After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1331 The dark moon and high wind kill the night

Wan Qifeng came to Liuxian County to meet up, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand, and reported as soon as he arrived:

"Lord, these are the optional targets for the next operation. I have screened out three." He took out one of them, "Look, do you want to go to Green Cloud Villa first?"

"What's so special about this..." Dong Rui also came over. Wan Qifeng rarely made such suggestions to He Lingchuan. Those who make this list are all heinous players. How could this beast make Wan Qifeng want to kill it first?

Dong Rui only took two glances and said "Oh", he understood.

The primary target of Wanqifeng's grand promotion is "Green Villa".

This villa is owned by the Wuma family, and the owner is named Wuma Dan. Wan Qifeng suggested that He Lingchuan's priority for execution was his second son, Wuma Xu. His crimes are not as numerous as those of other targets, but they mainly consist of four words:

"Cruelty to children."

"That's so disgusting." He Lingchuan agreed upon seeing it, "Let him join the queue and get to Jiuyou first."

According to his request, Wan Qifeng's information was relatively complete, and he also investigated the background of Green Villa.

Wuma Dan's father was once a well-known military general. Although he died early, it did not stop the Wuma family from continuing to be a powerful local power. It mainly engaged in the lumber business, and later gradually became involved in other businesses. As long as it was a profitable business, it would take a share of the pie.

From the county seat to the lower towns, when government offices renovated their buildings, wealthy businessmen built houses, coffin shops made coffins, and rivers and lakes built trestles and docks, they all had to purchase wood from Wuma, so they were known as the "wood tyrants."

Even the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce wanted to convert an abandoned farm nearby into a helm, but they were told that at least 30% of the wood must be purchased from Wuma Woodworks.

After achieving this step, Wu Ma was no longer among the ordinary wealthy businessmen. Even the local government's strict tax inspection could not find his family.

After making a lot of money, Wu Ma built the Green Villa into a magnificent place. Even the royal family and relatives stayed there when they visited the place.

But Wu Madan has a troubled son.

The second son, Wu Maxu, has been wallowing in makeup since he was a child. He has long lost interest in concubines and beautiful maids, but he only loves daughters under the age of golden hair, saying that such girls are clean and flawless.

Love comes and goes, and something goes wrong.

Wu Maxu initially injured several girls, and his family paid for the injuries; so he became fearless and started taking lives.

The Wuma family's method is very straightforward, that is, they use money to keep them quiet.

Poor families often sell their children in Yaxing. The compensation received by the families of these girls is usually much higher than theirs, so they keep it quiet.

But if you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts.

However, there was one family member who disagreed life and death. No matter how much money the Wuma family paid, they would not reconcile. After the local setback, the girl's brother had to appeal.

Once he went to complain, Wu Ma broke one of his legs. It turned out that this man was also stubborn. He had both hands broken and still had to find someone to write a petition, insisting on seeking justice for his sister.

If they don't eat the soft ones, the Wuma family can only eat the hard ones, and directly wipe out this family of five from the town.

The matter suddenly became a big deal, and the local government had to issue a notice of the case, saying that the family owed too much debt, so the creditor demanded death and exterminated the family. As for the murderer, after a long investigation, he could not be found.

The local residents didn't believe it at all. Unfortunately, the victims of this case were all gone, and no one dared to file a complaint.

It took more than three months for the turmoil to slowly subside.

After learning this lesson, Wumaxu still refuses to change and is ready to take action. Wu Ma was helpless, thinking that blocking was better than sparing, so she had to let Ya Zi buy a little girl from other places and send it to Green Villa for Wu Ma Xu to enjoy. This eliminated the trouble from the source.

Over the past two years, how many young girls have been sold into that devil's cave and never come out again? Outsiders have no way of knowing.

"We asked the townspeople, and they still remember the murder of a family of five, and they also mentioned the many evil deeds of the Wuma family. This so-called 'prominent family' is really powerful in the local area, and even murder and silence is considered a trivial matter. Ordinary people are If they suffer a loss, they can only admit that they are unlucky.”

Wan Qifeng continued: "We also kidnapped three people from Luyi Villa. One is Wuma Xu's attendant, and the two have been servants at Luyi Villa for many years. The contents of their confessions are basically consistent with the information, and they can also Add all the details of Wu Maxu’s harm to girls in recent years.”


"It's true! And according to what they revealed, the main manpower has been taken east by Wu Madan's eldest son Wu Mayang in the past two days to pick up the goods. There are only about 200 people left in the village. After deducting the maids, cooks, servants, etc., in fact, There are no more than a hundred strong men to protect the villa, and the situation will only last for two days. It will not be like this when everyone comes back. "

A hundred strong men, this kind of defensive force is useless to the black armored army.

"Wu Maxu is in the villa?" Don't let the group rush forward excitedly, only to miss it.


He Lingchuan looked up at the sky.

"The moon is dark tonight and the wind is high. It's a good day to kill people."

The wind is blowing.

The black-armored army followed the wind and sneaked into the night, killing people silently.

It is easy for Yangshan warriors who have been trained for a long time to kill the outer sentries and break into the gate of Green Villa.

"Okay, get on your horse and reveal your identity, anyone who stands in your way will be killed without mercy!"

He Lingchuan gave an order, and the black-armored army got on their horses and rushed in along the main road.

Only then did the strong men in the village realize that the foreign enemy was invading, and they sent out whistles one after another to stop them.

The black-armored army stabbed one by one and shot one by one, stabbing them with joy.

They headed straight to the southeast of the villa. According to Wan Qifeng's information, the second young master Wumaxu's yard is in the southeast.

After this journey, of course, I am still invincible.

He Lingchuan rode his horse and looked north.

To the north is the residence of the owner of the village, Wu Madan. After the commotion of the Black Armored Army, the place is already brightly lit.

Apparently Wu Madan had been awakened and was gathering his forces.

He Lingchuan didn't care. There were only a hundred or so thugs in the village, so Wu Madan posed no threat at all.

His current target is Wuma Xu.

The black-armored army also grabbed a few people along the way and asked for the specific location of the second young master.

"This Zhuangzi is indeed very big." Wan Qiliang said bitterly, "The gold belt kills people and sets fire, but good people don't have a good life."

Wan Qifeng glanced at him: "Otherwise, what use are you and me?"

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, everyone rushed towards the southeast courtyard.

He Lingchuan did not dismount. He raised his Tenglong Spear and broke the latch on the back of the door, and the horse knocked open the wooden door.

The quiet garden, the dark yard.

He Lingchuan frowned.

The incoming black armored army made so much noise, how could the people in the yard not notice it and still fall asleep with their heads covered?


There are three or four buildings in this courtyard, two or three stories high. The fastest way is to search them separately.

He Lingchuan himself chose the most magnificent building, which was undoubtedly Wumaxu's bedroom.

However, he quickly turned around inside and found no one there.

He Lingchuan's first thought:

Could this be a trap?

wrong. The Black Armored Army has only been around for a short time, so no one has figured out the pattern yet; besides, the fact that he chose Wuma Xu as his target is very random.

Who could predict his appearance here?

Or maybe Wan Qifeng's intelligence was wrong, and Wu Maxu didn't stay at Green Villa or this small courtyard tonight?

Before he could finish his thoughts, Wan Qiliang's voice came from outside, with only two short words:


There is something unusual about the garden.

After a few breaths, all the black-armored knights gathered in the garden.

Wan Qiliang held up a fluorescent spore, and four corpses were lying on the ground.

"Is the target here?"

Wan Qifeng immediately said: "I'll arrest someone to identify him!"

He ran out of the yard quickly, and in less than thirty breaths, he came back carrying a living person.

This was a gardener who lived nearby. Hearing the noise coming from here, he couldn't help but come out to explore, but was caught by Wan Qifeng.

Before he could beg for mercy, the knife was already on his neck.

"Do you recognize these people on the ground..."

Before he finished asking, the gardener had already lost his voice and said: "Second Young Master!"

"Which one?" Wan Qifeng pushed him to the ground and asked him to identify, "Which one is the second young master?"

In fact, as soon as the gardener shouted it, everyone already knew it.

Probably the fattest one and the one with the best clothes.

"He, he is!" The gardener pointed to the fat man on the ground, his voice breaking with surprise, "He is the second young master Wuma Xu!"

"you sure?"

"Sure, sure!" The gardener nodded, "I go into this garden every three days to take care of the flowers and plants. I have seen the second young master countless times!"

The second young master lay straight on the ground, and the gardener kept looking at the black-armored leader.

Where do these weirdos come from? In this land, someone actually dares to attack the Wuma family?

"When was the last time you saw the second young master?"

"Although I didn't see the second young master today, I saw the valet going to the small kitchen to get him food. It was already past two o'clock. It was past the normal meal time, and the second young master got up late."

"What else?" Wan Qifeng saw his eyes flashing and still didn't finish his words.

The gardener swallowed: "Actually, I heard noises coming from this yard last night."

"What's the noise?"

The gardener said timidly: "The second young master has a new toy. I heard it's a little girl from out of town. After struggling all night, there was no movement at dawn."

Did Wu Maxu cause harm to others again last night? Everyone looked at each other and felt that this guy really had a way to kill himself. Wan Qiliang even kicked Wu Maxu's body hard.

"Where's that girl?"

"No, not sure."

Wan Qifeng asked again: "Have you seen her?"

"No no!"

"Does anyone know her whereabouts?"

"These few." The gardener pointed to the other dead people on the ground, "These are all the people around the second young master, but they have, already..."

I can't open my mouth anymore.

But this answer will definitely dissatisfy others, and the gardener will feel that his life is at risk.

Under the strong pressure of facing the black-armored knight, his reaction speed jumped several levels, and another idea flashed through his mind: "By the way, you can ask Butler Zou!"

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