After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1332 It’s not her

"He is the second-class butler and is in charge of the second-class purchasing, including finding people to buy and sell these small fresh goods."

He Lingchuan's eyes turned cold, and the gardener immediately felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped several degrees, and he shuddered subconsciously:

"They, they call these..." He didn't dare to say more: "They call them fresh goods."

Wan Qifeng felt his lord's anger and quickly asked: "Where does Butler Zou live?"

"West, west." The gardener pointed to the west, "Go along the garden corridor to the end, turn two corners, and there is a large bluestone bungalow at the doorstep. He lives, lives there!" The housekeeper also serves the master, and his residence is You can't stay too far away from the second young master.

After asking, Wan Qifeng struck the gardener on the back of the neck with his knife, knocking him unconscious.

"A Liang."

"Let's go now." Wan Qiliang got on his horse and headed west, followed by two companions.

During their interrogation, Dong Rui squatted down to perform an autopsy with a very smooth technique. In front of this master of anatomy, ordinary people are simply not as experienced as him. "The skin and flesh withered, and the essence, energy, and blood were sucked away, but the appearance was intact."

"Look." He used some tricks to show shallow marks on the necks of the corpses. "In fact, they were not without injuries. They were all strangled by the neck. But the killer's claws, or finger spacing, were very wide. ”

He gestured with his palm. The killer seemed to be bigger than his hand.

"This way of death is similar to that of the five people in Chen Fuang." He could only say that it was similar, because the deceased in Chenjiazhuang had been dead for more than half a month, and their bodies had long since rotted and oozed pus, so there was no "appearance" to speak of.

Yes, he is so rigorous.

He Lingchuan breathed out: "Ah Hui's daughter might have been here last night."

The deceased in the Chen family and here died in similar ways.

This is actually not far from Chenjiazhuang.

Ah Hui's body was found in the wild, but Xiao An disappeared.

The gardener just said that Wu Maxu bought the little girl from a trafficker.

Dong Rui immediately said: "Yes, Aunt Wu mentioned that Ah Hui suddenly went crazy because Chen Fuang and the other five wanted to sell Xiao An. Did these five people kill Ah Hui and continue to do the same thing and sell Xiao An according to the original plan? Was the child exchanged for money? That’s why Xiao An was sent here by the traffickers.”

Wan Qifeng couldn't help but said: "Wait a minute, according to your statement, the little girl killed by Wumaxu last night was Xiaoan?"

All the soldiers felt a little depressed. This girl's life experience was so bumpy that she came out of the wolf's den and then into the tiger's den.

God really has no mercy on her.

He Lingchuan took out the soul box and approached the deceased on the ground.

The last few times the black-armored leader performed in public to extract the souls of evildoers alive, he used this treasure box. Now these evil spirits are lying in the box, turning into fertilizer that nourishes the tree in the box.

But now the treasure box has been sucking for a long time, but nothing has been sucked up.

"The souls of these people were also taken away." He Lingchuan put away the box, "No matter what kind of monster attacked them, they want all their essence and soul, and they are greedy enough."

"Is this monster chasing Xiao An again?" the little girl said to Aunt Wu, and there was a monster chasing her all the time.

"Maybe." He Lingchuan said slowly, "But there is more than one kind of monster attacking Chenjiazhuang."

There was a rapid sound of horse hooves outside.

Wan Qiliang and three others went out, but when they came back there was one more person.

He pulled the man off his horse and threw him to the ground, whereupon he let out a cry of pain.

This guy was tall and thin, and his clothes were of good quality, but his face was pale with fear.

There was a hole in his right arm and he was bleeding profusely.

Wan Qiliang pointed at this man and said: "I went to find Butler Zou. He was already more than ten feet away from the house, and he pretended to be a servant to show me the way."

So he struck back and pierced Butler Zou's right arm, which was a show of force.

Wan Qifeng stepped forward and asked Butler Zou: "What is the name of the girl who was killed by your second young master yesterday?"

Butler Zou first saw these murderous black-armored soldiers, and then looked at the dead people on the ground, and was further frightened to the point where his legs weakened. Wan Qiliang kicked him in the back of the knee, causing him to kneel down.

"Ah?" The sound of his upper teeth hitting his lower teeth was so loud that he didn't hear Wan Qifeng's question clearly.

Wan Qiliang said coldly: "Don't you usually do dirty work for Wuma Xu and deal with dead people? Why are you so scared now?"

Can that be the same? The person who usually asked him to deal with dead people was now a dead person lying on the ground. Butler Zou didn't listen to his words: "Call, call Tingtingting!"

Dong Rui exclaimed: "How old are you?"

"Ten years old, no no, eleven years old!"

"where is she?"

Butler Zou said with a bitter face: "The second young master asked me to dispose of the body. I, I will take it to the poplar forest behind and bury it!"

He begged everyone: "The villains all obey orders, and the villains don't want to do it, but the second young master and the second young master asked me... If I don't do it, someone will do it. Masters, please spare your life, spare your life!"

Wan Qifeng said: "It turns out it's not Xiao An."

Even if it's not Xiao An, it sounds very annoying.

"Xiao An?" Butler Zou said quickly, "The other little girl is called Xiao An. She is five or six years old."

So she is really here? Everyone looked over and He Lingchuan asked him: "Where is she?"

"I just bought her back yesterday, and Ah Xing was watching her this morning. Ah Xing is this -" he pointed to the dead Jian servant on the ground, "then, I went to do other things."

Green Villa is so big, and a second-class housekeeper like him has so many chores to do, how can he have time to focus on an insignificant little girl?

Of course now he knows that the girl is not insignificant at all!

Dong Rui interrupted at the right time: "Hey, Wu Maxu probably died in the early days of Weimo and Shenchu. How come you haven't discovered it yet?"

When they raided the villa at night, the moon was already above the willow branches.

For a full hour, people came and went in such a large villa, but no one discovered that Wumaxu was dead?

What? Butler Zou was shocked. Wasn't the second young master killed by these men in black armor? He stammered: "The second young master's yard is closed, just because he doesn't want to be disturbed. Everyone in the village knows this!"

In other words, Xiao An’s whereabouts are unknown and no one knows where she went?

He Lingchuan's heart moved. This situation also happened in Chenjiazhuang.

And according to Butler Zou, she was only sent here yesterday by human traffickers.

"Where else did Xiao An go before he was sent to Green Villa?" More than half a month has passed since the incident in Chenjiazhuang. During this period, where was Xiao An?

"No, I don't know." Butler Zou answered truthfully, "The traffickers said this is the girl they picked up from the roadside not long ago!"

Yang Shanbing, who was standing sentry at a high place, jumped down from the tree and ran in. He said hurriedly: "There is a formation of torches in the north. They are almost there. There are about a hundred people."

They rushed into Green Villa and headed straight for their goal. Only a quarter of an hour had passed. The owner of the village, Wu Madan, finally gathered his troops and prepared to expel these uninvited guests.

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