After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1316 Coming up with ideas

Situ He smiled bitterly: "But the Peliu Kingdom only accepts death. No matter what we say, it still insists on Qingye. The King of Peliu directly cursed and told the Kan people to get out of Qingye, otherwise they would send troops to attack."

People just can't swallow this breath.

Yu Hai shook his head: "The Kan people didn't do this properly."

The Bixia people were right in the Kan tribe's greed.

He Lingchuan smiled: "It is no longer meaningful to discuss right and wrong. The most important thing now is to resolve the Qingye dispute."

Situ He's eyes lit up when he heard this: "If you have any clever ideas, Brother He will definitely teach me!"

He came here today with the intention of asking He Lingchuan.

This man is good at what others can't do. Maybe he has a way to relieve the Allies' danger?

He Lingchuan thought for a long time, but the question he asked was beyond their expectations: "Are you familiar with Kang Lang? How is this guy?"

The second time he mentioned Kang Lang, Yu Hai and Situ He looked at each other.

The last time Situ He gathered for a drinking party in his hometown, Kang Lang, the sixth prince of the Poliu Kingdom, also came to drink and chat as one of the members, but he left early in the middle of the night and was not drunk until dawn.

Situ He immediately said: "Kanglang is a nice person, with a gentle personality, and he can also understand things. I choked him a few words that day, but he actually apologized to me. Oh, yes, he is also a little henpecked. He left early on the day we were drinking, listen. He said he was a good wife and wouldn’t let him stay outside.”

The fish laughed:

"Brother He wants Kang Lang to intervene? His status is indeed special——"

Kang Lang was both the beloved youngest son of King Poliu and the son-in-law of the leader of the Kan tribe. He had dual identities and was related to both sides.

But Yu Hai's next sentence followed: "But I'm afraid the portion is not enough. Both his father and father-in-law called him to scold him and asked him to reconcile. Yesterday, he even came out to drink to drown his sorrows."

The king of Poliu and the leader of the Kan clan were in-laws. When there were conflicts between the two parties, Kang Lang became the punching bag.

When Yu Hai said this, He Lingchuan knew that the people of the Poliu Kingdom and the Kan tribe did not take Kang Lang seriously. However, He Lingchuan did not expect his face to be successful.

"We can't make peace!" He said seriously, "Brother Kang's identity is of great use."

Does he still care about whether others are harmonious or not? Situ He and Yu Hai said with great interest: "Listen attentively."

He Lingchuan pointed to the sand table and said: "Judging from the terrain of Qingye, it is not a strategic location. Now the two families are competing against each other because they are interested in its food and income?"

"Not bad." Qingye is flat and the road is particularly easy to navigate. "Qingye is not dangerous, but it is an important economic and trade town."

"In other words, as long as both families can get food and profits, they don't need to fight, right?"

Situ He immediately said: "That's the truth. We also mentioned it during the mediation that Qingye's income should be divided equally between the two families. The Kan people also knew that they were unreasonable and nodded directly, but the Peliu Kingdom disagreed. We are all talking. After all, they still have two demands, one is to take over Qingye, and the other is that their profit share should not be less than 70%. Lord Po Liu said that this is the biggest concession."

Qingye was not originally the territory of the Kan people, so they could still get profits, so there was nothing to complain about. Besides, the pressure exerted by the Allied Forces on the Kan people is not small, and they probably want to give up as soon as possible.

But the country of Po Liu was full of grievance and anger. The Qingye Plain belongs to it, and the Kan people want to take 50% of the proceeds without doing anything. The Poliu Kingdom cannot tolerate it.

"When the Kan people heard that the Peliu Kingdom was going to take back Qingye, they stopped doing it." Situ He said with a bitter face, "The two families have become enemies. They are afraid that the Peliu Kingdom will default on their debts and will not share their share after they take back the Qingye."

He Lingchuan was amused: "When it comes to fighting, you are good at it; when it comes to negotiating, you are far behind. You start with a 50-50 split. What do you think? Then we must at least start talking about a 28-50 split, otherwise the Peliu Kingdom will The sufferer cannot agree."

"Isn't this inexperience? I won't do it next time." Situ He sighed, "Both sides combined and asked for 120% of the income. Alas, where can we get the extra 20% of income?"

So the offensive on the northern front was stuck there.

Yu Hai shook his head: "If the Allies lose, Qingye might be snatched back by the Bixia people. At that time, both families will be fighting for nothing."

"We have told them this repeatedly, and we really mean it." The smile on Situ He's face disappeared, "But they are determined to do it. Alas, I really don't know how to write the word 'long-term'."

Whenever their father and son discussed this matter, they were always angry.

When it comes to vital interests, everyone only cares about their own calculations. In the past, it was not without reason that Yaoguo and Vixia were able to dominate and dominate here.

He Lingchuan said slowly: "Actually, 120% of the income may not be impossible."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them looked sideways.

Situ He said excitedly: "Brother He, teach me!"

But the look on his face clearly said "Brother He, save me."

"Generally speaking, there are two troubles on the Allied Northern Front. One is the ownership of Qingye, and the other is the sharing of Qingye's income." He Lingchuan said straightforwardly, "As for the ownership of Qingye, my suggestion is to put it aside for the time being, and the two countries will entrust representatives to Tube."

"Entrusted custody?" This word was very new, and both Situ He and Yu Hao had vague feelings about it.

"The most important thing right now is to work together to defeat Bixia. Since we can't decide on Qingye's ownership, let's not decide for the time being." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "As for who will manage Qingye, our hometown association will have the best one. candidate.”

Yu Hai and Situ He said in unison: "Kang Lang?!"

"So I say, Brother Kang cannot be reconciled." He Lingchuan asked, "His identity is very useful at the moment."

Qingye's ownership rights can be put on hold, but management rights must be implemented. No matter whether the Peliu Kingdom or the Kan tribe sent people to take charge, the other side was not convinced.

Only Kang Lang had connections with both parties. When he went to manage Qingye, neither party had anything to say.

Yu Hai held up his palms and sighed: "Kang Laoliu's luck has come!"

Situ He thought for a while: "You can try! Kang Laoliu is also the sixth prince after all. Lord Po Liu should feel relieved about this beloved son. Brother He, as for this share...?"

"This split is not difficult to handle. It's just 20% of the income, how can we squeeze it out?" He Lingchuan suggested two ways.

Situ He thought it was funny before he finished listening.

He stood up suddenly, cupped his hands to He Lingchuan and said, "Thank you, Brother He. I'll go back to my father to discuss it first! I'll ask you for advice next time on how to make money."

The front line was critical, and when he saw the light, he became impatient.

After that, he left in a hurry.


Lancheng, elegant residence by the river.

This is the most luxurious building in the area, built near the water, with a total of three floors.

Usually the place is filled with people changing cups, drunkenness and laughter, but today it is extremely quiet, with only the sound of silk and bamboo.

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