After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1333 Three-party melee

"Mount your horse and fight." He Lingchuan gave the order, and the knights mounted their horses and held spears, and the formation was tight again.

Even though Wuma Xu is dead, the Wuma family is not a good thing.

Butler Zou huddled on the ground and shouted for mercy.

I saw the leading knight in black armor turning his horse's head and galloping out of the hospital.

The others followed closely.

Butler Zou thought he had escaped. Just as he was about to lie down on the ground and breathe a sigh of relief, he felt a coldness and pain on the back of his neck, and he didn't know anything else.

Wan Qiliang pulled back his spear, and a string of blood dropped from the tip.

It's so easy to die so happily. He pouted to the ground and rode up to follow the large army.

The battle was about to begin. He Lingchuan rode his horse while assigning tasks to his men:

"We are not familiar with Green Villa and do not have an advantage in terms of location, so we try to fight in open areas. I just watched Zhuang Ding's torch from a height. They are arranged in a two-wing formation."

This formation is suitable for outflanking a small number of enemies. Apparently Wu Madan had learned that there were not many black armored cavalry and was going to make dumplings for them.

He Lingchuan has his own corresponding tactical cutting. He has brought thirty cavalry this time. Although there are not many people, their combat power and mobility are very strong. Even if the enemy on the opposite side doubles or triples in size, he is sure to defeat them in one go.

In a small-scale head-to-head conflict like this, the battle is the first wave of offensive. Whoever can't withstand it first will lose.

"Wuma Dan also went on an expedition with his father. It is said that he even killed several enemies on horseback, so don't take it lightly!" He Lingchuan solemnly explained, "A goshawk fights a rabbit, and he also tries his best!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes!"

The Black Armored Army must be extremely cautious when acting.

More than ten feet ahead was an open grassland. The black-armored cavalry team was broken into pieces according to He Lingchuan's request and dispersed instantly.

There were only five riders left beside He Lingchuan, including Dong Rui.

The Wuma clan's torch has appeared in sight.

The other side also has dozens of cavalry approaching quickly, followed by a group of villagers. If they run for a hundred feet, the two sides will engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Judging from the number of people, it should be more than 150, exceeding the estimate.

When they saw the black-armored army, especially the leader He Lingchuan, they were all shocked.

Such an army appeared in the dark night, and the leader was such a monster that looked human but not human. Wu Ma was not sure who they were, and Zhuang Ding's footsteps subconsciously slowed down.

"Within a hundred steps—" He Lingchuan gave the order, "—shoot!"

The enemy advanced a hundred steps, and a shower of arrows shot from all directions.

Several of the opponent's riders were struck by arrows, and the men and horses screamed. But most of them raised their shields to block them. At most, the cavalry turned into infantry and could continue to advance.

Afterwards, the Wuma clan also fired back with a hail of arrows, and the target was of course the five people from He Lingchuan directly in front.

The distance between the two sides shortened to fifty steps in an instant.

The black-armored knights who were ambushing on both sides immediately rushed out and rushed towards the enemy's flank.

Their role is to hold the enemies on the flanks to avoid outflanking them, and at the same time block the villagers of Green Villa to separate them from the cavalry in front.

Someone from the enemy shouted loudly, and looking around fifty, He Lingchuan guessed that it was Wu Madan, the owner of the villa. There were clearly a lot of enemies rushing into the villa, but there were only five cavalry in front of them. Wu Madan could also expect that the rest of the enemies would be scattered and ambushed.

Therefore, his response can be said to be rapid.

The Wuma clan has not fought for more than ten years, and Wuma Dan can still pick up the old lessons, and he is worthy of being a local powerhouse.

"Whose subordinates are you!" Wu Madan's voice came from the formation, "Where is my son?"

He hadn't heard of any new forces rising nearby, so these hidden black-armored cavalry were probably thugs sent by some nearby enemy.

But the dragon-headed mask in front of him looked a little scary and weird.

Before He Lingchuan could answer, several sharp howls suddenly sounded from the south!

Like a night owl, like a baby's cry, like a lion's roar, all blasting at the same time, it's a weird combination.

The movement of galloping horses in this carriage was already loud, but it couldn't suppress these roars.

And they move from far to near, judging from the direction of the sound source, and they move extremely fast!

Wu Ma was a little stunned, having never heard such a noise before.

Dong Rui groaned: "It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

The monster that Xiao An and Chenjiazhuang villagers said was killed at this time?

But calculating the time, it seems to be about the same.

If something happens to Xiao An or the people around Xiao An, these monsters will appear later.

He Lingchuan made a decisive decision: "The original plan remains unchanged, rush into the enemy's formation! Hurry!"

Judging from the enemy's position, the monster coming from the south will first attack the black armored army. This variable will definitely disrupt his original layout. If He Lingchuan didn't want to be attacked from both sides, he would first introduce trouble into the Wuma clan's ranks.

Judging from the behavior of these monsters in Chenjiazhuang, they are extremely cruel and murderous. They do not mind killing their targets while chasing them.

He Lingchuan knocked the horse's belly, and the horse suddenly sprinted forward. The five people advanced in a V shape, and he was the arrow at the forefront!

In the blink of an eye, it was a close encounter.

Since he takes the lead, he has to bear the most attacks. At this moment, five or six spears stabbed He Lingchuan, trying to open more bloody holes for him and his mount.

He Lingchuan shook his left arm, and the soul-capturing mirror turned into a giant square shield. He swung it forward diagonally, and three spears on the left front were pierced into the shield. The force was removed, and the head of one of them was broken off.

The force of the counter-shock took effect, and the unlucky man holding the gun was knocked off his horse. Just as the cavalry in the rear row also rushed forward, the unlucky man died tragically under the iron hoofs of his companions without saying a word.

Facing the two spears on the right, He Lingchuan blocked the attack with the Soaring Dragon Spear in his right hand. The first spear was swung away and collided with the second one.

After getting rid of the spear trap in front of him, he retained his strength and directly collided with the cavalry in the rear row with his men and horses.

The soul-capturing mirror showed its power again, and when the two sides were about to collide, it reflected an arc of light at a tricky angle, piercing the opponent's eyes.

The current environment was relatively dark, and Wu Ma only had a torch to draw light from. The man was suddenly exposed to strong light and instinctively twisted his head and closed his eyes.

After such a pause, he had no chance to notice that the giant shield suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes, and then——

With a bang, he was sent flying.

He Lingchuan was so powerful that he passed several people in a row. Four knights in black armor followed closely behind, piercing into the enemy formation like sharp knives.

The Wuma clan's vanguard collapsed like collapsed building blocks.

This was not only because He Lingchuan and others charged like fierce tigers down the mountain, but also because the fear barrier released by the Qianglong armor made the enemies within a ten-foot radius tremble secretly.

Within this range, as long as the enemy of the black-armored leader is not determined enough, the fear in his heart will be immediately amplified. Fighting requires courage and morale. If the soldiers are wary, how can they dare to move forward?

Therefore, the more ferocious He Lingchuan becomes, the more fearful his enemies become. This is an intractable cycle on the battlefield.

It stands to reason that if the five of him rush forward to kill, the enemies on the two wings will move forward to outflank them, trap them in the center, and surround and annihilate them.

However, the other two groups of black-armored troops arranged by He Lingchuan had rushed out from the sides and tightly tied the two wings of the Wuma clan. The encirclement was still difficult to finalize.

Wu Madan, who was not far away, looked shocked when he saw this.

The Wuma family trained four hundred cavalry using the family's military training methods, and they became invincible in the local area. Wu Madan can even pat his chest and guarantee that none of the officers and soldiers are of such high quality. This is one of the main reasons why local officials have always been polite to the Wuma family.

Although there are only a few dozen knights left in the village today, where did this black-armored army come from, and why are the knights tearing apart witches and horses with their hands like they are tearing pieces of paper?

Wu Madan had many thoughts in his mind, and his hands were not idle, so he directed the village man behind him to step forward to supplement. Although the opponent's cavalry is powerful, its speed slows down after rushing into our own formation, and its lethality decreases accordingly. As long as they are divided and outflanked as soon as possible, there is still hope of victory.

But at this moment, several big trees in the woods to the south suddenly swayed, and two monsters made a grand appearance!

They had roared in protest before, but this time they saw the huge crowd and rushed forward without any further warning.

Two people are against two hundred, and they are not afraid.

Their size is far smaller than the war elephant corpse puppets captured by He Lingchuan in the Battle of Mian Village, and they are only one size larger than the horses, making them less likely to become targets on the battlefield.

One of them looks like a tiger with yellow fur. If it weren't for the missing iconic vertical lines, He Lingchuan would have thought Jiao Yu was here.

But its tail is not a stick-shaped tiger tail, but a long, knotted fork!

This thing is dark, and its length is even longer than the body of a tiger. It looks like a scorpion tail at first glance, but the top is not a poison sac or a sharp hook, but a pair of thick scissors!

It happened that two villagers blocked its way, so everyone had the opportunity to watch the monster fight.

It is very fast and has extremely powerful explosive power. As soon as it makes a short roar from its throat, it will throw the person face to face and seal its throat.

Blood spurted out from his neck.

Before the man died, Huang Hu scratched him, then used his sharp front paws to disembowel him and ate it.

The victim's throat was broken and he could not scream. He could only tremble and twitch.

The companions on the side roared to encourage themselves and stabbed Huang Hu with a gun. Unexpectedly, the latter didn't even raise his head or withdraw his claws. The scorpion tail behind him seemed to have eyes and knocked him away with his spear.

This tail was extremely flexible. Before the man could run away, it stabbed back again, and the scissor tip directly pierced his lungs!

This man actually still had some strength, so he pulled the tail away and tried to run. As a result, the tail moved up and pinched his neck.

With a click, the head fell to the ground!

This was the first time He Lingchuan had seen such a large pair of scissors cutting off a human head.

The surrounding villagers even exclaimed and retreated two feet away.

Such a ferocious monster attacks people, even more terrifying than the black-armored leader. No matter how tyrannical the latter is, he can only shoot one at a time, unlike this one where blood is flying everywhere and the scene is extremely uncomfortable.

The shadows surrounding the Qianglong armor became denser. Although half of the fear in the enemy's heart is due to the newly appeared monsters, it can also fuel the fierce flames of Qianglong Armor.

Everyone was still observing the monster, but Dong Rui had already exclaimed: "This is the Gaoling Tiger Monster, with a hinged scorpion tail attached to it!"

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