After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1306 Not Human

"But I did hear the guards say that there was no such row when they were patrolling the night before yesterday, and they didn't know when it was hung up. They seemed to hear a popping sound at night. They thought it was a night bird flapping its wings, but later I thought I thought it might be the sound of these guys hanging on the rope and struggling."

The gray hat said "oh" and didn't ask much about the patrol. These guards were full of nonsense and couldn't do anything accurately.

"What about the pattern on the gray wall?"

The man smacked his lips, rubbed his hands, and said nothing.

The gray hat could only hand him a few more big coins, and the waiter collected them before continuing: "It just appeared overnight. I just cleaned the manger the night before, and there was nothing on the wall at that time; yesterday Early in the morning, the bandit was hoisted up and this relief appeared."

"They appeared together?"

"I don't know which one comes first, which one comes last," the clerk added. "The relief was so majestic yesterday morning, but now it's blurry."

"Confused?" Gray Hat wondered, "What do you mean by confused?"

"When it first appeared, it looked very real. I walked over with a bucket and was shocked by it. I thought there was a monster sticking its head out of the wall." The man pointed at the dragon head totem and said, "You see now It's already rough, not so...well, not so fine."

"That is to say, this pattern is slowly degrading?"

The guy didn’t know what degradation meant either: “It’s just blurry anyway.”

The gray hat pointed at the blood streamer flaunting at the city gate:

"Have you seen or heard of the dragon head pattern on the flag?"

Apparently it was a mark.

The guy shook his head.

The gray hat went to the city to find a place to stay, and then went out to inquire for information.

After asking around, the residents all told me the same thing as the guy.

But he met a servant in the tavern who had been to Daishan yesterday. Gray Hat bought two glasses of wine, and the guard talked about what he had seen on the mountain.

This is first-hand information:

Only the bandit leader and his six brothers were hanged at the gate of Feng County for public display, while nearly 200 of their bandits died in their lair in Daishan.

Most of the gangsters' wounds were on their backs. Apparently they turned around and ran away before being killed.

The gray hat asked: "Can you tell how many people are in the team that attacked them?"

"There's something strange happening on that mountain!" The officer drank again, "Have you been to Daishan Mountain? The bandit's lair is built on the mountainside. The road is very steep, there are many cliffs, and the woods are dense. It's impossible to get up there by horse. In the past, how many government officials Every time we organized an encirclement and suppression, we had to put our mounts halfway up the mountain and hike up the mountain. If it hadn’t been for this kind of terrain, we would have wiped out them ten years ago.”

"So what's weird?"

"The blame lies here!" The officer looked mysterious, "We found a large number of messy horse hoof prints on the top of the mountain and in the bandit's lair!"


"It's very fresh and stained with blood!"

So how did the attacker's mount get up there? Flying up?

"We also captured three prisoners." The officer continued, "They were hiding in the grass and shivering. When we found them, one of them was so frightened that he lost consciousness. The other said..."

He stopped to moisten his throat and found that many drinkers were gathered around, listening to him attentively, so he became more interested and his expression became more mysterious: "This little thief said that the night before yesterday, there was fog in the village, and everything was dark. He was woken up by a strange noise, like a hundred ghosts crying at night, so sinister and scary, and then there was the sound of horse hooves outside. He thought he heard it wrong, so he ran out to take a look - "

"——Dozens of soldiers in black armor rushed out of the thick fog, killing everyone on sight, and were extremely vicious. The bandits were stunned. They didn't know where they came from, and they didn't have time to close the village door. The bandit leader led a few The brothers came out to fight and shouted who was coming. The leader of the black-armored cavalry pointed at them and said, 'You are full of evil, and your death has come!'"

"This leader was covered in black fire, and there were ghosts and shadows flying around in front and behind him. It was scary to look at him. The bandit leader didn't believe in evil, so he grabbed a long knife and went up. As a result, no two of them came face to face. Several brothers fell to the ground one after another, including himself. It didn’t last more than a few rounds.”

"The black-armored cavalry kills people like melons, with one or two cuts. The little thief didn't have the guts to fight, so he hid in the grass. There was a black knight who was going towards him, but a few bandits happened to escape. The black knight Then he changed his target and went to kill someone." The guard licked his lips and said, "The bandit counterattacked and just happened to pull off the black knight's helmet. Do you know what the little thief saw in the grass?"

The bystanders listened with rapt attention and asked: "What did you see? Tell me, tell me."

"The Black Knight is not a human being at all!" The officer lowered his voice with a mysterious look on his face, "He only has half the face!"

The audience expressed dissatisfaction: "What do you mean by being half-shameless!"

The officer raised his index finger and drew it from his left forehead to his right jaw: "This half has cheek, but the other half doesn't. Even the skull is exposed! He has no eyelids, and there is only one eyeball in his right eye to see people!"

Everyone couldn't believe it: "Can this person still survive?"

"Otherwise, he is not a human being!" the guard continued, "The black knight grabbed the bandit, face to face, and sucked out his soul in one bite! That man, that man was paralyzed. "

"It also glanced at the grass. The little thief hiding there was frightened to death on the spot. But the black knight didn't seem to see him. He just took back his helmet and put it on again, then turned around and went to kill again! Hey, you guys said, Is there any living person who looks like that?”

The audience found it incredible: "Could it be that little thief who made it up?"

"That little thief swore to me on his own dick that he saw it with his own eyes and there was no lie."

"Then what?"

"He hid in the grass and shivered. He heard the screams of his companions one after another, and there was no movement after almost two quarters of an hour." The officer continued, "He also saw the black-armored cavalry tying up the bandit leaders and dragging them away. "Back Mountain."

"We also followed the messy horse hoof prints to the back mountain, and found that the traces only extended to the front of the bushes. This shows that the prisoner was not lying." He took a sip of wine, "But! Behind the bushes, there is a cliff! You said, How did these black-armored cavalry leave the cliff in thin air with their prisoners and horses? "

Everyone was amazed after hearing this.

Finally someone cursed:

"God's punishment, this is God's punishment!"

The blood flag on the city gate also says, "Retribution is not good."

"These black knights, they are really evil spirits that have climbed up from the Nine Netherworld to seek souls." Otherwise, how could ordinary living people do such a thing as absorbing souls?

While everyone was talking, the gray hat quietly left the wine shop.

Early the next morning, the city gatekeeper shouted with great vigor:

"Untie them all, untie them all! The body has been exposed for three days!"

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