After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 136 Immortal...immortal cave?

Wu Shaoyi's breath was still weak, "Are you an officer or soldier, or a subordinate of Thief Lu?"

He Lingchuan picked up a black stain from his temple: "Officers and soldiers."

"No armor. Not an ordinary soldier, right?"

"No." He Lingchuan admired him. A man is about to die, and his eyes are still so sharp? "I'll just follow the team and do the work."

He took over the initiative: "What a big monster, why do you call it the Crocodile God?"

"It comes from the Demon Kingdom in the north and helps the Holy Master. As long as it leads the troops in lake, river and water battles, it will win nine out of ten battles. The army worships it as the crocodile god and often throws cattle and sheep to it. In addition to the Holy Master, it usually also ... Never communicate with others. Anyone who offends it will be bitten to death, regardless of whether it is an enemy or a friend."

So even though Wu Shaoyi knew that the crocodile demon was spiritual, she never thought of talking to it.

Empiricism kills.

He Lingchuan thought for a while, there were many lakes in the south, and Bu Xin's rebel army did often attack Shuizhai and Bocheng. "It turns out to be Hong Xiangqian's spiritual pet."

"It's not a spiritual pet." Wu Shaoyi slowly shook his head, "The Holy Master was once kind to it, and it was just a favor, not a superior or subordinate relationship. After the Holy Master passed away, no one saw the Crocodile God again. We all thought it returned to the north, but unexpectedly it He actually got along with Lu Yao."

When he said this, he sighed.

If it hadn't been for the giant crocodile's sneak attack, he would have cut off Lu Yao's head by now instead of lying here waiting to die.

He Lingchuan glanced at the giant crocodile not far away and suddenly understood why the tide of fish rushed to the lake last night happened. These giant crocodiles are obviously not as peaceful as spirit turtles. It is estimated that the giant crocodile came out to look for food at that time, and the strong pressure scared a large number of aquatic animals into running away frantically.

A fish tide actually indicates the direction in which it is traveling.

In other words, at that time, the giant crocodile swam toward the shore, and a few uninformed officers and soldiers were taking a bath in the lagoon. Seeing that they were about to become a meal in the crocodile's mouth, Lu Yao, who did not want to scare the snake, went into the water in person to "dissuade" them. Got this crocodile king.

As for the giant fish trophy he caught, he was either frightened or fainted by the giant crocodile, right?

"By the way, when we retreated just now, Lu Yao used some magical weapon to plot against us and blew up my shield and horse. I fell off the cliff, and the thing actually chased me after me!" He Lingchuan was still frightened when he thought about it. "If I go out, I don't know if I will be ambushed again."

"You didn't see clearly?"

"Very fast, just a white shadow, it seems to arrow?" He Lingchuan was not sure.

"Ghost Eye Bow." Wu Shaoyi murmured, "The treasure in the hands of the Holy Master turned out to be obtained by Lu Yao."

"what is that?"

"The arrows that can chase and injure people on their own are shot with a ghost-eye bow." Wu Shaoyi explained to him, "If you miss one hit, you can still hit twice in a row, which is also called a three-shot arrow."

"Three times in total?" He Lingchuan was a little reassured, "Are you sure?"

"As you said, blow up the shield, kill the horse, and shoot you once at the bottom of the cliff. After three times, you should be safe."

Speaking of which, when He Lingchuan went to pick up the giant turtle, he noticed that the sacred bone necklace on his chest was flashing red.

Does this indicate that the turtle has treasure?

But after he searched it inside and out, the sacred bone necklace was still glowing, which was weird.

Does it mean there are any hidden treasures on the turtle that he didn't find?

When it was time to leave, He Lingchuan still felt uneasy and walked around the giant turtle again.

He noticed that the red light was sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker, as if depending on his position.

Wu Shaoyi asked him: "What do you do?"

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong." If the red light of the sacred bone necklace indicates the distance, then the giant turtle is right in front of you, and it shouldn't change in any way.

Is there something unusual around here?

He Lingchuan held a candle and searched everywhere, and finally found a gray clam shell on the ground not far from the turtle's feet, which was still hidden in a cave in the stone wall.

Smaller than coconut. Under this kind of light, those with poor eyesight would not be able to detect it at all.

Is it Shuiling's leftover food? Not like that. The giant turtle has a big mouth. Couldn't these clams be chewed up one by one?

He reached out to break off the clam shell, but it didn't move.

This thing has a tough mouth.

The giant crocodile, who had not rested enough, suddenly spoke: "What are you doing?"

He Lingchuan could only say: "There seems to be something else here." It should be a treasure that can make the sacred bone necklace shine. He didn't want to miss it.

The crocodile demon flicked its tail, causing a splash in the pond: "There is a cave behind the dead turtle."

Both of them were stunned: "What?"

"It occupies a cave. Otherwise, this place is dark and small, why would it build a nest?" The crocodile demon said, "I waited outside the cave for a long time before I caught this turtle crawling out."

"Cave? The legendary cave owned by immortals. Are you sure?"

"Wouldn't you know if you go in and take a look?"

This news is far more shocking than the existence of the giant turtle and crocodile god itself. Full of curiosity, He Lingchuan walked behind the giant turtle and reached out to touch the stone wall.

He has heard about eighty immortal legends, if not a hundred. They all say that immortals have the ability to reach heaven and earth. So the immortal's cave is quite extraordinary?

He wanted to pay his respects quickly.

The uneven stone wall is very solid, and when you knock it, it becomes hollow.

Is this how the cave is opened? Not knowledgeable. The crocodile demon pointed out to him: "There is a shell in the corner, kick it."

Oh, this gray clam shell is not for prying, but for kicking?

Who could have imagined this?

He stretched out his foot and kicked it, and the clam shell opened its mouth. At the same time, there seemed to be water ripples on the stone wall, and then a gap opened.

There is light coming out of it.

The crocodile monster closed its eyes and said, "Go in, it's safe inside." Of course it had gone in.

He Lingchuan walked in with confidence after hearing this.

It's like a small courtyard on the back hill. The sky was gray, neither bright nor dark.

The rocks have traces of water erosion over the years. It seems that it was originally a pool, but now there is no drop of water. The ground is bare, and the plants have long since died. There are only a few grass stems stuck to the dry and cracked land, and the original appearance is indistinguishable.

Only the small courtyard looked complete, but its appearance was completely different from what He Lingchuan had seen. It was supposed to be extravagant and elegant, because he saw that there was still a little gold paint left under the eaves, but the wall covering was already peeling off.

There were drag marks on the sand on the ground, and half of the fence collapsed. It looked like it was either a giant turtle or a crocodile god.

He Lingchuan walked into the small courtyard. The door was open and all kinds of furniture were inside, but some of them had been knocked down. There were books everywhere, and a dead skeleton was sitting on the futon on the first floor.

He Lingchuan couldn't understand the words on the book cover. He picked up a book casually, but as soon as his fingertips touched the cover, the whole book turned into ashes.

That's it?

Is this the Immortal Cave? Why is it different from the ethereal immortal energy and auspicious light in his imagination?

The dust was very choking, and He Lingchuan suppressed his sneeze, fearing that all the other books here would be blown away.

Reading was out of the question, so he knelt down and looked at the dead bones on the futon.

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