After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 140 Pole Hook

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, your safety is guaranteed! Besides, only when I'm alive can you have hope to fight against Lu Yao."

He Lingchuan immediately pricked up his ears: "Oh, what should I say?"

"I was snatched away by the crocodile god, causing the tribe to collapse. Lu Yao took the opportunity to recruit people." His life and death depended on the boy in front of him. Wu Shaoyi braced himself and persuaded, "I am alive so that they will not be used by Lu Yao."

"And Pei Xinyong, I can convince him to deal with Lu Yao together."

He Lingchuan no longer hesitated after hearing this: "Okay, what should we do?"

Next, he followed Wu Shaoyi's instructions, took out a turtle bead and washed it.

Don’t look at the amazing size of the giant turtle. In fact, the turtle beads are only the size of an egg, which is still a small egg. After the blood on the surface was washed away, it glowed silvery white with a light blue light, crystal clear and soft.

Isn't this better than some luminous pearls?

And turtle beads also have other wonderful uses. For example, when he tried holding one in his mouth just now, he could breathe freely underwater.

He Lingchuan looked at it and sighed, muttering to himself that it was a pity. Then he found a wooden hammer and ground it into powder with a few bangs.

There are certain things to be careful about when smashing beads to get powder. Do not use iron tools.

Then he went to find Wugen Shui.

Rootless water is rainwater that has not fallen to the ground. This is easy to handle. It rained recently, and the rainwater tank under the eaves of any house was half full.

He took a piece of yellow paper talisman handed over by Wu Shaoyi, burned it to ashes, and soaked it in a small cup of rootless water.

Then, pour in the turtle pearl powder and stir until completely dissolved.

The strange thing is that the talisman water is red at this time. He Lingchuan didn't know whether it was the effect of cinnabar.

To do this, he had to go to the wild to catch a grasshopper.

Wu Shaoyi specifically told her that if she wants to be pregnant, her belly should not be too big.

This is even more difficult for He Lingchuan. When he was a child, he lived in the countryside and was responsible for as many as 800 grasshoppers, if not a thousand. What's more, the wheat has just been harvested in Xianling Village, and now the most joyful things in the fields are these little pests.

Time was running out, so Sable also went out to help.

It has agile agility, sharper eyes, and a lower chassis. It can catch grasshoppers much faster than He Lingchuan.

Not long after, they caught a fat and strong pole hook. When they turned it over, they found it had a big belly.

In autumn, the eggs in the female's belly are mature and she is ready to find a place to lay her eggs.

The belly is too big and does not meet the requirements. Throw it away and find it again.

After searching for seventeen or eighteen animals in a row, He Lingchuan finally got one that was legal.

Healthy and energetic, my belly is only slightly bulging.

He Lingchuan threw the green bug into the water cup and fastened the lid. The two of them had six eyes, and they could not keep a close eye on them for a moment.

The pole hook fell into the talisman water, and he struggled a few times instinctively, but after taking a sip of the talisman water, he froze and remained still.

At the same time, the water level in the cup begins to drop.

Apparently, it was gulping down water.

The strange thing is that the volume of water in the cup was at least two or three times that of the pole hook, but it drank it all in the end.

Wu Shaoyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this: "Okay, okay, it's probably done."

He Lingchuan glanced at him: "Otherwise?"

"There is only one piece of talisman paper, and it was obtained from the Holy Master." Hong Xiangqian died, and he could not reproduce this secret skill.

After hearing this, He Lingchuan was more interested in Hong Xiangqian. The rebels called him the Holy Master, and everyone was convinced by him. Even Lu Yao, who was a prolific murderer, was no exception. Even the crocodile god from the northern demon country was willing to use him.

This man was also proficient in spells and spells, which reminded He Lingchuan of Master Sun Fuping and Sun Daguo.

It's really not simple.

The pole hook was not stretched to death. After drinking the water, he entered a still state. He only occasionally raised his forelimbs to wash his face and beard. But its color changed, from grass green to blood red, and irregular black spots appeared all over its body.

At the same time, its abdomen became more and more bulging, looking like an inflated balloon, and its skin was stretched thinner and thinner. The abdomen was becoming more and more transparent at the same time, and the two of them could even see the tiny eggs inside growing larger and fuller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In fact, they are the ones that enlarge the belly of the female worm.

Just when it was so round that He Lingchuan suspected that it would explode in the next second, the belly of the pole hook finally stopped growing.

It stands to reason that grasshoppers will lay their egg sheaths into the soil, and after a while, the egg sheaths will hatch into larvae.

But this female insect had no intention of giving birth, and those weird eggs hatched into larvae directly in its abdomen!

The larvae of grasshoppers are called jumping flies. They don't look much different from their mothers except that they have no wings and are small.

As soon as they climbed out of the egg shell, they eagerly pounced on their brothers and sisters, using their mouthparts that were perfect at birth to tear and bite them. Even the wolves who had been hungry for three days were not as greedy as them.

He Lingchuan felt a chill running down his back.

Grasshoppers have always fed on plant leaves and tender stems, and are strict vegetarians. However, after the female worm drinks the talisman water, the larvae in her belly suddenly change sex and not only eat meat, but also cannibalize their own kind.

Soon, the number of larvae in the female grasshopper's belly decreased rapidly.

After the weak ones have been eaten, it is the turn of the strong ones to devour each other.

He Lingchuan murmured: "Isn't this just raising Gu?"

Through cruel competition, the nutrients obtained by all the young individuals will eventually belong to only one.

In terms of human society, this behavior has a higher term, called zero-sum game.

The fight to the death between the larvae was very fast, and they killed each other while he was in a trance. In the end, the two jumping flies also decided the winner.

After eating the loser, the largest jumping oyster becomes the final winner.

Its size has grown again, and its skin is red and black, almost the same as the mother worm.

During this period, the female insect remained still and did not roll around in pain due to the intense pain in her abdomen. He Lingchuan even saw a hint of kindness in its ferocious and weird face.

After the young nymphs have digested their fellow creatures, they stop moving.

"The essence of the mother's body has been transferred to it. If we don't care about it, it will grow wings and burst out of its belly in two hours." After waiting for so long, Wu Shaoyi's condition got worse, and Yintang was already filled with black energy. His eyes were a little distracted.

"Now, dig it out!" Wu Shaoyi turned to Sable and said, "That's it. Go and find everyone. The more, the better."

Sable jumped off the kang, and her slender figure disappeared outside the door.

He Lingchuan took out the pole hook, removed the belly, and then crushed the female insect into pieces according to Wu Shaoyi's instructions before stuffing it into the prisoner's mouth.

The bandit had already woken up and shouted: "I'm innocent, don't hurt me!"

"Are you innocent?" He Lingchuan smiled, "Then where did the blood stains on your trouser legs come from? Could it be that you were disguised as a man?"

The bandit was stunned: "This, this, I'm just helping to move the corpse..."

He Lingchuan didn't bother to listen to his argument, so he hit him on the diaphragm with his elbow, knocking the man forward and leaving him speechless for a long time.

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