After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1342 The Demon Puppet Masters

"Yes, very good." He Lingchuan affirmed.

"Ah Hui said that she was a widow, but Xiao An mentioned 'father' more than once and said that he was very powerful and did terrible things to many people and animals." Jing Jing added, "A salesman can't be considered powerful and terrible, right? I I think she’s talking about the masked man tonight?”

He Lingchuan hummed: "Dong Rui often does terrible things to people and animals."

Isn't this the daily life of a demon puppet master?

Including ghost apes and bats, the appearance of every demon puppet is full of absurdity and weirdness.

Isn't this scary enough for a child?

"The little girl who was chased by the demon puppet master thought she came from Xingyun Village, which disappeared twenty years ago; Tong Yao always killed people in the places where she appeared, and then Xiao An disappeared." Each element is a fragment, Weird patterns gradually formed in He Lingchuan's mind, "This may be another sad story."

"Ah, what do you say?"

He Lingchuan looked up at the swallow's nest under the eaves again: "Being obsessed with the disappeared past should be familiar to you, right?"

"Me?" The Soul-Taking Mirror was surprised, "What does it have to do with me?"

How can I still get around it?

"Isn't that what your mirror world is like?"

The mirror let out a long oh, "Where do you mean they are?"

He Lingchuan entered the mirror world for the first time, and those medieval ghosts and resentments were just immersed in the past, unable to extricate themselves.

A figure flashed outside, and Dong Rui was back.

He had two dark circles under his eyes and couldn't help but yawn as soon as he entered the door: "Bring me a bowl of braised noodles, hurry up! I'm starving to death."

"Get away!" He Lingchuan dodged three feet away and waved his hand in front of his nose several times, "You haven't slept in several days and your breath smells so bad!"

"Just two, three, days."

"You haven't slept since we separated at location three?"

"I took a few naps along the way." Dong Rui yawned again, "As you know, when people are underground in the dark, how can they care about the passage of time?"

After he and He Lingchuan parted ways at location three, they drove the Snail Toad and took the Dragon Punishment Pillar directly to the Howling Forest.

The Ghost King's underground palace is his secret testing ground, and no strangers should be allowed to approach it.

Dehe Lingchuan reminded him that he specially sneaked into the underwater cave of Minghui Master and used the deep pool water to isolate the tracking spells on the three demon puppets, just in case.

It was rare to get a new toy, which was the work of another demon puppet master. He was a little excited and didn't sleep for seven or eight days in a row.

The back stove of Yangshan Chamber of Commerce is always heated, ready for distinguished guests to order meals at any time.

So a quarter of an hour later, Dong Rui sat down at the table and slurped at the freshly cooked pork intestines and braised rice noodles.

This braised pork was fresh, fragrant, wild, smooth, and spicy, and it was what his stomach longed for most at the moment.

He raised the sea bowl and took a few sips, letting out a long sigh. The smell of fresh pepper hit Tianling Gai, and his whole body felt relaxed.

He Lingchuan then sat down and asked, "Any new discoveries?"

"The manufacturing techniques of those three-headed demon puppets are very rough, they are all semi-finished products, and they are all suture monsters." Dong Rui chewed food in his mouth and spoke in a slurred manner. Another person might not be able to understand it, "Do you understand the incongruity? Uncoordinated!”

"Understood." When He Lingchuan saw the hinge-tailed tiger for the first time, he felt that its head was light and its tail was heavy. When running, in order to prevent the hinged tail from slowing down the speed, he even had to push it forward. On the other hand, Dong Rui's demon puppets usually don't have this problem.

His works are highly coordinated and consistent. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also actually affects the performance of the demon puppet's abilities.

"In other words, the other party's tactics are clumsy?"

"No, no, you can't say that." Dong Rui's scientific research attitude has always been pragmatic. "Insects have the most characteristics, but it is very difficult to mix insects with other monsters. They are not very, very... You You know, even if you try to make it, it won’t be stable, and the bodies will repel each other.”

Not very compatible. He Lingchuan could only think of this word.

"Then what are the strengths of these people?"

"It's more stable than I thought." Dong Rui murmured, "Actually, when I first made the demon puppet, I also thought about mixing insects with other monsters, but after trying it twice, the demon puppet would collapse quickly, so I gave up decisively. This direction. Now that I think about it, if it succeeds, the adaptability of insects will be very good.”

"As you know, earthworms can grow into two if they are cut into two parts; some insects can live for seven or eight days if their heads are cut off." It is difficult for other species to match the tenacity of insect life. .

"So?" He Lingchuan still couldn't understand the point.

"The technique is poor, but the core is excellent." Dong Rui put it bluntly, "Either this guy is really a genius, using his own stupid methods to find a unique path, or -"

"Or?" This was too professional, and He Lingchuan could only listen attentively.

Dong Rui smiled slightly after he was satisfied with Qiao: "Either he also learned it from others. In other words, someone taught him!"

"The demon puppet masters?" He Lingchuan looked him up and down, "Aren't all demon puppet masters loners?"

Before meeting him, Dong Rui worked alone, and even worked as a killer to earn money in order to conduct research. He Lingchuan always thought that all demon puppet masters had this kind of virtue.

It turns out that we can still be organized and help others?

"How do I know?" Dong Rui said angrily, "If there is really a group studying this, I would be surprised, okay?"

"Any other discoveries? You haven't slept for seven or eight days, so you won't just dismantle these few things, right?"

"This job is very difficult. If it were another demon puppet master to dismantle my work, not to mention seven or eight days, even seventy or eighty days, they wouldn't be able to dismantle much!" Dong Rui gave him a "You noob, you "I don't understand" in his eyes, he slowly realized, "Why should I say that the other party may have more than one demon puppet master? Look at the Tong Xiu discovered by the sentry at Green Villa, he is not such a low-level suture monster at all!"

"Well, yes." Although Tong Yao's body shape has changed compared to the normal version, it is definitely not a simple patchwork of two or three kinds of monsters. "It can even absorb souls."

“So, there must be a winner among them!” Dong Rui clapped his hands and sighed, “I am not alone in my way, and I am not alone in my way.”

Your way is not a good way either. He Lingchuan looked at him and still held back his words.

"However, I still don't agree with using insects to make demon puppets, unless it is absolutely necessary." Dong Rui shook his head, "These things blindly follow instinct. Although you can use various methods to induce them, the controllability is really poor, and they often The changes are excessive. Think of the seventy-year-old cicada we saw in Rongshan."

He Lingchuan thought of the seventy-year-old cicada that once brought disaster to Rongshan Mountain. It was the cicada that mutated on a large scale after being exposed to the divine blood, which led to the disaster.

Dong Rui is right, the mutations of insects are difficult to control.

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