After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 139 Going ashore to negotiate terms

He Lingchuan helped Wu Shaoyi onto the crocodile's back, then went to the stone beach to look for the spear, only to find that it was gone.


The crocodile god dived slowly, and the two of them held their breath and grasped the spines on its back.

Fortunately, this section of the waterway was very short, and the crocodile god swam very fast. He surfaced after a dozen breaths and stopped diving.

The two took a long breath.

Turtle Nest is actually very close to Fairy Village. He Lingchuan guessed that Lu Yao and others were still smashing ice on the west road at the moment. In order to avoid the eyes of this group of people, he specifically asked the Crocodile God to take a long detour and land from the east.

For the giant crocodile, it was just a matter of flicking its tail a few more times, and Shi Shiran climbed up the east bank without much effort.

Unexpectedly, there was a bandit under Lu Yao wandering here. When he saw something moving by the lake, he immediately rushed over.

His line of sight was blocked by vegetation. At first he didn't see the crocodile god. He only saw two people limping up. He thought they were villagers hiding in the grass and wanted to come and rob them.

Unexpectedly, I walked in and took a look. What a big monster!

"Crocodile, crocodile, crocodile god!" The man shouted and turned to run away. How could He Lingchuan give him what he wanted? He just stretched out his hand and wanted to...

"You have to live." Wu Shaoyi suddenly emphasized.

He Lingchuan took out the broken knife and then remembered that his accuracy was worrying: "Uh, I can't throw it accurately."


Wu Shaoyi had no choice but to take out the spear from nowhere and throw it out like a javelin.

"Whoosh!" The gun tip penetrated the gangster's pants and pinned him to the road.

He Lingchuan hurried forward, but just as the man was about to draw his sword, he hit him on the back of the neck and fainted.

Looking at the spear again, it only nailed the gangster's trouser leg and didn't hurt him at all.

He Lingchuan subconsciously looked at Wu Shaoyi. This man's face was full of signs of his life hanging by a thread. When it was time to take action, his strength and accuracy were still perfect.

The centipede is dead but not stiff.

For such people, one should never let down their guard at any time.

Of course, Wu Shaoyi didn't hurt the gangster's life, so he definitely didn't have good intentions. He gasped and said: "This man can save, save my life!"

The force of this shot caused wounds all over his body to burst.

At this time, there were footsteps on the shore again. Apparently, the bandit's shout before fainting attracted unnecessary attention. He Lingchuan took out his dagger and sneaked behind the tree. He was about to launch a sneak attack when there was a rustle in the grass and something pounced on the bandit first.

The object moved so fast that the bandit's eyes were blurred and his left eye was in severe pain. He couldn't help but scream and beat his hands randomly.

He Lingchuan took the opportunity to bully him and stabbed him in the back of the heart with a dagger.

The world immediately became pure.

He turned his head and found something moving flexibly on the ground. Although the body was hidden in the darkness and could not be seen clearly, a pair of green bean eyes still reflected a little light.

What the hell is this?

He Lingchuan picked up the dagger, but heard Wu Shaoyi from behind say: "Coal briquettes, come here!"

The thing suddenly went away and threw itself into his arms with a squeak.

He Lingchuan turned around and walked over, only to realize that it was actually a sable, but the color on its back was very dark, as if it had knocked over an ink pan, so the name of the coal ball was apt.

The sable walked over Wu Shaoyi's body, carefully avoiding wounds, then looked at He Lingchuan and tilted his head.

"This man saved my life from the crocodile's mouth." Wu Shaoyi stroked its head, "Where are they?"

"I thought you were dead and scattered." Sable suddenly said. He Lingchuan was not surprised that the crocodile god was speaking in front of him, "Some of them were recruited by Lu Yao, and most of them escaped, but they haven't gone far yet. I came over to check on the situation."

"Go and chase them back." As soon as Wu Shaoyi finished speaking, he changed his mind, "No, wait two quarters of an hour before going."

He Lingchuan glanced at him and secretly thought that this man was very suspicious, and he did not dare to fully trust his subordinates who worked with him day and night, and did not want them to see him at his weakest.

There was plenty of sunshine at this time, and several giant crocodiles were lying on the edge of the lake in the east of the village, basking in the sun. Some even opened their mouths comfortably.

He Lingchuan quickly took a trip to the east of the village and found no human beings, only a few free-roaming chickens wandering around. It seems that Lu Yao only left two gangsters to guard and raid Xianling Village.

It can be seen that the gangsters have been living a tight life recently, and they are not willing to let go of the wealth of a small village.

He found a spacious room, moved Wu Shaoyi and the gangsters into it, and asked Wu Shaoyi: "How do you want to use him?"

"Exchange injuries." Wu Shaoyi said with difficulty, "I have learned a secret technique that can transfer injuries to other animals or humans, but the conditions are very strict, and it is best to have a matching birth date. This person, this person is actually not very If you meet the conditions, fortunately you have the turtle beads, so he can still make up for it."

Can even injuries be exchanged? He Lingchuan suddenly became interested: "Is this secret technique difficult to master?"

"It's not difficult, but there is only one piece of material, and there are many consequences." Wu Shaoyi smiled bitterly, "I can't care less, saving my life is the most important thing."

"Can you handle it yourself?" He Lingchuan stood up and stretched, "I still have to chase the team."

Not to mention that he refused to save him at the risk of death. He and Wu Shaoyi were not related, and were even on opposite sides. He even rescued this man from a desperate situation. Isn’t this considered the ultimate act of benevolence?

Besides, saving people requires a turtle bead, which sounds like a priceless treasure.

"No, I can't do it without you." Seeing that he was about to leave, Wu Shaoyi had no choice but to grab the corner of his clothes and pointed at the spear beside him, "This spear is called 'Tenglong' and was originally owned by the famous general Liao Mozhao of the Xuan Kingdom. The spear tip is made of black gold mixed with meteorite iron, and the spear body is made from a seven-hundred-year-old twin vine."

He Lingchuan shook his head honestly.

"Twin vines specifically refer to two kinds of vines that are parasitic on the fairy tree. They are entangled together because they want to rob the tree of nutrients. They try their best to strangle each other. As time goes by, both of them become stronger. However, the fairy that is twenty or thirty feet tall can't move. Panshu may eventually be hanged. You have seen how strong the Tenglong gun body is made of twin vines."

This gun was stuck in the giant crocodile's mouth, and it kept breaking no matter how hard it bit it. Although the crocodile monster had tooth decay and was afraid of pain, the toughness of the gun body really impressed He Lingchuan.

"In recent years, the fairy tree has been rare. It only exists in the remote mountains and swamps that are inaccessible. No one can pick the twin vines." He sighed, "Anyway, I can't dance with the gun anymore, so I'll give this treasure away." There you go."

He Lingchuan stroked the gun body: "I cured you, but when your accomplices arrive, they will deal with me instead."

Although the Soaring Dragon Spear is wonderful, it is not enough reward.

He also understood that he was Wu Shaoyi's only hope for survival.

This guy is not a good person. Wu Shaoyi was helpless, knowing that He Lingchuan was going to negotiate terms with him. When fighting the crocodile god, he could regard death as his own, but once he returned to land and breathed in the smell of earth and lake water, he desperately wanted to live.

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