After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1340 Tong Xun

Of course, this would not seal the gap completely, so he dug some moss from near the entrance to fill the gap.

This work is too slow for one person to do.

He Lingchuan turned his head and winked at Wang Fubao.

Wang Fubao had no choice but to turn around and go back to help Wan Qiliang.

The two of them are not very old. They didn't like each other in the Yangshan Islands, and they would fight when they met. Zhu Erniang, who monitors the entire island, said that the two of them often took the lead in stirring up trouble, and Qiu Hu punished them several times, but it didn't work. When He Lingchuan returned to Flash Gold Plains, he brought them over and specially organized them into a group.

In the past ten days, the two of them had private conflicts three or four times.

As long as it doesn't affect the operation, He Lingchuan will let it go.

Now that Wang Fubao went back to help, Wan Qiliang made a move and looked at him, but said nothing and continued to seal the cracks.

He could see clearly that just now the tail-tailed yellow tiger attacked Pu Hua at Green Villa. It was Wang Fubao who rushed to the rescue regardless of his own safety. Otherwise, how could Pu Hua survive until now?

No matter how much they hate each other, they are now partners fighting side by side, and they may have to block each other's guns at critical moments.

The two young men worked much faster than one person, and the cracks in the rocks were all sealed, and even the tiny bees could not fly in.

The two of them then turned around and chased the team.

He Lingchuan had already reached a stone chamber, which was reinforced with natural caves. The space was larger and could accommodate four or five horses standing side by side. It was originally used to stack and transport minerals.

Dong Rui is waiting for them here: "Come and help me."

The environment here is not good. If he wants to perform a difficult operation, he needs someone to cooperate.

Everyone spread soft felt on the ground and let the wounded lie down.

Yao Yuan Lingguang is not here, so Wan Qifeng will pull out the porcupine quills from his legs for his subordinates.

The bat demon puppet has returned to its owner, and Dong Rui uses it to treat Pu Hua's injuries.

Pu Hua closed her eyes tightly and her chest did not rise.

Wan Qiliang whispered: "Is he still alive?"

Even if anesthetic drugs are used, people should still be breathing, right?

"He's not dead." Dong Rui asked them to hold two fluorescent spores to form a blind-spot illumination. "I used the wood poison to pause his heartbeat. Naturally, there was no pulse or breathing. Otherwise, every extra beat of the heart would cause injuries. It’s even heavier.”

He said proudly: "Pu Hua's current state is called 'half-dead'."

What everyone is saying:

Okay ah?

In Panlong City, Wen Daolun's son Wen Heng died of the wood poison; but in reality, Fu Shanyue's younger brother Fu Shanji failed to plot against his brother, and instead he was poisoned and was about to die.

Dong Rui seemed to have heard it, and sneered: "Talk about toxicity regardless of dosage, it's all ignorance! This thing is poison, but when used, it becomes medicine!"

"You know, you're right." He Lingchuan smoothed his hair, "Then what?"

"Then it's time for this little thing to appear." Dong Rui took out the tweezers, picked away all the embedded fragments in Pu Hua's chest, and then cut open the chest to reveal the dark red heart inside.

"Unexpectedly, the person I cut open today was not a demon but a human being." He cut out the heart with one stroke.

Everyone was so excited that they didn't dare to breathe, but Dong Rui was calm. While busy with his hands, he said to He Lingchuan: "I heard the sentry's description of the white monster, which is a bit like a rare monster called ' Tongxu'.

He Lingchuan answered honestly: "I haven't heard of it."

He tapped the mirror lightly, and the latter repeated dully: "I haven't heard of it!"

As a learned medieval mirror, it has never been heard of.

"They live in the extreme south and are good at transforming. Very few people can see their true appearance." Dong Rui took out the soft cotton and sucked away the blood pouring from the atrium. "The ancient books I have read were also copied. It is said that the original work is an ancient immortal."

"Shapeshifting? Not like a chameleon, right?"

"No. It will transform, then mix into the prey, pick the fattest one and eat it, and its favorite is the brain. The victim usually has no injuries on the outside." Dong Rui raised his head and motioned to Wan Qiliang to lift the fluorescent spores. , "Believe me, there are too few monsters that can transform in this world."

He Lingchuan immediately thought of: "Eater abuser!"

"The Eater is not a monster." He is a son of God. To be precise, he is half a demon cub. He is the most powerful larva born from the Nine Sons Ghost Mother with the help of a human mother. "On the contrary, it counts as a mirage."

The mirage itself does not deform, but changes shape, creating a visual illusion for the audience.

Wang Fubao stretched out two fingers and gestured in front of his lips: "Does Tong Xiu also eat like a white monster?"

"Then I don't know. Ancient books don't say how it eats, let alone how it sucks souls." Dong Rui gestured to the bat demon puppet, who then approached Pu Hua's heart and quickly licked the blood.

No one else understood: "What is this?"

"The location of the fragment was basically determined, but the tweezers couldn't reach in, so we had to let it suck it away."

After seven or eight breaths, the bat demon suddenly stopped moving, crawled into Dong Rui's palm, and spat out a small ball of blood.

Dong Rui smashed the blood bruise, took out a small fragment, and examined it under the light: "Yes, that's it, look for it again."

He continued: "But it is said in ancient books that monsters like Tong Yao have a weak constitution and are good at lurking instead of running. They are only three feet tall and like the environment with heavy snow, fog and humidity. So——"

He Lingchuan has been with him for a long time and is used to his way of speaking: "So even if the monster is really a child, it has been transformed?"

"Yes." Dong Rui continued working without raising his head, "My colleague still has some skills. Since he can create monsters such as the hinge-tailed tiger and the porcupine rat woman, there is no reason not to use the knife on Tongxu."

"I don't know where he got Tong Xiu's living body. Tsk tsk, it's really rare!" The envy that others couldn't understand was beyond words, "Why can't you get it?"

Haha, He Lingchuan pretended not to hear his complaint:

"Assume it is Tong Yao. What do you think is the relationship between Xiao An, Tong Yao and this demon puppet master?"

It is currently known that the demon puppets are probably heading towards Xiao An, which means that the target of the demon puppet master is Xiao An first.

"Those who attack Xiao An and the people around Xiao An, such as Chen Fuang and Wu Ma Xu, always die first at the hands of Tong Xuan. After a few hours, other demon puppets come over and start killing." The bat demon puppet Taking out another fragment, Dong Rui patted its head and said, "Good Tong Yao is probably not far from Xiao An."

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "Do you still remember how Xiao An described the monster chasing her?"

"Tall, thin and pale, with no nose."

After tonight, they had a more intuitive impression, that is to say, the monster chasing Xiao An was Tong Yao.

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