After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1312 If nothing happens, something will happen.

Where did he slip away? Did he escape?

Seeing that the sun was about to set and the sunset was particularly gorgeous, his companions came back and asked Aang with the empty mule cart: "Where are the people?"

"No, not found."

The four people scolded him and searched everywhere in the village.

Also unsuccessful.

It was getting dark, so the five of them had to go home to eat, seemingly as if nothing had happened.

Behind the hay room to the west of Zhuangzi, a black shadow flashed past.

Amidst the low hum of spring insects, Chenjiazhuang will spend another ordinary night.

When midnight was approaching, several long and ferocious howls suddenly sounded from the east of Zhuangzi!

The cry pierced the night sky and woke up the sleeping villagers.

They had never heard such a strange sound.

He Lingchuan helped the Situ family "without asking for anything in return" and set a beautiful example. The surrounding forces, large and small, conveyed their cooperation intentions to Yangshan Islands.

This is a good thing, and it is also He Lingchuan's purpose, but it is always mixed with small unpleasantness. For example, a small place hopes to borrow a low-interest loan of 40,000 yuan from the Yangshan Islands, and repay the interest first and then the loan. The collateral is two buildings in the territory. mine.

It sounds like a good deal, but of the two mines, one is a poor mine and the other has exhausted its reserves. The combined total of three thousand taels of silver is not worth it.

The information sent by this place also contains two false accounts. It is obvious what kind of intentions An has.

Anyway, there is no long-term peace and stability here. If you get the opportunity, you can cheat. In a few years, when the new grass-roots team comes on the scene, who will be able to repay the old score?

There are countless big pitfalls hidden in cooperation, so Jiang Lishui has to be very careful.

The agreement Jiang Lishui handed to He Lingchuan was a transaction request from the country of Peliu. This was one of the seven allied forces in the crusade against Bixia. The country was not weak and the regime was stable.

The country of Peliu attached great importance to this deal and sent people to negotiate twice.

But the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce received too many requests, so Jiang Lishui spent many days drafting the agreement and submitted it to He Lingchuan for review.

He Lingchuan looked at it but was not interested: "Press down and let's discuss it later."

After finishing the chores, He Lingchuan said a few words and wanted to leave. Fu Liushan Shi Ran came in from outside with a piece of fruit peel in his mouth.

"Master Fu is back?" He Lingchuan knew that Fu Liushan had recently gone to Shihoutou and Liuping to "collect stories" and wanted to hear the people's descriptions of the two battles and the Black Armored Army.

Anyway, Yangshan reimburses the travel expenses for food, drink, accommodation and transportation. "Did this trip go well?"

"Smooth, no wind and no waves. Yang Meng, the garrison at Shizhoutou, has taken over Liuping, and seems to have gone to Xia Dun, which was originally Zhao Guangzhi's territory. His garrison has now expanded to 800 people."

"So fast?" He Lingchuan still remembered that when Yang Meng defended the city at Shizhoutou a few days ago, there were only 500 soldiers available. In just three days, he added a lot of manpower.

Of course, how much combat effectiveness can this new number of people have?

However, the increase in the number of people on the surface can indeed scare outsiders who don't know what's going on.

"I also went to Feng County." Fu Liushan looked at He Lingchuan with a strange look, "What happened in these places is similar to what you described before, but it is particularly shocking and refreshing to civilians. I think, regardless of black Who is leader A——"

He Lingchuan wanted to be pretentious, so he followed suit. It's the uncle who paid for it, so there's nothing wrong with it.

"——The effect he wanted was achieved."

He Lingchuan smiled: "That's good."

He went through great lengths to pretend to be a ghost, not only to shock people, but also for many other purposes.

"But..." Fu Liushan drawled, "There is one detail that you haven't mentioned before. Before and after the black-armored cavalry left, relief patterns of dragon heads would appear on the walls of these places, usually on city gate walls, which was unusual. It's delicate and lifelike. After three days of this, the dragon's head will disappear again."

Well, it's a dragon, not a dragon. It only has small horns on its head, which are nowhere near long enough.

He Lingchuan asked him: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"I saw it." Fu Liushan looked at He Lingchuan with a meaningful look, "What on earth is that?"

Yeah, what on earth is that?

"There is no conclusion yet." He Lingchuan smiled, "This is a new situation that has never happened before. Master Fu, you know it."

In Fu Liushan's opinion, this smile was a bit unpredictable.

Although he didn't know why there was a dragon head pattern on the wall, he knew the details of the Luo Sheng Jia Qiang Dragon Armor and knew that it was a treasure made from the scales of the ancient dragon god!

Luo Shengjia has been around for a long time and has never been accompanied by such visions until it fell into the hands of He Lingchuan.

What on earth did the man named He do to Luo Shengjia!

But Fu Liushan quickly returned to normal and shrugged: "I just came back to let you know that it's okay. I went to drink. Hey, I've just been on my way these days."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but remind: "Write out the script first. Dou Wenguan and the troupe have been waiting for your script for a long time."

Fu Liushan didn't even look back, he just waved his hand and disappeared.

He Lingchuan's face suddenly darkened as he slowly walked through the garden.

There are no outsiders here, only the tall kapok blossoms blooming wildly and passionately, as bright as the flaming clouds in the sky.

He Lingchuan found a big rock and sat down, staring at Hongyun and lost in thought.

He was in such a hurry when he led the crowd to leave Shihoutou and Liuping that he didn't have time to see what was on the wall. But when the intelligence from various places was gathered later, He Lingchuan was so surprised that he almost scratched his head when he heard that the dragon head relief appeared!

Just because he knew the function of the dragon head totem, or the black dragon totem, he was more surprised than anyone else.

This mark represents the blessing of heaven and earth, and places such as Shizhoutou and Liuping are obviously not qualified. So, it lasted only three days?

Can he understand this?

Seeing that he remained silent for a long time, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you thinking about the dragon head totem again?"

These days, He Lingchuan has been thinking deeply. Only Mirror knows that he is always thinking about this totem that appears and disappears inexplicably.

With the soul-capturing mirror around, it would be difficult for outside spies with eyeliners and magical powers to hide under its nose, so He Lingchuan felt relieved and spoke out.

"Well, this thing came at a really bad time and threw my plans into pieces."

As soon as he heard that the dragon head relief appeared following the actions of the Black Armored Army, He Lingchuan knew that something had changed.

Man's calculations are not as good as God's calculations, and his plans are rarely smooth sailing and are always full of variables.

God really likes to give him surprises and scares.

Jing Jing asked curiously: "Isn't this totem very good? You said it yourself, it represents the blessing of heaven. It has blessed you, and you still complain that you are in pieces?"

This was the news that He Lingchuan got from Panlong World, and he also mentioned it to the mirror.

"It's not the right time." He Lingchuan murmured, "It's not the right time."

The mirror asked: "So is it a blessing or a curse?"

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