After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 137 Searching for the last bit of wealth

Is this the owner of the cave, the so-called "immortal"? At least they look the same as mortals after death. The dried skin sticks to the withered bones, and they are completely unrecognizable, let alone the immortal bones.

The clothes he wears are wide robes with large sleeves. The style is indeed elegant. It is not silk but is extremely smooth, and you can't tell what the material is. But He Lingchuan stretched out his hand and tore it apart, and it broke.

Why do everything here look like paper?

The young man stood up and walked around, discovering that the owner of the cave was really poor and had left nothing of value behind.

He returned to the futon and found that Dry Bones was sitting in a standard sitting posture, with his right hand clenched into a fist and his index finger pointing to the ground.


He pushed aside the thick dust and saw hundreds of words neatly engraved on the floor tiles, as if they were carved by his fingertips.

Is this a suicide note left by the owner before his death? He must also know that no carrier can withstand a long period of time, so simply writing it on the black stone ground will last longer.

Unfortunately, although the handwriting was elegant, He Lingchuan could not understand most of them.

He thought for a while, covered the ground with paper, and then applied ink to peel it off. The rubbing was successful. Just because you can't understand it doesn't mean that others can't understand it either. In the future, if you go to Xiazhou or the capital, it would be good to find some old scholars to solve the puzzles.

He carefully put away the rubbing paper, and just as he was about to stand up, the sacred bone necklace suddenly became hot, almost scalding him twice.

What do you mean, there is something else here?

He Lingchuan paused and looked around carefully again.

Everything is as usual, the dilapidated things are still as dilapidated, and the decadent things are still as decadent.

But this time he noticed that the owner of the cave still had a black ring embedded in his left little finger, but it had been hidden in his sleeve before.

"Forgive me for being rude, junior." He Lingchuan saluted to the withered bones and then carefully took off the ring.

This is a black jade ring with a simple style and no decoration. However, he tried to put his spiritual thoughts into it and couldn't help but exclaimed.

This is a storage ring with a large content space, equivalent to a room measuring 17 to 18 square meters.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ring itself is priceless. In today's storage space, one or two cubic meters is very good. The one He Lingchuan is currently wearing can be basically filled with two low wooden coffee tables, so it can only store small valuables, and even food and Even Qing Shui thinks it takes up space.

Having this treasure is equivalent to carrying a small warehouse with you.

There are a lot of miscellaneous items in this space now, including a stack of jade slips. This kind of thing is only as long as the index finger and looks like a bookmark. In the immortal legends He Lingchuan has heard, its probability of appearing is second only to magic weapons.

It sounds like this thing is a hard drive from the Immortal Age, which can store a large amount of information. But when he actually took it in his hands and examined it excitedly, he found that these jade slips were empty.

Yes, without the nourishment of spiritual energy, the content stored in it will also be lost. He Lingchuan was a little disappointed. He originally thought that there would be magical powers left behind by the immortals.

Everything in the world probably cannot withstand the ravages of time. The same goes for immortals and caves.

He walked out of the courtyard and walked around.

This "cave mansion" covers an area of ​​about 700 to 800 square meters. The mountains and rocks are tall and straight. If there are vegetation and flowing water, the scenery will be very beautiful. It's a pity that now it's just a bare barren hilltop.

Gray fog surged around the cave, and it was difficult to see what was outside the fog.

He Lingchuan climbed over the mountain, approached the gray fog, and poked at it with a branch.

At first it was as light as nothing, but as it went in it became thicker and thicker. It felt a bit like poking a thick quilt with your finger, and in the end you couldn't get through it.

This is probably the boundary of the cave.

The visit to the Immortal Cave ended here, and he returned along the original path. The short adventure was coming to an end, and He Lingchuan expressed great disappointment. But this place was first discovered by the spirit turtle, and then visited by the crocodile demon. He didn't know what wave of visitors he was, so it was reasonable that the cave was empty.

Just as he was about to walk out of this so-called "cave", the sacred bone necklace became hot again.

Is there anything valuable here?

He Lingchuan had no choice but to turn around and walk back.

After walking past, the necklace became hot, as if it was in a hurry; the closer it got to the center of the cave, the calmer it became.

Finally, He Lingchuan walked to the dry pool: "Here?"

Only by standing here can the Divine Bone Necklace remain quiet.

What to do now?

There are only stones and sand here, and not even a breath of wind. Everything was completely still except himself.

He Lingchuan used the broken knife as a shovel and dug a few times into the soil. He found that the sandy soil was quite hard and an ordinary sword might not be able to cut through it.

It doesn't look like there's anything hidden underneath.

This method of digging the ground was too stupid. He Lingchuan thought for a moment and simply took off the sacred bone necklace and pressed it to the ground.

Didn’t you fall in love with this place? Then find your own way.

He was also a little impatient, but he didn't expect the sacred bone necklace to sink when it hit the soil and sink like falling into the water.

He Lingchuan missed it and it disappeared under the surface.

"Hey!" He was surprised. If this thing couldn't float up on its own, he would be in big trouble!

Then he dug the ground for three feet, but there was no trace of the divine bone necklace, not even a ready-made pit.

Fortunately, a few dozen breaths later, when He Lingchuan was extremely anxious, this thing appeared on its own, glowing red, and he didn't know what happened underground.

As soon as he picked up the necklace, he heard a dull sound.

Just like a person's spine being broken, or like a rattan breaking, the movement is magnified dozens of times.

Immediately afterwards, cracks began to appear on the ground, from a few to more, from shallow to deep, and small pebbles began to fall from high places.

At this moment, He Lingchuan didn't know that the change must be related to the sacred bone necklace, so he ran out of the cave.

The ground shook so hard that it was almost impossible to stand.

Standing in front of the entrance and looking back for the last time, the immortal's house collapsed together with the cliff, falling into the endless gray mist.

He Lingchuan didn't dare to look any further and stepped out.

The vision dimmed, and there was another dark cave.

There was a "click" and the coconut-sized shell at my feet shattered to the ground.

This sound also alarmed the other two creatures. Crocodile God and Wu Shaoyi looked over together: "What's going on?"

He Lingchuan returned his hand and pressed the stone wall, but it didn't move at all.

There was an entrance here just now, but now it's just a rock wall, solid.

"The cave seems to have disappeared."

The other two were a little surprised, and Crocodile God asked him: "What did you do?"

He Lingchuan lied without any guilt: "I didn't do anything, I just walked around and came out."

He also asked the crocodile monster: "What do you think the reason will be?"

"I don't know." Crocodile God didn't care. Anyway, there was nothing inside.

Only He Lingchuan himself understood that the sacred bone necklace must have been tampered with in the cave.

Wu Shaoyi had difficulty moving and could only look at him eagerly: "Is it really the Immortal Cave?"

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