After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1338 Someone else’s demon puppet

It's impossible to transmit a message from such a long distance, but it can barely transmit the position.

"Don't fight him!" He Lingchuan reminded, "No one knows how many trump cards he has!"

When he fought Dong Rui, he had many demon puppets in his hands, and he had a set of them on land, sea, and air. Who knows how much the demon puppet master outside has in his hands.

"Got it." Dong Rui said excitedly, "I'll go over right away!"

He is much more interested in other demon puppet masters than in the Wuma clan.

After that, he chose the terrain, observed that there was no one around, summoned the snail toad, and plunged into the ground.

Just now, that's how he came here with He Lingchuan and two black-armored knights.

After a while, Dong Rui said excitedly:

"I spotted him, he's sitting on the pavilion in Wumaxu's courtyard! But I can't see his true face, he's also wearing a mask! Hey, isn't it us who led the trend of wearing masks?"

He Lingchuan rushed out of the alley and jumped on the horse: "Keep an eye out, we'll be there soon."

"When he jumps back to the ground, I'll try to catch him with the snail toad."

In Wumaxu's courtyard, there is a large rockery maze with artificially built mountains. The demon puppet master was sitting on the spire of the rockery pavilion, nearly two feet above the ground, looking at the battlefield. The narrow and rugged terrain was too unfriendly to the huge snail toad. Dong Rui was not sure that he would succeed with one blow, and was afraid that it would get stuck on the rockery.

But he is very patient. Is this guy bound to jump back to the ground?

Dong Rui rides in the snail toad's space. The shell is transparent to him. He can also zoom in through the two top eyes of the snail toad. It is quite safe to observe the enemy in this way, and the masked man frequently looks around, not forgetting to observe Wumaxu's yard, and is very vigilant.

As soon as Snail Toad landed on the ground, he used the camouflage technique, but just then he shrunk his tentacles, as if he had been alarmed.

"Oh, he's standing up!"

Both monsters were heading towards Wumaxu's yard, and there were pursuers behind them. It was impossible for the masked man to miss them.

Now that the owner of Green Villa is dead, if he stays here any longer, he will become the target of the Black Armored Army.

Should smart hunters get out of the game as soon as possible before they fall prey?

Dong Rui controlled the snail toad and was very energetic.

He was waiting for this moment. As long as the opponent jumped back to the open ground, the snail toad would pounce immediately.

Unexpectedly, this guy didn't jump down, but only took out a piece of wood.

Before Dong Rui had time to tell whether it was a submarine wood, the masked man took the wood and patted it on his palm, and something one finger long came out of the wood and landed on his palm.

Fortunately, it can still crawl. The snail toad immediately locked eyes on it and zoomed in:

It's a black ant.

The masked man threw it forward, and the black ant quickly grew in size until it was six feet long.

This size is comparable to that of a pony, and the top of the pavilion suddenly seems very crowded.

There are two pairs of wings behind this black ant, which are as thin as cicada wings.

"No, this guy released a big flying ant and planned to escape through the air!" Dong Rui's eyes lit up, "Insects are not a good material for making monster puppets, but this guy is really quite capable."

Insects are a large family, including those that run on the ground, swim in water, and fly in the sky.

Flying ants! Why didn't he think of it when he made flying puppets before?

Ants can run on the ground and fly in the sky, and they are also very light.

He Lingchuan was annoyed: "Is this the time to praise the enemy?"

That's right, Dong Rui slapped his head and reminded himself to get back to business: "But it doesn't look like the flying ant can be beaten. I'll use the bat puppet to take it down."

"Don't! These demon puppets of yours have appeared in public, so it's better not to show them in front of others." He Lingchuan stopped him immediately, "If you miss a hit, it will be very troublesome. Just follow him."

They also rushed there.

During the conversation, the masked man jumped on the black ant's back, and the latter spread its wings and took off.

It has two pairs of wings, which flap at high frequency and cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is a completely different flying method from birds and bats.

It flew into the air and headed west without looking back.

From this point alone, Dong Rui could see the caution of the masked man.

On the ground, two demon puppets followed the direction of their master.

Dong Rui felt itchy: "Are they coming soon? Let me catch one!"

He really wants to catch someone else’s demon puppet and dissect it!

Wan Qifeng suggested: "Porcupine is a good target, but it is not flexible enough!"

The yellow tiger ran too fast. The rat woman porcupine only had four short legs, so it lagged far behind even if it ran hard. When it encounters a downhill slope, it will shrink into a ball and roll for a while to save its legs.

"They are about to pass by the north wall of Wumaxu's courtyard!"

Dong Rui drove the Snail Toad down and said to everyone, "Drive them north, there is a cliff there!"

"I know." He Lingchuan also rode at a fast pace, "What next?"

All the Yangshan cavalry rushed in this direction. He Lingchuan gave a few simple instructions. These black phantom soldiers walked through the forest in several directions, like shepherds, driving the two demon puppets in the direction designated by Dong Rui.

"There is a white stone cave entrance on the cliff." Dong Rui explained, "You must force them into the cave!"

"Where?" He Lingchuan came around from the north and saw the cliff first. There were large pieces of cracked rocks there. "I arrived, but I didn't see any white stone cave entrance."

Dong Rui chuckled and drove the snail toad to the ground: "Now we have it!"

The two monsters often want to break out of the encirclement, but the black-armored cavalry rushes back and forth, forcing them back to their original tracks. In the most intense conflict, He Lingchuan directly used the Soaring Dragon Spear to knock Huang Hu over, causing him to do a forward somersault.

Few people know the habits and movements of tigers better than him.

Gradually, the two demon puppets got closer and closer to the bottom of the cliff, and the scene ahead became clearer:

A tall rock wall stands in front of it. It looks steep and severe, but there is a cave at the bottom of the cliff - the entrance is very wide and irregular in shape. The cave is surrounded by white rocks, and there are two dense clumps of bushes growing in the rock gaps above. bamboo.

Now that they are here, the two demon puppets will either rush directly into the cave, or turn around and fight to the death with the black-armored knight.

They patrolled for a while, then turned and roared at the black-armored knights who were surrounding them.

Everyone was unmoved and still cautiously narrowed the encirclement.

The two demon puppets became more and more violent, and the porcupine shot two rounds of spikes. But the woods here are dense and there are many obstacles. Besides, the black-armored knights are also on guard, so the hard thorns did not cause them much trouble.

Huang Hu suffered several losses at the hands of He Lingchuan and did not dare to approach the black-armored knight again. It roared several times, turned around frequently to look at the mountain wall, and suddenly turned around and jumped.

This thing did not drill a hole like everyone expected, but jumped up the mountain wall and climbed all the way, and the speed was actually very fast.

As He Lingchuan looked at it, he felt that it probably had some leopard characteristics mixed into it, otherwise the tiger wouldn't be able to climb mountains so neatly.

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