After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1314 Crazy as always

"There is no direct conflict between Qingyang and the Black Armor Army, at least not yet. She will not intervene unless the Demon Emperor orders it." Qingyang's current job is to help the Demon Emperor better control the Yao Kingdom, not to fight against the demon emperor. Catching wind and shadows on Jinpingyuan, "Dealing with Qingyang was originally part of my plan. The appearance of the relief of the dragon's head may bring this matter forward."

Qingyang's power was certainly terrifying, but this was still within He Lingchuan's expectations.

"What I'm most worried about is that Lingxu sent a special person to investigate, which means Bejia has really set his sights here." He Lingchuan said seriously, "If there is such a team of people, lurking in the dark and setting up traps, it will be very harmful to us. It will be a huge threat.”

"But the other side also has disadvantages." He continued to analyze, "First of all, the Golden Gold Plains is not their home field, and their actions here are also subject to objective restrictions; secondly, Lingxu specially dispatched manpower from elsewhere, and it will cost a lot of money on the way. A lot of time.”

"Unless we are very unlucky and these people happen to be active around the Gold Shining Plains, we still have at least three to five months to half a year to make arrangements calmly."

He let out a long breath.

It would be nice if the Dragon Head Totem appeared later. It doesn’t have to be much later, just half a year!

In the world of Panlong, after the Red General captured the Xixi Kingdom, Panlong City opened up the Longchuan trade route and took over the Maohe Plain. Combined with the general environment of the revival of spiritual energy at that time, coupled with the blessing of the dragon head totem, it only took ten short years. Within eight months, Panlong Wasteland began to enrich its people, and there were some signs of prosperity.

That kind of explosive development stunned other surrounding forces.

If the Dragon Head Totem appeared after He Lingchuan collected the entire Golden Gold Plains, and combined with the background of spiritual energy recovery, the strength of the Golden Gold Plains could also experience a blowout.

It's a pity, there is no if in this world.

What the Dragon Head Totem can bring him is long-term blessing for the future, rather than immediate enhancement at the moment.

Then the current difficulty can only be overcome by himself.

The mirror asked him: "What do you want to arrange?"

"I assume that Lingxu City plans to send a special person to investigate, so the window period left for me is still several months." He Lingchuan smiled, his teeth were very white, "There is still plenty of time, Hundan from the Golden Plains, first Welcome the storm of justice!"

"You..." The mirror was silent. Knowing that the danger is approaching, this master not only refuses to stop, but also makes a big show of it and intensifies it?

It's really, really crazy as always.

"Before anyone notices, I will muddy the water, and no one who jumps in will want to see clearly the cause and effect. Qingyang can't, and neither can Beijia's envoy." He Lingchuan's eyes had a hidden edge, "Just this one level, Think of it as the Dragon God’s trial.”

After passing the test, he would be eligible to enjoy the aura and blessings of the Dragon Head Totem.

After thinking about it, He Lingchuan put his worries aside and went to his hometown meeting that afternoon.

With the financial and material support provided by Young Master He, Yuhai's hometown association was successfully reopened and successfully held two events, inviting forty to fifty returned overseas Chinese to participate.

These are all young elites who have returned from study tours in Bejia and Mou. Some of them are old acquaintances, while others are new friends who have just been introduced.

The current situation is particularly special. The seven allied forces outside are fighting against Bixia. There are wins and losses. Yao Kingdom has also suffered some hidden losses, so the hometown meeting is being held in a lively manner. The participants expressed their opinions, debated each other's wits, and clapped their hands on the table and stared at each other when talking, which was quite like the free and eloquent talk of Lingxu Taixue.

New entrants are very interested in He Lingchuan and Yangshan Islands. The leader of He Island is young, wealthy, well-spoken, and good at making good friends, so there are more people around him than Yu Hai.

Within half a month, the hometown association had nearly a hundred members. After Yu Hai discussed with He Lingchuan, he also invited four or five officials to prepare to further expand the hometown association.

He Lingchuan strongly supports this. On the one hand, he needs to gather these young elites who have broadened their horizons and are ambitious, and gather them in the hometown association; on the other hand, he needs to build a network of people and intelligence, and hold the source in his own hands.

If a thoughtful person observes his actions, it is not difficult to infer that he is determined to expand contacts and operate business circles in the Golden Plains, so he spends a lot of money - in fact, some people have tried before, but they can't continue without any profit.

But no one can guess the deeper reason.

Today, He Lingchuan, Yu Hai, and Situ He made an appointment to meet in their hometown, but Situ He didn't arrive in a hurry until just before the banquet started.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He apologized to the two of them as soon as he arrived, "I'll punish myself with three drinks!"

"It doesn't matter, accidents happen frequently on the front line, Brother He and I can both understand." Yu Hai said with a smile, "We are talking about the black knights who appeared in Shihoutou, Liuping and Daishan."

Situ He drank his first glass of wine: "What black knight? Oh, you mean that black-armored army."

The battle on the front line was in full swing. The Situ family devoted all their energy to the battlefield and paid little attention to other things outside the territory. When all the bandits in Daishan were killed, they received news of Zhao Guangzhi's death.

"The notorious ogre Zhao Guangzhi is from Luodian." Situ He choked and coughed twice, "He is very active in the south. My father also paid attention to him before, worried that he would cooperate with the Vixia people to attack us. Oh, now it is Don’t worry anymore.”

Yu Hai said: "He died in Liuping, and the city guard at Shizhoutou, whose name was Liu, also died."

"Liu Shuheng. That's not a good thing either."

"The battle at Shitou Head was particularly exciting." Yu Hai recounted the battle that night, vividly.

He Lingchuan raised his glass and sipped lightly, and hummed twice through the telescope in his arms: "It's dry and unpleasant, and it can't express your majesty and prowess at all! Fu Liushan's words are more vivid."

He Lingchuan grabbed the wine glass as if listening. What Yu Hai said was very simple and very different from the gossip currently circulating. The latter had added fuel to the fire and had gone through several versions to describe him as a monster with horns on his head.

You know your own merits and deeds. Listening to others repeat them over and over again will make you feel motivated. No matter how many times you repeat them, you will get bored.

But no matter what, the more legends about the Black Armored Army and the wider they spread, the better it is for his plan.

"Good kill!" Situ He was surprised after hearing this, because there were many details, "Brother Yu, where did you hear this news?"

"A secretary from our hometown association went back to visit his relatives a few days ago and brought back some first-hand information. After that night, his neighbor asked someone to carve a statue of his benefactor, saying that he would enshrine his benefactor at home."

Situ He shook his head and drank the second glass of wine: "A living person cannot stand the incense."

"They don't think they are mortals." Yu Hai said with a smile, "If a mortal points out someone, he will die? This is the original saying of the local folks."

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