After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1317 He Lingchuan is worth five hundred thousand taels

Just as the Vishat envoy was about to climb to the highest level, he was stopped by someone:

"Keep away from idlers."

The special envoy of Vishat raised his voice so that it could be heard from above: "By the order of God Wu Zhuo, I came here to pay homage to the owner of the Red House!"

After a few breaths, the music above stopped.

Soon, an attendant in green came down the stairs: "Follow me."

He led the Vishat envoy to the third floor, bowed twice inward, and then stepped down on his own.

In front of the platform was an enclosure, which was covered with gauze curtains. The Vishal envoy could only see a few looming figures inside, including musicians, singers, and dancers.

The original singing of Yingge and Yanwu was interrupted by him.

There is another person half leaning on the couch, but his face is not visible.

Before the Vishat envoy finished reading, the person on the couch spoke: "What country are you from?"

The sound is rich.

"Vixia," the special envoy said quickly, "I am here on the orders of the clan leader!"

The man waved his hand: "Go down."

All the dancers and dancers on the stage filed out, leaving only two people talking.

This man was still arrogant and did not change his attitude because of the special envoy's background: "Who told you that I was here?"

"I follow the guidance of God Wusu."

"Wu Su?" The owner of the red house read the name of the god and said slowly, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"My lord would like to seek your help."

"Help?" The owner of the red house took a sip of wine, "I only provide one kind of help. Do the people of Bixia know?"

"Yes, it's clear."

The owner of the red house said easily: "Tell me, who is the target?"

"There are two targets. The first is Situ Yu, the leader of the Seven Route Allied Forces, and the second -" Special Envoy Vixia paused, "it is He Lingchuan, the founder of the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce!"

"Sir, if you can get rid of these two thieves, my king is willing to reward you with three hundred thousand taels!"

"Three hundred thousand taels?" The owner of the red hut chuckled, "The situation of Bixia is not good now. I saved Bixia from the fire and water, and I only got three hundred thousand taels?"

He said slowly: "Kill Situ Yu, seven hundred thousand taels; kill He Lingchuan, five hundred thousand taels!"

The total is 1.2 million taels.

The Vishat envoy was astonished. This number was three times higher than what he proposed. He was really a lion.

"Five hundred thousand taels..." That's all. Situ Yu, the leader of the seven-way alliance against Bixia, is always very expensive. But, "How can He Lingchuan be worth five hundred thousand taels?"

"The role played by the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce in the Allied offensive is no worse than any of the upper, middle and lower roads. Without it, you would not have been beaten so badly, and you still have no chance of winning." The owner of the Red House obviously understands this very well. The current situation, "In addition, it is said that this man also killed the Xuanlu Ghost King with his own hands, which shows that he is a skilled man and not a simple businessman. Besides, he is also a guest of the Allies and is strictly protected in Jucheng. What do you think, the surname Is He easy to kill?"

The words are true and the reason is true. Special Envoy Vishat still feels that the price is too high. Killing two people will cost more than a billion? Bixia was not rich to begin with, and he had been stretched thin from the recent war. To be honest, it was extremely difficult to spend three hundred thousand taels. If he really had the financial resources of a million taels, he would have pushed the Allied troops back to their hometowns long ago.

Fortunately, before he set off, the Vishatou people also gave him some information. The special envoy gritted his teeth and said seriously: "My clan has never been known for its financial resources. If you, sir, can really kill these two people, our clan will offer you 700,000 taels with both hands to express our gratitude!"

The owner of the red hut smiled: "I think the Bixia people should do it themselves. They can make 700,000 taels in vain."

If the Vishayans could kill these two, would there be any need to look for him?

The Vishat envoy thought for a while: "How long will it take sir to get rid of these two people?"

"It only takes two nights." The owner of the red house raised two fingers, "You decide the order, who comes first and who comes last."

The special envoy of Vixia pondered for a long time, and finally said: "That's it, 450,000 taels, please sir, get rid of Situ Yu for us!"

"Don't you miss He Lingchuan anymore?"

"Get rid of Situ Yu first, and then see the consequences." The Situ family was the leader in attacking Bixia. Once Situ Yu is eliminated, the Allied forces will become scattered. Can the man named He continue to make waves?

Although Bixia hates Yangshan Chamber of Commerce and He Lingchuan, it knows very well who is the main enemy.

The owner of the red hut finally relented: "Five hundred thousand taels, plus three kilograms of mysterious crystals, of yellow or orange grade or above."

The Vishat envoy immediately asked: "Sir, when can we take action?"

"Within ten days." The owner of the red house thought for a moment, "I have other important things in hand. I can only help you after finishing them."

"Sir, please hurry up!" Special envoy Vixia took out two envelopes of silver notes and sent them forward. "This is a deposit of one hundred thousand taels. The balance will be paid after the completion of the matter."

The posture of the person on the couch remained unchanged, but something suddenly passed in front of the Vishat envoy.

He felt the air move slightly, and with a flick of his hand, the banknote disappeared.

What the hell is so fast? The special envoy of Vishat didn't see clearly, but the owner of the red hut already said: "You can leave."

The deposit has been sent, and the Vishal envoy is about to turn around and leave.

But the owner of the red house said again: "By the way, do you have information about He Lingchuan in your hand? Give it to me as well."

The Vishat envoy was overjoyed: "Sir, are you willing to kill...?"

"Let me take a look. Who are the people around He? I heard that in the battle between him and Xuanlu Ghost King, a giant ape was dispatched?"

"Ah, yes." Special Envoy Vixia told the owner of the Red House all the information he had collected on He Lingchuan, hoping that he would not suffer any loss.


In the evening, He Lingchuan was discussing business with Yu Hai, and Situ He came rushing over, accompanied by another person.


As expected, Situ Yu not only adopted He Lingchuan's suggestion, but also asked his son to invite Kang Lang over.

Kang Lang took a few steps forward and bowed his head to He Lingchuan, his fingers even touching the sand on the ground:

"Congratulations to brother for your kindness, Kang Lang will be rewarded generously!"

He Lingchuan held his arm and said, "This position is tailor-made for Brother Kang. All the hometown club hopes for is for people to give full play to their talents."

Yu Hai also smiled and said: "Congratulations to Brother Kang, you are finally going to show off your great achievements!"

Kang Lang's face glowed with excitement.

He was born as the sixth child and had no chance of being crowned king. The leader of the Kan tribe did not like his son-in-law very much. He was always depressed and had to be divided between the Peliu and the Kan tribe all day long.

But He Lingchuan's suggestion to Qingye suddenly put him to use!

Once he becomes Qingye's official guard, both sides will need him. From now on, he will have the position, power and weight!

This kind of hope and excitement makes Kang Lang full of ambition:

"Situ said, Brother He can solve the problem of 50-70 split?"

"It's a trivial matter." He Lingchuan gave an analogy, "For example, Brother Kang can set up a joint-stock purchasing association in Qingye - of course, it can also be entrusted to a large chamber of commerce - specializing in the purchasing and circulation of bulk commodities, and then the Po Liu Kingdom By buying shares and converting the dividends into shares at the end of the year, the income of the Poliu Kingdom will definitely be higher than that of the Kan people, even more than 20%!"

The room was quiet for a while, as the three of them tried to digest his suggestion.

Although they had all returned from studying abroad in Lingxu City, He Lingchuan's suggestion still surprised them.

"Then this share..." Kang Lang asked again, "Where does it come from?"

"It does not come from Qingye's fiscal revenue, but from the purchasing association's 'independent' operations." He Lingchuan explained, the word "independent" is emphasized, "Qingye's income surplus is divided 50-50 by the people of the Poliu Kingdom and the Kan tribe; The extra 20% from the Liu Kingdom is the dividend from the purchasing association.”

After a while, Situ He asked the key question on Kang Lang's behalf: "I understand, but, can this newly established purchasing bureau make so much money? Of course Peliu will be happy if it makes more, but if it makes less I definitely won’t do it.”

He Lingchuan laughed loudly: "Why not? This dispute may be a blessing in disguise for Qingye. Since both the Peliu and Kan tribes regard Qingye as their own territory, they cannot impose tariffs and border taxes on the goods circulating in Qingye; since Qingye If the right of ownership is put aside, the two families cannot collect corvee and other exorbitant taxes here. "

Tax reduction, exemption from service! Situ He and Yu Hai both looked stunned. How could they not have thought of it at all?

There are disadvantages and advantages, but they only see the disadvantages.

"For civilians and businessmen, whether they are living or doing business, the environment in Qingye is much more relaxed than that in the surrounding areas." He Lingchuan continued, "Qingye itself has very good geographical endowments. As long as Brother Kang puts some effort into it, Create a tax-free free trade zone...I mean, why worry about the local population and business not being prosperous? Then people will not chase money, but money will chase people. "

When Yu Hai heard this, he high-fived and praised, "Congratulations, brother, for your great talent!"

Can the disasters left by the war be solved by economic means?

Kang Lang bowed his head to He Lingchuan again: "I've learned a lesson!"

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "This opportunity is rare, Brother Kang, take advantage of it."

Kang Lang was also eager to give it a try: "My father-in-law is easy to deal with. I don't expect there to be many objections——"

The Kan people have only two demands: Qingye cannot be taken away by Po Liu, and they must receive 50% of the proceeds.

Once you are satisfied, there will be no objections.

"——As for my father, I will return to the country tonight to persuade him." Kang Lang knew his old man's temperament very well, "I think it will not be difficult as long as 70% of the profit can be realized."

At the end of the day, it's still about money. In fact, both parties accepting mediation understand that they have to make some concessions.

After the discussion, everyone ate in the hometown meeting.

The hometown association often held gatherings and meetings. It had a banquet hall and hired chefs in the hall, so members did not have to go out to eat.

High quality and good privacy.

Kang Lang was eager to return home, and everyone did not drink wine. They returned as soon as they had enjoyed themselves and went their separate ways after dinner.

When He Lingchuan returned to Yangshan Chamber of Commerce and sat in his study, Jingjing asked him: "Hey, what if the purchasing club named Kang can't get so much money?"

"I was just making an analogy, just saying a way that they can accept." This is not a big deal in He Lingchuan's eyes, "There are many ways, and the worst is accounting. As long as the cost is raised, the profit is low, With a clever name, how can I squeeze out that little share? Not to mention just 120%, I can even pay for it even if it’s 180%!”

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