until the county asked the people to raise money before sending these plague gods away. "

The gray hat understood: "If they don't die, they will attack the city and extort money in the future."

They rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and rely on the cities to eat the cities. These bandits have no intention of taking down the city, as long as they come here regularly to collect money. The common people in the city are like the cows they keep in captivity, who come to milk them from time to time.

"Isn't that right?" The clerk shook his head. "I don't know who has the magic power to hang them on the city gate. The county said that they will be hung for three days, which means they will be hung until tomorrow morning. Hey, they finally did it. It’s a very satisfying thing.”

Last year, the bandits hung civilians for three days. Now it was their turn to be hanged, and they had to hang for three days.

This is the meaning of giving back to others.

"Seven living people were hung on the city gate, and no one heard the slightest disturbance?"

The two of them had already walked outside the crowd, and the man lowered his voice: "The gatekeepers are all uncles. They hide and gamble money and sleep at night. After a while, I think about it. It would be nice to go up to the city wall and take a look."

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