After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1341 The non-existent village and the non-existent daughter

When Wan Qifeng heard this, he couldn't help but interrupt: "Where is the little girl?"

Yes, everyone looked at each other. More than a hundred people were killed or injured in Chenjiazhuang, and Wu Ma's Green Villa was turned upside down. Even the owner and his son died. And the cause of this series of events, the little girl of unknown origin, disappeared?

"A few hours after killing Wuma Xu, Tong Yao appeared in the north courtyard and killed Wuma Dan; and the two demon puppets also went north before Tong Yao jumped into the well." Dong Rui said in The wound was sutured. His needlework was even more beautiful than that of the embroiderer. "So, that little girl was hiding in the north courtyard at that time?"

Wan Qifeng pointed at the three black-armored warriors and said, "We searched the North Courtyard and found no girls under the age of fifteen except for a few members of the Wuma clan."

He paused for a moment: "Tong Xiu jumped into the well and escaped, possibly being chased by his lord. Xiao An was nowhere to be found, which is indeed a bit strange."

He Lingchuan's eyes flashed slightly: "You just said that Tong Yao is good at transforming?"

"Yes." Dong Rui took a long breath and took off his spider silk gloves. "It's done. All the heart fragments have been taken out. He will recover within half a month."

In just over a quarter of an hour, he completed a difficult surgical operation.

Wan Qiliang looked at Pu Hua eagerly: "How long will it take for him to wake up?"

Dong Rui said casually: "Within two hours, if I'm not wrong about the amount of wood poison."

Wan Qiliang swallowed his saliva and asked cautiously: "What if the estimate is wrong?"

"Then -" Dong Rui spread his hands and made a helpless gesture.


"It's not a big problem. I've tested it on the demon puppet many times. With his age and body, if the wood poison is diluted one hundred and twenty-eight times, it shouldn't be a fatal dose."

Wan Qiliang scratched his head: "So this is the first time it has been used on humans?"

"Otherwise?" Dong Rui said, "You didn't give me a chance before."

"Is it time to go back?" After catching three other people's demon puppets, he was scratching his head like a cat, wishing he could go back to Jucheng. "Anyway, the masked man can't catch up."

"Be patient." He Lingchuan waved his hand, "Can you track the whereabouts of your demon puppet?"

"Of course." Dong Rui understood as soon as he opened his mouth, "Oh, are you worried that he will chase him to Jucheng?"

"This demon puppet master can always catch up with Xiao An, which shows that he placed a tracking method on the little girl. These three demon puppets were killed by us, how can he be convinced? They are probably chasing him for revenge." He Lingchuan pondered, "So , you can’t go back to Jucheng.”

The relationship between the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce and the Black Armored Army must not be exposed at the moment.

"Then where can I go?" He needed a safe, quiet place to experiment where he could do whatever he wanted.

He Lingchuan turned his eyes and smiled: "I thought of a good place. You can be undisturbed there."

Dong Rui parted ways with the Black Armor Army at location three.

He Lingchuan and others left from other exits of the abandoned mine tunnel. They did not put away their armors and change back to their regular clothes until the soul-capturing mirror confirmed that it was safe and there were no other people behind them.


Back in Jucheng, everything was business as usual.

He Lingchuan talked about business when he needed to, and socialized when he needed to socialize.

Pu Hua also woke up, her injury was stable and she was gradually recovering. However, it took him five hours to wake up from his post-operative coma.

Soon after, Yu Hai came to the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce to look for He Lingchuan. When they met, he said: "The missing person notice has been sent out. In addition, we have some clues about what you want to investigate."

In addition to running the hometown association, he is also a noble of Pei State, and is now highly regarded by the monarch of Pei State. The work efficiency in Liu County was too low. Li County Lieutenant could not find the information, so He Lingchuan had to ask Yu Hai to find something.

He Lingchuan is now a popular figure in the Allied Forces, and he is investigating the murder case for Pei Guo. He can now mobilize some official resources through Yuhai.

It is a hundred times easier for the government to handle some things than it is for individuals and private forces.

"Please sit down." He Lingchuan always treated him enthusiastically, and called the boy at the door, "Watch tea!"

Inviting tea should not only be tea, but also include three flavors of tea, mung bean cake, plum preserves and wind-blown cakes.

Yu Hai took a sip of warm tea to soothe his throat: "In towns within a hundred miles of Chenjiazhuang, the government is organizing manpower to post Xiao An's portrait and missing person notices, saying that he is an eyewitness to a series of murders. Anyone who provides clues will Thirty taels, bring the little girl here directly, give me thirty taels of silver."

For ordinary people, thirty thousand dollars is not a small amount of money. He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Thank you."

Mobilizing the power of the masses is the best way at the moment.

"Ah, Brother He, why are you still thanking me? You are investigating the case for me, Pei State, and the king wants me to convey my thanks."

Yu Hai continued: "Maodun is a small town, forty miles north of Zailiu County, with a population of about two thousand. The land is not fertile enough, but there are minerals and paint in the area. I sent people to find out from the town that the man named Ah Hui's daughter was a native of Maodun. Her father died when she was seven years old. She married the Li family in Muxian County at the age of fifteen and gave birth to two daughters. However, her husband died of illness within two years and sold her two daughters to her husband. A stranger sold Ah Hui to a salesman thirty miles away."

He Lingchuan exclaimed: "So she is from Maodun." She was not from Xingyun Village.

"Her husband's family still refused to tell her, but it was the neighbor who told her." Yu Hai said, "When her daughter was sold, her husband's family locked her in the door of the house. She wailed for two days, and the neighbors could hear her clearly, and they all felt disgusted. noisy."

He Lingchuan nodded: "That's it."

This is in line with Aunt Wu's words in Chenjiazhuang.

"The salesman kept her at home for more than half a year. It wasn't until she became pregnant that Ah Hui followed him wholeheartedly." Yu Hai continued, "I don't know what happened. Five years later, the salesman went out to buy some things and fell off a cliff and died. She was left with a daughter.”

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, this is really called cutting the hemp rope at the thinnest part, and bad luck only seeks out the poor. Brother Situ once said it right: you can't control your fate when you are promoted to a common man."

The two were silent for a few moments, and He Lingchuan only said: "Have tea."

Yu Hai changed a cup of tea: "About a month ago, Ah Hui ran away from her husband's house."

"Take your daughter with you?" Aunt Wu also said that Ah Hui thought that her husband's family wanted to sell her and her daughter again, so she ran away.

"Yes, with my daughter."

Judging from her age, Ah Hui's daughter is almost five years old. "What's her daughter's name?"

"Wang Xiaoya."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "Isn't your nickname Xiaoan?"

"Let's call it Xiaoya." Yu Hai followed the situation and said, "Besides, it makes sense that County Lieutenant Li doesn't know about the Xingyun Village you asked me to check."

"The village is too small? Too far?" Pei State is not big to begin with, and there are often small villages hidden in the corners of the mountains. He Lingchuan suspected that some were not even officially recorded.

"None of them." Yu Hai had a rare chance to whet his appetite. "Since none of the officials in Liu County knew about it, I sent people to several nearby towns to ask the elderly. Most of them said they didn't know. Only an old blacksmith said that he I went there when I was young and there was a big apricot tree at the entrance of the village.”

"He reported the direction, and I sent someone to check. Sure enough, the iconic old apricot tree at the entrance of the village is very beautiful, but the village is not called Xingyun Village, but called Dongbai Village."

Did Xiao An remember it wrong? He Lingchuan pondered, would a five- or six-year-old girl remember her birthplace incorrectly?

Yu Hai ate a piece of mung bean cake, and his speech was a little slurred:

"The weird thing is here: according to the villagers, that place was indeed called Xingyun Village, but it was twenty years ago!"

"Twenty years?" This answer was beyond He Lingchuan's expectation. This thing seems to be getting more and more interesting, "What happened to the village? Why did it change its name?"

"The name was not changed, but it was destroyed by war. At that time, a strong man led an army to sack Xingyun Village, killing many people, and the remaining villagers fled. It took several years for new outsiders to enter the original site, where Rebuilding Dongbai Village." Yu Hai smiled bitterly, "Every small village in the Situ family's territory was eaten up by the ghost king. This kind of thing happens occasionally here."

"Is there a lost girl in Dongbai Village named Xiaoan?"

"No." Yu Hai shook his head, "There are only two girls under the age of five in the whole village, neither named by that name, and they are not lost."

He Lingchuan immediately thanked him: "My whim really made Brother Yu worry about it."

"It's a trivial matter." Yu Hai has always been worried that he can't repay He Lingchuan's kindness. He would not be happy if the other party assigned him something to do.

The two chatted for a while, and Yu Hai took the opportunity to leave.

This person has a good sense of proportion and is comfortable getting along with others. No wonder he can form a hometown association.

After sending him away, He Lingchuan looked out the window in trance.

This spring, a pair of swallows built a new nest under the eaves of his study. They have been chirping in the past few days, probably because a little swallow was born.

Birds, animals, insects, and fish all have their own parents.

The soul-catching mirror asked him: "What can you think of?"

Why did Ah Hui's daughter say that she was from Xingyun Village, a small village that died out twenty years ago?

"Could it be that Ah Hui told her daughter about the story of Xingyun Village, and Xiao An remembered it?" Soul-Calling Mirror thought to himself, "Both mother and daughter are a little crazy."

"No, Xiao An is not Ah Hui's daughter." He Lingchuan corrected him, "A Hui gave birth to three daughters, none of whom were named Xiao An."

"Then what's going on with this mother and daughter!" The soul-catching mirror thought that he was well-informed and experienced, but now he was still confused.

"If you look at it this way, although Ah Hui is crazy, everything she said can be verified. Her words are credible."

The soul-capturing mirror thought for a while: "It seems to be true."

He Lingchuan went on to analyze: "Then, we use her words as a benchmark. Once Xiao An's statement is inconsistent with it, it will be contradictory and confusing."

"I'll come first, I'll come first!" Soul Mirror said with great interest, "Xiao An said that her mother took her to escape from Xingyun Village to avoid monster attacks; but in fact, Ah Hui took her daughter to escape from her second husband's house. . If there is a monster chasing them, maybe it is someone who wants to chase them back? "

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