After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1315 Trouble on the front line

Situ He immediately said: "The origin of this force is unknown. I will draw my father's attention. It did not occupy the city during several operations. It just killed the local strongmen and left. This is too weird. What does Brother He think?"

He Lingchuan touched his nose: "Generally speaking, whoever benefits is the one who instigates. The Black Armored Army did not occupy the city, so who owns the city now?"

"A guard named Yang."

"I think this person named Yang is somewhat related to the Black Armored Army, right?"

The two discussed a few more words, and while Situ He was drinking his third glass of wine, He Lingchuan changed the subject: "How is the situation on the front line?"

"Two days ago, our army attacked Luhua Castle, and there was a bit of a stalemate." Situ He frowned, "It was not easy to fight. The opponent's counterattack was very tough. In addition, Pei Guo and others suffered two defeats in their mid-line attack. Bixia People are encouraged. Alas, this is not a good thing.”

He continued: "There are different opinions within the Allied Forces on whether to continue the offensive; in addition, there was a conflict between our two allies, the Peliu Kingdom and the Kan people, which led to the inability to coordinate on the northern front."

When He Lingchuan returned to the Shining Gold Plains from the Yangshan Islands, the seven-way allied forces had recaptured all the lost territory of the original Gaopu Kingdom and were advancing towards the Bixia mainland.

However, within a few months, the situation changed, and Bixia became a passive defensive party and desperately resisted.

But problems also arise: at this stage of the fight, there are different voices within the Allied forces.

Because the previous battle went surprisingly smoothly, the strategic goal of Situ and his son has changed from regaining lost territory to revenge and counterattack. They hope to defeat Bixia in one go and completely defeat this evil neighbor without giving it a chance to recuperate and make a comeback.

The other allied forces wanted to give up because the battle was becoming more and more difficult, the progress was getting slower and slower, and they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

The Allies even suffered two unprecedented defeats. This was a heavy blow to the already high morale.

Of course, they were also worried that continuing to attack would completely offend the Yao Kingdom behind Vixia.

The previous common enemies became hesitant as the battle line advanced into the Visha territory.

Vishay noticed the change and immediately invested resources and troops in Luhua Castle. This place is easy to defend but difficult to attack. As long as the Bixia people hold on longer, there may be greater differences within the Allied forces.

He Lingchuan asked: "What's going on with the conflict on the Northern Front?"

War is always full of friction and capriciousness, and it is not as easy as most people imagine.

"Go to the sandbox and I'll tell you."

The sand table of the Native Association was donated by the Situ family.

Situ He explained to the two of them on the sand table: "The Allied forces attacked the Bixia mainland and marched in three ways. Among them, the Situ family and the other two families fought on the southern front, while the Peliu and the Kan people jointly attacked the northern front. Ten The northern line reached the Qingye area a few days ago.”

He pointed to a plain.

He Lingchuan took one look and said: "This terrain is easy to attack but difficult to defend."

"Yes, Qingye is a flat river with fertile soil. It is the granary of northern Bixia. Its output accounts for 20% of the entire territory of Bixia. It is also the intersection of two rivers. It has the advantage of fishing and rice fishing. It itself is connected to the east. It will be a major victory for our Allied forces on the northern front. "

Yu Hai asked curiously: "Isn't this a great victory? Why did the two families turn against each other?"

"The Battle of Qingye only lasted less than two days. The Vixia people knew that it was surrounded by a city that was easy to attack and difficult to defend, so they gave up without much struggle." Situ He shook his head, "But before retreating, the Vixia people also made a careful move. Son: They actually surrendered to the Kan tribe and opened the west city gate. So by the time the Po Liu army arrived, the Kan tribe had already occupied Qingye."

Yu Hai let out a long "Oh": "That's not good! These bastards!"

He knew that He Lingchuan was an outsider and didn't know much about the local historical disputes, so he explained to him: "Qingye was not originally the territory of the Bixia people, but was taken away from the Poliu Kingdom fifteen years ago. Over the years, Qingye was not the territory of the Bixia people. , Peliu Kingdom has always wanted to return to Qingye, so he joined the Allied Forces.”

He Lingchuan understood immediately: "After the Kan people occupied the city, they didn't want to let it go?"

"The Kan people have been worried about food for a long time. As long as we capture Qingye, they will not be hungry in the future." Situ He coughed lightly, "The Peliu Kingdom was willing to provide food to the Kan people for a long time in the future, but the latter hesitated and refused. Because after occupying Qingye, it could easily collect money, and during the period of "hesitation", it sent another thousand troops to Qingye, so the country of Po Liu was very angry. "

Yu Hai couldn't help but scolded: "Why did Vixia suddenly become so smart that he became a troublemaker?"

Knowing that they could no longer defend it, they gave the lost territory of the Poliu Kingdom to the Kan people. The Bixia people really understood the trick of sowing discord.

Both parties also know its approach, but the benefits are too great to let go.

What a conspiracy.

However, although the Vishayans were known for their bravery and ruthlessness, they rarely used such tricks in the past.

Situ He smiled bitterly: "The Bixia people may not be able to come up with such a trick. According to the prisoners we captured, there are a large number of outsiders who dominate the Bixia army."

"Yao country?"

Situ He shrugged.

Yu Hai nodded: "This is in line with Yao Guo's style."

"In short, the Peliu Kingdom and the Kan tribe have had internal strife because of Qingye, and the war on the northern front has basically come to a standstill." Situ He said to He Lingchuan, "Brother He may not know that there was an old grudge between the two sides in the past. Lord Peliu Kingdom tried his best to resolve it, He even let his favorite son marry the daughter of the leader of the Kan tribe, and that turned the conflict into friendship. "

He Lingchuan interrupted: "Kang Lang?"

"Yes, it's Kang Lang!" Situ He continued, "After a few years, the relationship between the two families broke down again because of Qingye. Now the people of Poliu are extremely angry and scold the Kan people for not knowing what is good and what is good."

Hatred is easy to build but slow to dissipate. Even if there is a marriage, the relationship between Poliu and the Kan tribe has only returned to coldness.

Obviously, Bixiayao Kingdom was very aware of this past, which caused the seeds of resentment between the two families to explode.

He Lingchuan could understand their helplessness: "Your place is really in chaos."

They couldn't stand the slight provocation from others, so they started fighting among themselves.

"The conflict escalated again a few days ago. The Poliu army and the Kan people fought each other, and some people were killed." Situ He took a sip of wine, "My family rushed to be peacemakers today. I hope they will put aside the dispute for the time being and work together to deal with it. enemy."

"Did it work?"

Situ He shook his head, with a distressed look on his face: "Both sides slapped the table and yelled at each other on the spot, neither of them willing to give up Qingye. If we hadn't been at the scene, maybe the two sides would fight again."

Then the Allied offensive on the northern front stopped.

As long as the Vishayans find ways to divide the attacks in the other two directions - there are already wavering voices within the Allied forces - the pressure of the war will be greatly reduced.

Slow things down.

Once the Vishayans regain their composure and drag this war into overtime, the scale of victory may be shaken again.

He Lingchuan immediately said: "Compared with Bixia's combat power, the Allied forces actually do not have an overwhelming advantage."

Situ He nodded: "Yes, before we regained the old land of Gaopu, we were able to advance all the way. On the one hand, we relied on the power of the previous great victories, and on the other hand, it was because the Bixia people were in chaos in the early days."

"It's more than that." He Lingchuan said seriously, "You also said that the previous battles were all to regain the old land of Gaopu Kingdom. People miss their homeland, and your battle to regain it is what the people want, and of course it is invincible!"

He always pays attention to the battlefield and has many emotions.

Although assistance from all parties is a prerequisite, and Situ Yu's command is also very good, the people of Gaopu country's nostalgia for their homeland and their hatred for Bixia are the foundation for the Situ family's allies to advance triumphantly.

If you want to win the quickest and broadest victory, you must first win the hearts and minds of the people.

Only when everyone is expecting you can be as powerful as a broken bamboo.

"But after the battle line is pushed back to the Bixia people's hometown, you will lose this advantage." At this time, all the Bixia people came to their senses. If this continues, they will be finished.

The morale of the Bixia army and the will of the Bixia people were finally mobilized to join the battle to defend their homeland and territory.

Therefore, after the Allied forces invaded the Vixia territory, the situation changed immediately and the resistance they faced became increasingly greater - all the Vixia people were against them.

When the Allied offensive on the northern front is suspended, it will be a rare opportunity for Bixia.

They themselves received support from Yao State in the form of money, food, and some manpower.

However, each of the Allied forces has its own problems, which can be seen from the hesitation of several teams to join in the early stage. Even if we can borrow money and food from Yangshan, how can Yangshan's power be compared with that of Yaoguo?

As long as the war drags on and on, it may be the Allies that collapse first.

"That's the truth." The Situ family knew this very well, so they tried to mediate the conflict between the Peliu Kingdom and the Kan people.

He Lingchuan immediately said: "From this point of view, the ownership of Qingye will determine the progress of the Allied forces on the northern front, thereby affecting your global war against Bixia."

"Exactly." Situ He sighed softly, "The situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. My father and I both believe that as long as the Qingye problem can be solved, the Allies will still have a chance to continue the siege of Bixia; if it cannot be solved -"

He Lingchuan nodded: "Once the northern offensive collapses, it may lead to the complete collapse of the Allied forces."

Because of the Qingye dispute, it was impossible for the Peliu Kingdom and the Kan people to continue to cooperate, and the Allied Northern Front ceased to exist.

"The Bixia people are really good at playing this game." They only used an abandoned city to sway the allies. "To be able to take advantage of the Kan people's temperament of forgetting life for small gains, there should be an expert behind it." ”

Situ He took a sip of wine and said, "It's probably Yao Kingdom."

He Lingchuan and Yu Hai both had a drink with him. Yu Hai asked, "What countermeasures does General Situ have?"

"My father and I have discussed it, and our Situ family is willing to exchange the captured Bixia territory for the Poliu Kingdom."

When Yu Hai heard this, he gave a thumbs up: "Situ is so generous!"

The Allies were able to continue their attack on Bixia, and they had already discussed internally how to divide the spoils. As the commander-in-chief of the Seventh Route Army, Situ Yu was willing to give up the benefits he had obtained in order to maintain the unity of the Allies. His vision and magnanimity were far superior to those of the reckless generals around him.

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