After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1313 Repeated Weighing

"It's a blessing, but it's also a curse." He Lingchuan thought for a while and then said, "You know my plan for Flash Gold, right?"

"I know, you are interested in this difficult bone." The mirror stays with the owner every moment, witnessing everything he does bit by bit. If there is one thing in this world besides the way of heaven that can capture He Lingchuan's every move, it is the soul-capturing mirror.

He Lingchuan's Yangshan plan was originally planned to be carried out on three fronts and planned in secret.

The first is to strengthen the hometown association and get to know and win over more knowledgeable people and young talents.

These people have seen the world outside and are impressed by the wealth and power of big countries and the poverty of gold. Naturally, they are deeply dissatisfied with the current situation here and have the motivation and desire for change.

Moreover, most of them are very young. Although they are not the highest local rulers, they are either rich or noble, have power in their hands, and have ambitions in their hearts. This is the group of people with the most advanced consciousness in the Golden Flash Plains and the easiest group of people to be united by He Lingchuan.

The Yangshan Chamber of Commerce has now entered the Shining Gold Plains in a peaceful and friendly manner. Not only did they not reject He Lingchuan, but they welcomed it very much. So so far, things are going well on this front.

Secondly, He Lingchuan transformed into the leader of the Black Armored Army and led the Black Armored Army to meddle in other people's affairs, oh no, punish rapes and eradicate evil. He also used storytellers and other means to publicize the Black Armored Army's deeds everywhere, in order to win over the Shining Gold Plains. Potential recognition of another powerful force.

This power is rarely valued and rarely explored.

That's people.

Ordinary people in the Golden Plains.

The mirror has been following He Lingchuan for too long. Although he never said it explicitly, it has realized that this master wants to collect more than just the power of wishes.

The wish power that only the Black Dragon God could collect in the past must be a good thing, but He Lingchuan's goal goes far beyond that.

He has more prospects, and he also has more expectations. Otherwise, with his calculating character, how could he not know that the Black Armor Army's efforts are not proportional to the risks and benefits.

What he values ​​​​is the future.

What he looks forward to is to gather people's hearts bit by bit.

Thirdly, He Lingchuan must also seize the time to train his core elite.

The so-called "Yangshan Army" he formed by himself has a mixed composition, including pirates, Bailong tribesmen, and experts from all walks of life who have heard of the news. Although they have undergone rigorous training, they are not as good as in terms of combat level, individual will, and group discipline. Said that it is still far from being as elite as the Gale Army.

To forge the iron, you have to be strong yourself. Perhaps the people of the Golden Flash Plains will have high hopes for them in the future, but if Yang Shanjun is not good enough and cannot withstand the torment of the storm, he will end up fetching water from a bamboo basket.

The above three-line arrangement sounds troublesome to say, but it is actually on track. It is all carried out step by step and secretly under He Lingchuan's careful deployment. If it can be carried out smoothly to the end, He Lingchuan's progress bar for dominating the flash gold will be 30% complete.

Of course, things often go wrong.

Isn't an accident coming?

"The appearance of the dragon head relief will cause us big trouble." He Lingchuan would scratch his head every time he thought about this, "Our opponent may have to be replaced!"

"Uh, so serious?" The soul-capturing mirror originally thought, isn't it just a few more reliefs on the wall, and it will only last three days. However, the only one who can make the master so irritated is usually Bega. "Are you afraid of disturbing Bega?"

"More than that." He Lingchuan said slowly, "Before the Dragon Head Totem appeared, most of the people who investigated the Black Armored Army were local indigenous people. The most powerful ones were only Yao Kingdom and Luodian, as well as a small number of affected wild gods. These We can handle our opponents.”

He had already prepared a countermeasure.

"But after the Jiaoshou Totem appeared..." He sighed, "Bega has been secretly studying this totem. The first totem information I got was stolen by Fu Shanyue from his father's library; in the past, Jiaoshou Totems have appeared in Yuan Kingdom and Panlong City, Lingxu City will not know this. "

"It just so happens that, well, I can't say it's just a coincidence, these two places have been unforgettable for Bejia. It just so happens that these two places also have large square pots."

The dragon head totem, the city of resistance and the square pot were once closely linked. Now that the dragon head totem has appeared again, this is probably the key word to awaken Bega's unpleasant memories. Will it have more associations?

"When it hears about the deeds of the Black Armor Army, our opponent may have to upgrade." That's Bega. "The risk of future actions may increase tenfold. By the way, there is also Lingshan."

"Lingshan is also very interested in the dragon head totem." In the world of Panlong, Lingshan also sent a special person to investigate this totem.

It was interesting then, what now?

"Oh, yes, there are Lingshan and Mou Guo." Mirror would always ignore Lingshan subconsciously, thinking that it and He Lingchuan were on the same boat.

"Since it's so dangerous, let's stop working at the head office, right?" Jing Jing muttered, "The worst thing is to turn to goodness!"

Isn't it quite happy to go back and be a little island master... a magic weapon? I don't have to fight with people to the death, and I can just eat some Emperor Ooze when I have nothing to do.

"It may not be safe to retreat to Yangshan. If Beijia really targets him, it will be difficult to find a place in the world. Besides, as long as we are active in Flash Gold, sooner or later such a day will come." It's just that this day came faster than expected, " What's more, the dragon head totem has endless magical uses. Its appearance is a rare opportunity. Who wouldn't want it?"

Lingshan said that the dragon head totem represents heaven's blessing, and wherever it appears, the weather will be smooth and the products will be abundant. Zhong Shengguang explained that the dragon head totem can prevent the nightmare energy and spiritual energy from being sucked away by foreign objects.

Maybe they were both right, one got part of the appearance right, and the other got part of the internal cause right.

But where the dragon head totem will appear is still unclear. After all, there are too few templates to refer to.

The mirror was also complaining: "Hey, it would be great if this dragon-headed totem came later!"

It knows that the master is not ready at all!

The Yuan Kingdom started trouble inside Bejia, and Lingxu mobilized the power of the whole country to encircle and suppress it several times, but it took two years to win. Panlong City also faced Bejia directly, and fought for more than 20 years while being surrounded by powerful enemies. Their strength and tenacity come from many reasons, and part of it must be due to the contribution of the dragon head totem.

For the overlord of a party or the king of a country, a fertile territory and abundant aura mean more food, more people, more troops, and more powerful combat power! The dragon head totem moisturizes things silently, but it works every moment.

This kind of place is what is usually called "a place with outstanding people", and He Lingchuan also coveted it.

But can he take higher risks, and can he withstand the gazes from Bejia and Lingshan?

Even he himself had no answer.

That's why He Lingchuan said that whether it is a blessing or a curse depends on how to resolve it.

Jing Jing thought for a while and then said: "Why did this totem appear and why did it disappear? You were clearly in Jucheng, why didn't it follow you?"

"There is no such thing as Yang Shan." According to the current situation, only in places where the "black-armored leader" appeared and fought, the short-lived dragon head totem will appear. In other words, what he did after putting on the Qianglong armor coincided with some truth?

Previously, both Yuan Kingdom and Panlong City were fighting on the front line against the gods. They had elite soldiers and strong generals, and the army and the people were united. It was not surprising that the dragon head totem appeared.

Looking back at He Lingchuan, Yangshan's army had not been tempered by large-scale blood and fire at all, and was neither firm enough nor efficient enough; he himself was still in cahoots with various wild gods, and had no clear connection with Bejia Ou. Why can he still win the favor of the Dragon Head Totem like this?

Of course, it's not just because he is wearing Qianglong armor.

"Is it because you punish rape and eliminate evil?"

It seems reasonable to be blessed by heaven for punishing rape and eradicating evil, but seeing that Fu Liushan was more conscientious than him in this regard, why didn't he receive the blessing of heaven?

Whether it is the way of heaven, the big square pot, or the dragon head totem, they are all masters who cannot communicate well.

"Not entirely." He Lingchuan sighed: "And I have always considered a question, why did you choose the dragon totem instead of other divine beasts for the blessing of heaven? On the other hand, the dragon head totem is really the blessing of heaven. Couldn’t it be the blessing of the Black Dragon God himself?”

The mirror was a little confused, so he said a few times: "The black dragon has passed away."

The next sentence was left unspoken: You’re wearing someone else’s leather!

"The black dragon's cultivation is higher than that of immortals, and it is the creature closest to the way of heaven. If it can continue to influence the world in its own way, it makes sense."

"You want to say that it is not dead to a certain extent?" Mirror disagreed, "If the Dragon God's influence on the world has not disappeared, why did the descendants of the Dragon clan seek refuge with the gods and found Beijia when they were desperate, instead of Asking their ancestors for help?"

"No, I guess the power of the Dragon God may continue to exist in some form." It's like the world of coiled dragons in a large square pot.

Panlong City fell long ago, and its tragic past has been covered up by the yellow sand; but under the protection of Dafang Hu, the power of Panlong City has not truly disappeared from the world.

It also found He Lingchuan and its successor.

Is the power of the black dragon turned into a dragon head totem to find a successor who conforms to his will?

In other words, a candidate who meets the expectations of the Dragon God?

Jing Jing calmed down and brought the topic back to the current situation: "Then have you thought about what to do next?"

The reality is very cruel: no matter how difficult the dilemma is, He Lingchuan will eventually have to make a choice, and as soon as possible!

"Even if it's a disaster, you can't avoid it." He Lingchuan said seriously, "I've thought about it."

Over the past few days, he has been adjusting his thinking.

"The appearance of the dragon head totem cannot escape the eyes and ears of the gods and Bejia. If they want to invest in the investigation, they must either use their influence in Flash Gold or send people from Bejia."

He Lingchuan had long seen through that Bejia had only indirect influence on the Golden Flash Plains, and the largest local overlord was the Yao Kingdom.

Jing Jing suddenly remembered: "Ah, isn't Qingyang in Yao Kingdom? Maybe she will investigate."

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