After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1337 Finally shows up

At the critical moment, there were still several dead soldiers around him who turned around and rushed towards He Lingchuan, intending to buy the village owner a little more time.

The combat skills of these people are much higher than that of ordinary cavalry. They are usually treated very politely by Wu Madan in the village, but now they are fighting without regard for their own safety.

While he was galloping on his horse, he did not give up his efforts: "Ten times, I will offer ten times the price. If you let me go, all the gold, silver and jewels you can spend on the farmland and beautiful house will be yours!"

The dark voice of the black-armored leader rang in his ears: "Zhao Guangzhi made the same promise before he died."

Wu Madan knew very well who Zhao Guangzhi was. As soon as he heard this, a huge boulder suddenly pressed into his heart, so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

The one who killed Zhao Guangzhi was Emperor Jiuyou!

Then the person chasing behind him is Emperor Jiuyou!

Zhao Guangzhi's soldiers and horses were stronger than his, and his cultivation level was higher than his, but he was still cooked to death by the opponent.

Now, now this evil god has come to find him!

Wu Madan couldn't help but turned around and shouted: "There are thousands of evil people in the world, many more ruthless and evil than me. Why don't you come to them instead of me!"

The telescope in He Lingchuan's arms laughed: "He finally came to his senses and believed you were you."

"Don't worry." The black-armored leader said sadly, "None of you can escape!"

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

There were fewer and fewer living people standing between him and Wu Madan.

With fear beating in his chest, Wu Madan looked at the gate of the North Courtyard and suddenly put a talisman on himself, murmured a few times, and then shouted: "Yi!"

There were about thirty soldiers who supported Wu Madan's return to the North Courtyard, some from far and near. He Lingchuan and Dong Rui only had Wuma Dan in their eyes, and they didn't bother to care about them.

One of them was only ten steps away from the gate of the North Courtyard.

Run a few more steps and get in.

As soon as Wu Madan finished shouting, the talisman on his chest emitted a blue light.

At the same time, Dong Rui also caught another blue light from the corner of his eye, flickering on the soldiers near the courtyard gate.

"No, it's a moving talisman!"

The next moment, the positions of Wu Madan and Bingding changed. The former had arrived at the gate of the North Courtyard, while the latter was on horseback.

This kind of moving talisman can interchange the positions of both sides of the talisman, but it is difficult to refine and the price is particularly high. Wu Madan uses it as a trump card, usually placing it on his most trusted loyalists.

He knew that the black-armored leader's attention was on him, so he used a trick to make his henchmen rush to the city gate first.

The four of He Lingchuan had already entered the enemy team. How could they turn so quickly at this moment?

Wu Madan ran a few steps and entered the north courtyard, shouting: "Close the door, start the formation! Hurry!"

He has more than thirty people left in the north courtyard. It is not enough to go out and kill them, but they can still hold on when the courtyard is closed.

However, when Wu Madan rushed into the courtyard, he did not hear the sound of the door closing - the door was quite heavy and difficult to push with just one or two people.

He turned around again and saw two villagers lying behind the door, one lying on his stomach and the other lying on his back.

The man lying on his back had his eyes wide and round, his mouth open, his face full of horror, but his chest did not rise and fall.

Both men died.

What happened? Wu Madan's scalp was numb. When he led the team out of the North Courtyard, it was clear that the place was still fine!

Could it be that the black-armored soldiers were divided into two groups, one of which was specifically squatting here to seize the opportunity to seize his lair?

Suddenly a sentinel appeared from the corner tower on the side, pointed at Wu Madan and shouted: "Behind the village owner!"

In fact, without his reminding, Wu Madan also felt the hair on his back stand on end, as if something terrifying was following him, already sticking behind him!

Without thinking, he drew the knife with his backhand and sliced ​​it from the bottom of the ribs toward the back.

However, something cold pressed down on his arm and twisted it hard!

Wumadan turned around and squatted down in pain. When he raised his head, a face filled his field of vision!

"no no……"

He tried to scream, but only half of it came out.

The black-armored knight killed Wuma's henchmen, turned around and rushed towards the north courtyard, only to find that the courtyard door was wide open with no sign of closing at all.

Just now Wu Ma Dan clearly jumped in.

Something else happened inside?

He Lingchuan whipped his horse and rushed into the north courtyard quickly.

At first glance, it looked nothing special, but when he glanced at it, he found a white object hiding behind some miscellaneous trees, but it was blocked by the branches and leaves, so he couldn't see the whole thing.

The thing was disturbed by the sound of horse hooves, dropped something, and jumped into the alley behind at an extremely fast speed.

He Lingchuan rushed over and saw that it was Wumadan who had fallen behind the tree, his eyes closed and he was unconscious.

"Watch him!" He ordered his subordinates and rushed into the alley to chase the white thing.

Needless to say, Wumadan's North Courtyard is neatly and elegantly built. Not only are the pavements paved with bricks, but the walls are also covered with bricks, making every building look extraordinarily thick.

He Lingchuan chased him for more than ten feet before abandoning his horse and walking instead, because the telescope reminded him that the thing had jumped several walls and had already entered the house.

The houses in the North Courtyard are connected together, with corridors inside to protect them from the sun in summer, but now they are causing a lot of trouble for He Lingchuan's pursuit.

He immediately ordered Wan Qifeng and others who had just entered the north courtyard: "Go around and surround this black-roofed building!"

The other two people were probably circling around the outside of the building complex, but Dong Rui said: "Wuma Dan is dead, and he died in a familiar way."

It seems that that Bai Huhu thing is indeed the murderer of Chen Fuang's five people!

He Lingchuan was multi-tasking. While chasing the white monster, he was also distracted by listening to what was happening on the battlefield outside.

The scorpion python had just been hit by Dong Rui's hidden arrow. The arrow was smeared with wood poison, making its body stiff and gradually unable to move. At present, the other black-armored knights have jumped off their horses and are forming battle formations under the command of Wan Qiliang to fight the two monsters.

Dong Rui had previously pointed out that the Hinge-Tail Yellow Tiger had the weakness of having a light head and a heavy tail, while the Porcupine Rat Woman had difficulty steering and was unable to eject its spikes when rolling. Everyone grasped these two points, advanced and retreated in a well-organized manner, encircled the enemy in an orderly manner, and fought more and more skillfully.

Just then, a long roar came from the west.

When the two monsters heard the roar, they stopped fighting and turned around and ran towards the north courtyard.

These two things are so fast, especially when the porcupine and rat woman roll, even the black-armored army doesn't want to stand in its way.

It was possible to beat him, but it was difficult to stop him. The black-armored cavalry had no choice but to jump on their horses and follow closely behind.

When He Lingchuan heard this, he knew that these two demon puppets must have been instructed to chase the white monster in the north courtyard.

Now, the Black Armored Army is actually divided into three groups.

He Lingchuan, Wan Qifeng and Wang Fubao were chasing the white monster.

Wan Qiliang chased the two demon puppets all the way.

Dong Rui drove Snail Toad all the way to track down another demon puppet master.

There was a commotion outside, and the soldiers of Green Villa were shouting: "The owner of the village is dead, the owner was killed by the men in black armor!"

After climbing over another high wall, He Lingchuan suddenly stopped——

The soul-telling mirror told him that the target had been lost.

"How could you throw it away?" The distance between him and the white monster was obviously shortening rapidly!

"After it climbed over this wall, it disappeared." The Soul Mirror said aggrievedly, "I don't know where it went!"

This is a patio with three high walls and a long corridor on the remaining side. In the middle of the patio, there is an octagonal well.

The diameter of the wellhead is only four feet.

He Lingchuan jumped to the edge of the well and carefully poked his head into the well. He saw that the water inside was rippling and seemed to be about seven percent full.

Yes, water can isolate spiritual thoughts. The thing that could escape his and the mental perception of the soul-obsessed mirror would probably just jump into the bottom of the well.

Unexpectedly, tonight’s arrest would involve getting wet.

He Lingchuan sighed, took out the hook and hooked it on the edge of the well, threw a turtle bead into his mouth, and then jumped into the well with a splash.

His head and feet were in the water, and his hands were folded on his shoulders.

The space underground was too small for the long knife to be used, so he put a pair of short forks in his hands in case of emergency.

The bottom of the well was even darker at night, with only a little starlight shining through. After four feet into the water, you couldn't see your fingers.

He Lingchuan took out the fluorescent spores and illuminated it, and saw that the well wall was also made of square bricks, but covered with moss.

The well was about two feet deep, and in such a big place, He Lingchuan didn't see the white monster.

The soul-capturing mirror reminded him again: "There is a hole at the bottom of the water!"

He then went downstream, and sure enough he saw a gap at the bottom of the well, which could allow a person to get in.

This well is actually connected to other underground water systems?

He Lingchuan hesitated, took a mirror and looked around the gap to make sure there was no ambush on the other side, and then leaned in.

There was a rock formation in front of him. He swam a few feet further and the sound of water became louder and louder.

Then, he saw... cracks extending in all directions!

"It won't work." The soul-catching mirror angrily said, "There are so many side roads, who knows where that thing got into!"

Lost in pursuit.

There was no point in going any further. Although He Lingchuan was regretful, he had no choice but to return to the well and climb back to the ground through the hook rope.

The eyeball spider didn't go into the water, so it stopped on the well circle and waited for him.

He Lingchuan climbed out of the narrow well, wiped the water off his face, and couldn't help but stretch his muscles: "Wan Qiliang, what's going on?"

Wan Qiliang was tracking two demon puppets. He immediately reported: "They were approaching the gate of the north courtyard, and suddenly they stopped and turned around several times, like headless flies. We were about to round them up, but they turned around and ran west again. ! Now we are chasing behind, three feet away from the rolling porcupine."

They didn't dare to follow too closely, as the porcupine shot its quills unreasonably. Visibility was poor at night, and it was difficult for anyone to avoid flying spikes.

To the west? He Lingchuan understood: "When the white monster jumped into the water, they couldn't sense it anymore, so they had to go back to find their master!"

At this time, Dong Rui also intervened: "The demon puppet is spinning around in circles, which is the result of the man behind the scenes having difficulty controlling it. These things are not very obedient."

When He Lingchuan heard this, he thought of the beasts released by the Xushan Heavenly Palace. Very strong, but doesn't seem to be very obedient.

As he rushed out, he asked Dong Rui: "Have you spotted anyone?"

"Just found it!"

When the bat demon finds its target, it sends a unique sound wave to its owner, which only Dong Rui can receive.

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