After the immortal disappeared

Immortal Tea Party 13-The boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains

The debate about "hydrology" in the book review area was somewhat fierce. After a period of observation and thinking, Shuiyun decided to hold another tea party to respond to everyone's concerns.

The focus of debate probably focuses on the following two points:

First of all, some book friends believe that the current Golden Plains volume has too many side tasks and the main line is advancing slowly.

Secondly, the protagonist often chats and fools around with his friends, and adds descriptions of food, which is not enough.

The daily updates are limited in space. The above two points lead to reading it over and over again, and the experience of following updates is not good.

If there are any other questions, please add them later.

Let’s talk about the first point first. Let’s take a look at the main line and branch lines of the Golden Volume.

The main plot of this volume is to unify the Golden Flash Plains. Everyone has no doubt about this, right? So the next thing to watch is, what can the protagonist do?

If it were another novel, I would have added dots in dark blue and bolded with gold fingers. In the later stage, I would have flattened it all the way and it would be full of fun.

But this is not in line with the tone of the book, nor is it the selling point of the book. The only golden finger in the book is not very good to Young Master He.

As the old saying goes, it’s easy to occupy a place, why should it be your turn to occupy it? If the protagonist wants to unify the Flash Gold, there is no other way but to follow the steps step by step and make a lot of careful and meticulous preparations.

Looking back at the second volume of Demon's Utopia, the main plot is to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace and take back the lid of the square pot. The climax only lasts for dozens of chapters, and the book only lasts for a short two-quarters of an hour. How much preparation and effort has the protagonist made in advance for this?

Are so many words and descriptions just filler added by the author in order to extend the length and get some royalties?

There are actually as many as eight branch lines in the second volume of Demon Kingdom. The eight lines run in parallel, gradually merge, and finally converge into the main line, working together to promote an overwhelming and earth-shattering climax.

Each branch involves different events and characters, which not only allows everyone to take in different perspectives and see through the strength and weakness of the six-hundred-year-old empire, but also makes it impossible for the weak to defeat the strong in the battle of Tiangong. In fact, they will connect with subsequent plots in the future, and their significance and weight will continue to increase.

Returning to the Golden Scroll, the protagonist faces the same problem: the task is too difficult and the opponent is too strong.

He Lingchuan's opponents were not only the powerful ones with flash gold, but also all the forces that did not want him to become too powerful.

If you want to win the entire glitter gold, you still need the familiar formula:

Only fast will not break.

When he actually strikes, he must do it with lightning speed, so that no external force can be caught off guard.

People often only see the earth-shattering avalanches, but fail to notice the gradual accumulation of ice and snow. This is He Lingchuan's latecomer advantage. What he has to do now is to steadily guide the process from quantitative change to qualitative change before triggering the much-anticipated "avalanche".

What kind of people or forces are the most terrifying?

Are they the ones who clamor to suppress you every day? Did he do countless little tricks to humiliate you? Are they taking advantage of you every day?

Oh, a wise man once said that if you really want to knock someone down, you'd better not let him know beforehand. When he sensed danger, your knife was already stuck in his chest.

He Lingchuan planned to do this for the Flash Gold Plains; on the other hand, in order for the final unified Flash Gold to be able to overcome all obstacles and become unstoppable, all the preparations to serve it are actually the main line, right?

What preparations is He Lingchuan making so far?

The first is to run hometown associations.

This is not just about recruiting talents and establishing an information network, nor is it just because these people are easy to win over. Their role will gradually be reflected in the future.

Second, use the activities of the Chamber of Commerce as a cover to penetrate the power of advocating good into every corner of Flash Gold.

Third, the Black Armored Army enforces justice for heaven and establishes the myth of Emperor Jiuyou. At the same time, it cooperates with Yang Shan's propaganda team to carry out extensive publicity.

The above tasks are relatively hidden and will not easily attract the attention and vigilance of local powerful people, but they can achieve subtle and silent effects.

Let’s talk about the actions of the Black Armored Army and the Nine Nether Emperor. Some book friends said that they didn’t want to watch “Anti Violence” or the suffering of Flash Gold. In fact, the emergence of the Black Armored Army is of great significance to the Golden Flash Plains:

It breaks people's superstition that bullies are invincible, and then awakens people's instinctive desire to resist oppression, which is the so-called "sowing of fire."

It has also been recognized by the people of Flash Gold, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent unification of Flash Gold, which is popular and widely expected.

These are all related to wish power and Yuan Power, and will be mentioned in subsequent stories.

While controlling the general strategy, we also need to sketch individuals. There are many characters sketched in the golden scroll. Let me give you an example:

Wan Qiliang. (In contrast, Sha Wei in the Panlong World)

When he first appeared, he had the image of a "prick-headed man" who was eager to fight and look for trouble. He was not a qualified soldier at all, let alone an excellent general.

Many people say that the world is just a giant grass-roots team. I think this is only half right.

I am born with talent, it just depends on how I carve it:

If it's not polished well, it's just scrap metal; if it's tempered properly, it's a magical weapon.

In the hands of He Lingchuan, Wan Qiliang will of course become a magical weapon. By way of example, I will let everyone see the transformation from a warrior who admires good deeds to an elite teacher from the "Wan Qi Liang Men". From then on, their gathering was no longer just a grass-top team.

The growth of the characters represented by him will demonstrate Lingchuan's eclectic approach to promoting and cultivating talents.

In addition, I would also like to explain why the warriors of Yangshan are willing to fight for the golden plains thousands of miles away. This is a change in identity, but also a sublimation of mentality and character.

There are many similar examples. If you are interested, you can go back and look for them; if you are too lazy to go back, the plot behind them will also be presented.

These contents are small, complex, but necessary. They fill the skeleton of the whole book with flesh and blood and human nature, and affect the cause and effect of everything that is not as it should be.

But none of these contents can form an independent chapter. I will let them lurk in each story, like a dragonfly on the water, but in the end it will come true.

What preparations and efforts are needed to unify the chaotic land and create a powerful empire, and what hardships and struggles must be experienced? This is the history that Flash Gold Volume wants to present and the questions that it wants to answer. As the curtain slowly opens and people from all walks of life appear on stage, the above answers will be like the hydrological stones at the bottom of the river, gradually revealing their true features as the water level drops -

It has always been there, but it needs the right opportunity to emerge.

Book friends always ask me, when will the volume of Flash Gold end? In fact, He Lingchuan's preparation work is already halfway through, and the progress of the book Immortal is also halfway through.

Inside and outside the book, everything is progressing step by step.

I hope that when this volume ends, the plot, subplots, and characters will have been fully and fully interpreted. And the protagonist's opponents, those forces who don't want to see and acknowledge us, roared wildly, waited for opportunities to retaliate, suppressed to no avail, and even paid a heavy price, only to realize in a trance that the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains, and the rise of new forces is unstoppable. .

Situ Yu analyzed He Lingchuan and said that a person always has a purpose in doing so many things, and he could not clearly see He Lingchuan's purpose; then, Shuiyun also hopes that his thoughts and feelings can be gradually passed on to everyone as the novel unfolds. A reader.

If you friends can give me a little more trust, believe that I am a serious, hardworking, and patient person, believe that I am responsible for the quality of Immortal to the end, if you friends can let go of your guard and follow the rhythm of this book and move forward together , enjoy the vast world that Shuiyun draws for you——

I think our mentality will be more relaxed, and we will all have a more pleasant experience, right?

After nagging for so long today, I seem to have only answered the first point of contention.

The space is limited. The second focus of debate involves the creative thinking and philosophy of the immortal. If I want to explain it clearly, I will write another tea party.

If everyone wants to see it, we can arrange it later.

I know there will be some friends who will say that it is better to write more novels than to have a long tea party. But, writing is writing, communication is communication, and they are not perfect substitutes for each other.

Shuiyun is willing to take a little time to eat, sleep, exercise and relax every day on the premise of working at full capacity to respond to everyone's concerns in order to enhance communication and reduce misunderstandings.

Long live understanding, it is more than just a slogan.

-----Fengxing Shuiyunjian/Jiufangye2024.4.21

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